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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince:

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i was shocked about who the half blood prince was...but once i found out...i was like, hmm that was kind of obvious. :blush:

what i didnt like was how they wouldnt believe harry about malfoy

the whole relationship between ron and lavender was sicking

whats it with ron and hermione fighting....geez....kind of obvious they like each other

sad about dumbledore...still going over the shock :cry:

wonder why snape finally got the defense against the dark arts teacher positon

...anyone else notice a lot of typos or was it just me

Guest Lullaby

It is obvious that Hermione and Ron like each other, its been that way since forever. They'll probably get together in book seven as long as neither of them die.

What made me truly sick was Fleur and Bill. Fleur annoys the hell out of me and while we're on the subject of Bill, I feel terrible about the werewolf thing, even if he isn't a full one.

Another thing that made me sad was Tonks and Remus. I love love love Tonks, she's one of my favorites but like the book suggests, I'd like to see her with Bill instead but that will not be happening.

My favorite parts were about Draco and Pansy. The stroking his hair, etc. That's my favorite pairing from the series so I was extremely happy to see hints of a relationship. The only disappointing thing was how she just left that hanging high and dry.

I would've liked to know what happened to Draco and Snape after they left the school before the seventh book but I have to leave that to my imagination now I guess.

I cried when Dumbledore died and during the whole funeral chapter. I had a feeling it'd be him but I would've never guessed that Snape would be the one to do him in. At least not before this book. After he had the Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa and Bellatrix, I knew there was something terribly wrong. Still, I would've never guessed the Half-Blood Prince was him.

Also, Snape got the position because Dumbledore wanted Slughorn in the school, away from Voldemort, and Potions was Slughorn's spot at some previous time. He was also the Head of Slytherin before and he has once again become it since Snape's disappearance.


although the parts where mrs. weasley was trying to ignore fleur was funny as hell and how ginny hated her too.

i mean after snape told harry he is the half blood prince...i was like of course....all the potion things he wrote in the book and all that shit...it had snape written all over it....who else knows potions better then snape.

yeah, dumbledore dying was very sad. :cry: :cry:

Guest Lullaby

Yes but Snape is only in his early/late thirties and the book was printed in the 50's, right? Well that leaves all that time before Snape for someone to have helped him learn all he knows about Potions. So that's not exactly solid.


well also cant rule out that it had to be a character that we already know...since no knew one was introduced except slughorn....so if it wasnt slughorn it had to be someone else, i guess slughorn was used as a twist since he is so similar to snape....potions teacher, was head of the slytherin house....im mumbling arent i? :blush:

Guest Lullaby

I just took into consideration what I said and I realized that the only way it could've been someone before him is if he hadn't bought the book originally, which I imagine he did so nevermind. BUT it did sound good, haha.

Slughorn was used for his memories. I believe that's why he was given more background in the beginning and since he was so influential, knowing a lot of popular wizards that he could again influence, it was no wonder Dumbledore wanted him on their side.


yeah well his memory did help a lot...i was thinking it could have been another prisoner of azkaban and the time reversal thingy and harry would go back and stop snape from killing dumbledore but now the more i think about it the more i think dumbledore's death has put harry over the edge and will go balistic in the 7th book....but whenever emotions are envolved and with harry its quite obvious that they are...it can either make a very great victory or a very bad downfall. :/

scratch the going back in time thing...wouldnt have worked. :blush:

but it was like dumbledore knew he was going to be killed....and wasnt he the one that put the immobility spell on harry so he wouldnt move...and the way harry was positioned he would see everything happen....

...from the way dumbledore talked to malfoy before the end...it looked like he was about to get malfoy to turn but snape came in and now dumbledore is gone.

Guest Lullaby

I believe he did that to Harry so he could tell everyone the truth of how he died. It's a terrible thing to witness but it is far worse to let the killer go free and with how Snape is a good liar, he would've gotten away with it had Harry not seen it all.

And yes, Draco was about to turn until the Death Eater's came up there, not Snape. Snape came in at the last second and finished the job. I partially believe he did this so Draco could take credit for it with the Dark Lord because of the vow he made with Narcissa. After all, he was going to kill Draco if he didn't do it.


My "friend" ruined the 2 big parts of this book for me.

I was about to fucking kill him, but thought "What would Dumbledore do?"




It was liek that, but with a bike pump in my hand, and me smacking him in the nuts.

Then I slapped him with my copy of the book



I was actually crying about what happened in the book, but yea, that would piss me off too.

