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Barbara Palvin


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What's going on with VS? They fucked it up big time. She is one of the few models who doesn't need the chicken cutlets in her bra and have some kind of personality. I hope they figure it out soon and get back their old style, in lingerie I wanna see glamour and fun, not HF and weird beauty.

i said it all the time but all the fan of the HF insult me after. do you remember tyra, heidi, gisele , i miss them

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I don't see how all this blame can be put on VS, sure they may deserve some of it, but some of it also belongs to Barbara. Not only that, but many here have said she has a "horrible" walk. So between that and Barbara not working very hard to get more toned, how can there be such surprise that she didn't make it in the show? I also don't agree with this idea that she would have been the only real looking woman in the show. I probably know more girls that have bodies like the rest of the models, and they don't starve themselves to look that way, they just eat healthy and work out regularly. So the other models look like real woman as well. I agree that it would have been nice to have a model like Barbara representing the more curvy body type, but that doesn't mean she should get a free pass. Models like Sara worked their butts off to make it in the show, so Barbara should be expected to do the same, specially if her walk isn't good, and especially knowing that VS prefers a different body type, but instead she did the opposite.

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She shouldn't get a free pass. No-one is saying that. What people are saying is that it is weird that a girl that clearly has favorable relationship with VS who use her for everything should be able to land a spot somewhere. They use her for photos and not everyone agrees about her walk. If you use someone for a lot of your photos then you must think highly of their body. VS doesn't just pick girls who they don't think match the type for their photos as well as on the runway. That is why it is odd.  So that is why!

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All these assumptions based on nothing :rofl: They show her midriff plenty this girl isn't carrying a beer gut she is perfectly sensual at body and pose with no needed extreme workout regimens or diets that would strip a colon clean. It's obvious VS is changing its imagine and what hits the catwalk. No bigger example of this then simply looking at it's past with Heidi, Tyra, Marissa and Laetitia and look at what VS is now body image wise. Plus Monica's hypocritical comments alone put more emphasis on what VS thinks "voluptuous" is and I can tell you it's twisted and warped being recognition.


So whether Babs was "BUSY" with other obligations, given the boot or simply just doesn't give a hoot remains to be seen. Next year this time will be a good barometer of what VS wants and what Babs is career wise.

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Come on guys, it's not the end of the world that she won't walk this years show. Yeah sure, it would have been nice seeing her walk, but there is always a next time. She's still so young.  :yes:



^ Mhmm, well said :yes:


Agreed !! After all it's her life and career, maybe it should be up to her what and how to do with it. Let's just let her be happy, and us be happy for her.

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Come on guys, it's not the end of the world that she won't walk this years show. Yeah sure, it would have been nice seeing her walk, but there is always a next time. She's still so young.  :yes:


I'm kind of with this. I honestly really don't give a crap if she's walking or not. She's never really been a runway type and I'm content with seeing her in print work. And I guess I kind of just don't hold VS or it's opinions in very high regard anymore. So it really doesn't mean much to me that she's not doing their FS.

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Yes runway may not be Barbara's "thing," and she could be mainly a print model for VS, but many are forgetting that walking the VSFS gives models that extra boost of public recognition. How many models have you personally "discovered" via the VSFS? The fact that she could be on the screen for millions of people is HUGE. More public recognition can lead to more connections and interest in the model, leading to more jobs.


Barbara had her foot in the door. Honestly she could have easily been cast if she looked the part and put in a little effort maybe a few weeks prior to the show to work out and tone up. It's very clear from many swimwear candids that she was not ready for this show. There is also the factor that perhaps VS was not impressed with her lack of HF work recently too.


Is it the end of her career that she isn't walking? No. Was it a wasted opportunity considering she had it in the bag to be cast? Yes.

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I have some conspiracy theories about this shit that went down with the casting I wasn't gonna post, but what the hell...there is enough room for one more crazy person in this thread, so here it is. I think she looks the same as last year (that is her brand: healthy, curvy, soft), and she was used so much then because of the Bieber-stuff (not that they dated or something just their managemant was friendly with each other), and I have a hunch that this year T-Swift will perform and she and her management doesn't want her, or something with Brett (Shanina is missing too). But we'll never know.

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Yes runway may not be Barbara's "thing," and she could be mainly a print model for VS, but many are forgetting that walking the VSFS gives models that extra boost of public recognition. How many models have you personally "discovered" via the VSFS? The fact that she could be on the screen for millions of people is HUGE. More public recognition can lead to more connections and interest in the model, leading to more jobs.


Barbara had her foot in the door. Honestly she could have easily been cast if she looked the part and put in a little effort maybe a few weeks prior to the show to work out and tone up. It's very clear from many swimwear candids that she was not ready for this show. There is also the factor that perhaps VS was not impressed with her lack of HF work recently too.


Is it the end of her career that she isn't walking? No. Was it a wasted opportunity considering she had it in the bag to be cast? Yes.

This is everything that I had wanted to say--thanks for putting it so eloquently. I mean the VSFS is probably the majority of the reason we even know who she is and are discussing her now in the first place--it's hard to deny that it would have helped her career, regardless of how you feel about the show itself or Victoria's Secret as a company. 


But I am beating a dead horse here and we should probably move on from discussing this, so I'll say I look forward to seeing where she goes, and hopefully she will be doing good work in the next few months!

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