First book I ever cried while reading, I didn't know I could do two things at once like that :laugh:


^^ i didnt cry while reading the book, but was hard not too, i admit.

well, i always thought dumbledore would die, but i always thought it would be in the seventh book, not the sixth. snape- even with his past, it was a bit shocking that he was the one that killed dumbledore, although im not so sure dumbledore was entirely suprised, by the way he was talking to snape saying "severus....please" or something like that, he must have suspected snape wasnt on his side. and as it turns out harry was right on absolutly everything he suspected, even though his friends didnt believe him; draco was up to something big, obviously snape was on his side, and he knew that something significant would happen when he and dumbledore went to get the horcrux. anyhow im really curious about who has possesion of the real horcrux, r.a.b., who the hell is that??? anyhow youd have to think that this person is probable more of a friend then a foe. and i read some of the press conference jk rowling had and she said that in book seven there would be a character that will play a more significant role, someone who we know is in the order, but we havent really gotten to know the character too well, and something that snape said really stuck to me, when he was running with malfoy to disapparate, harry was thoughing curse after curse at snape, but he kept blocking them with ease, then he said "blocked again and again and again until you learn to keep your mouth shut and your mind closed", i was just thinking that maybe this member of the order will teach harry to duel properly, obvioulsy if he has to duel voldemort, he will have to keep his thoughts concealed, just a thought.


I haven't read all the posts yet, so forgive any reposting of ideas, but I thought I would weigh in on a couple of things:

Maybe its just my suspicious mind, but I foudn the twists in this book to be much mroe obvious than in teh last ones.

I guessed it was snape very early on, and every scene involving him seemed to confirm it even more.

I also guessed that Malfoy was not after Harry, as I thought it first seemed, but Dumbledore. Perhaps it was the fact that he was weak, or that someone ruined the ending for me, but I was almsot sure he was after DD the entire time I was reading.



I also think it is highly likely that Snape will redeem himself (if possible) in the next book.

And not simply because he is the "half-blood prince".

**There is still certainly more we dont know about Snape: for example, if he hated mudbloods and is a death-eater, why would he insist on calling himself by his mudblood mother's name, as well as acknowledging his half-blooded-ness in the same title?

My theory goes as follows: Snape hated James because he loved Lily. Not only did he love her, but I am guessing that the potions book was hers, and that he was giving her notes, and sheepishly trying to appeal to her with his made-up title.

I also think this explians perfectly why DD believed snape is good. When Snape gave the message to DD, perhaps he was a death-eater. But once he heard that Voldemort had killed Lily, he changed his beliefs. For he LOVED lily; and as we all know, DD believes that is the strongest and most important. And moreso, if snape loves, he is obviously not the same as Volde.

And I can already hear some people saying, "But if this were true, why would he kill DD, and with such apparent rage?" Because Snape was rushing to DD's side, for he was the only one who knew that Harry and DD were going off that night. And when he came upon the room filled with Deatheaters, malfoy and DD, he had no way to keep his cover other than to kill DD, and without hesitation. My guess would be that like Harry, Snape was only in DD's command and trust because he had ALSO sworn an oath to follow DD's orders, irregardless of what they may be. And like Harry was forced to give DD the potion in the cave, even if it killed him, Snape was told to remain as a spy in Volde's army, even if it meant killing DD. (and perhaps this is the reason for the argument Hagrid overheard between the pair indicating Snape could no longer perform his duties, to which DD replied, he had already said he would)

So my guess would be that this is the reason DD trusted Snape, and it is also the reason Snape will be one of the twists in book seven. At the last moment, or in a second before Harry's death, he will betray voldemort and give harry another second of life.

EDIT: And if Snape's goal was simply killing DD, he could have achieved this several times, the most recent of which was when DD hurt his hand. DD said that he was in horrible condition when he arrived at Hogwarts, and had it not been for Snape, he would have died (or something to that affect) If he was so weak, he could have killed him then, as opposed to waiting. And moreso, I got the impression in Snape's home during the unbreakable vow, that Snape was not happy about the idea, and only did it as a way to prove his allegiance, for it would have been obvious had he refused.

Guest Lullaby
I also think it is highly likely that Snape will redeem himself (if possible) in the next book.

And not simply because he is the "half-blood prince".

The Half-Blood Prince holds no big meaning like people thought it would so I don't think it would hold any barings over it. I also don't believe there's any redeeming himself.

**There is still certainly more we dont know about Snape: for example, if he hated mudbloods and is a death-eater, why would he insist on calling himself by his mudblood mother's name, as well as acknowledging his half-blooded-ness in the same title?

He only called himself by his mother's name when he was writing in that book. If he was flaunting it, you would think he'd change his last name to Prince rather than Snape.

My theory goes as follows: Snape hated James because he loved Lily. Not only did he love her, but I am guessing that the potions book was hers, and that he was giving her notes, and sheepishly trying to appeal to her with his made-up title.

Wrong. This book was more than likely his property and not the property of the school. They were in the same year after all and most likely in the same class.

And I can already hear some people saying, "But if this were true, why would he kill DD, and with such apparent rage?" Because Snape was rushing to DD's side, for he was the only one who knew that Harry and DD were going off that night. And when he came upon the room filled with Deatheaters, malfoy and DD, he had no way to keep his cover other than to kill DD, and without hesitation. My guess would be that like Harry, Snape was only in DD's command and trust because he had ALSO sworn an oath to follow DD's orders, irregardless of what they may be. And like Harry was forced to give DD the potion in the cave, even if it killed him, Snape was told to remain as a spy in Volde's army, even if it meant killing DD. (and perhaps this is the reason for the argument  Hagrid overheard between the pair indicating Snape could no longer perform his duties, to which DD replied, he had already said he would)

Wrong. The vow says Snape had to protect Draco and he made it with a non-death eater so it would hold nothing over it. Think of it this way, if Draco didn't kill Dumbledore then Voldemort would kill him. That means Snape would've failed so in a time where Draco was having the most trouble, Snape did it. I believe his intentions were to keep the vow so that he, in turn, did not die. It had nothing to do with his cover.

Side note: When I say wrong, that's just what I think. I mean no harm. ;)

Guest Lullaby
So my guess would be that this is the reason DD trusted Snape, and it is also the reason Snape will be one of the twists in book seven. At the last moment, or in a second before Harry's death, he will betray voldemort and give harry another second of life.

I seriously doubt that.

And if Snape's goal was simply killing DD, he could have achieved this several times, the most recent of which was when DD hurt his hand. DD said that he was in horrible condition when he arrived at Hogwarts, and had it not been for Snape, he would have died (or something to that affect) If he was so weak, he could have killed him then, as opposed to waiting. And moreso, I got the impression in Snape's home during the unbreakable vow, that Snape was not happy about the idea, and only did it as a way to prove his allegiance, for it would have been obvious had he refused.

Again, he did not make a vow with a death eater. He made it with NARCISSA, who is not one. Bellatrix, an actual death eater, didn't think it wise. So that just shows that had nothing to do with it.

Guest Lullaby
anyhow im really curious about who has possesion of the real horcrux, r.a.b., who the hell is that???

I believe (as do many others) R.A.B is Regulus Black, Sirius Black's brother who was killed after he tried to back out from being a Death Eater.


Ok well to each his own, but you don't have to be so obnoxious.

I think that there is some validity to my points (ahh, here goes, in order):

* Yeah, I know the title of HBP holds no real meaning ( I read the book, too, remember?) I just think he is significant if there is a book named after him, especially one about his past, and in which Harry unknownlingly defends him all year.

* Yes he did write that name in his book, but do you write the names that embarass you or of which you are ashamed, in your books? Or, would you write things like Super Lullaby, or names you like? And (if anything) I think he would have changed his name to Snape when he went under the employ of Voldemort. Oh, and if nothing else, it is his rightful name, which is also a perfectly valid reason.

* "Wrong." about it being lily's book? Maybe in technicalities, but if you'll notice, the book was old. Perhaps like it was this year for Harry, it could have been loaned out to Lily that year. And that is wholey possible, for the book was before Snape's time, too. And thus, your argument against it being in Lily's possession is moot. Finally, the reason I said it was hers was because I meant she used it, and he wrote his notes in there for her.

*** And don't say "Wrong" about people's theories, just cause you disagree. Have a little more tact and grace.

* Next: Just because Snape killed DD, don't assume the headmaster didnt see it coming. As I said, and you fail to acknowledge, Snape tried to resign; would he resign as his aide were he mere moments from (happily) killing him? I don't think Brutus handed in his resignation a week before killing caesar... no, he was right behind him, where he always was, ready to stab him in the back.

And furthermore: Yes, Narcissa might not be a death eater, but it was literally right in front of one (You remember, Bellatrix, who happened to be peforming the vow, too). So the fraudulence of his loyalties would have been equally apparent had he refused.

You also neglect to reply to what I believe one of the most important points I made: Why did dumbledore trust him so much? And why didn't he kill DD when he obviously had the chance earlier?

And irregardless of whether he was made to kill DD by the vow or an oath to DD, he still had no choice but to do it to keep his cover, both to bellatrix when he made the vow, and in front of the death eaters in the end.

So, I seriously believe that something is going to happen in the next book, as I stated before.

Again, I suggest you try to open your mind, Lullaby. This should be a place for people to congregate and exchange their beliefs and theories without fear of someone obnoxious acting condescending, especially with, as I have proven, little real basis for doing so.

For all you able to converse amicably, I leave you with one question:

With a year so cryptic, and the knowing way in which DD froze harry just as Malfoy entered the room, don't you think it's a bit peculiar that DD would assign Snape to a post that, due to a curse, hasn't been able to keep a teacher for more than one year?

EDIT: and for the record, up until this book, I have never defended Snape. I always thought he would turn out evil.

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