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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I think we should elect Billy Costingan as the hottest :drool: Leo's character of all, I know Danny Archer is also very sexy. But Billy have something especial, I think that hot scene helps a lot to count in his favor... :sex: :whistle::laugh:

I agree, Billy is HOT AS HELL :drool:.

Thanks by the tweet, Princess. Party, hm? Hmmmm.

Much shorter??? How tall is this girl :shock:

A giraffe, maybe? Oh no... giraffes don't have twitter, not yet :laugh:.

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Alison @alison_tania

Partying it up with Leonardo Dicaprio! Much shorter than I thought.... Still cute :)

11:18 am - 10 feb 12 vía Twitter for BlackBerry® · Detalles

Much shorter??? How tall is this girl :shock:

maybe she's an Avatar :laugh:

thanks Barbie and Nanda for compassion :laugh:

and my vote for Billy Costigan too :p

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Kym Miaco @kymiaco Reply Retweet Favorite · Open

Just spent the last 3hrs with Leonardo DiCaprio & wished I was Rose the entire time. I'm wide awake at 2am #neverwatchtitanicbeforeyousleep


Nanda the girl wrote earlier this tweet. So maybe she met him at the Fox Studios :idk:

Kym Miaco @kymiaco

I had my first acting audition today. It was a very emotional moment.

1:25 am - 7 feb 12 vía Mobile Web · Detalles

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Yay, more pics :woot::clap:.

Thanks, Princessssss.

Nanda the girl wrote earlier this tweet. So maybe she met him at the Fox Studios :idk:

I think the girl is talking about the movie, Titanic. Because she writes: #neverwatchtitanicbeforeyousleep (never watch titanic before you sleep) :blush:.

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Thanks for more great Gatsby pix :)

As to tweeter who said Leo was shorter than she thought, could be she was not really partying with Leo at all.

As last week Twitter was filled with tweets from people claiming they were partying with Leo at Superbowl parties.

Also, I just read an interview in which the guy remarks that Leo is a little over 6 ft which matches what fellow fans , who have seen him in person, have always told me.


Very funny gifs :)


Love the Billy gifs :drool:

As to hottest, I would have a four way tie with Amsterdam,Billy, Danny, Dom .


Love your new avi :)

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I knew that there was something odd about that tweet. Only a circus freak would see Leo as short :laugh:


Why people don't let the "Imaginary Encounters of the Third Kind" to me and Pami. On that certainly we wrote the book :hehe:

maybe the girl is really a N'avi coming from Pandora planet... lol
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Seems Leo's Appian Way may be producing a film with Russell Crowe , and it looks like the Akira project is on hold

Our spies tell us that Warner Bros. is in talks with Russell Crowe about starring in Harker, a reimagining of Bram Stoker's Dracula that's being produced by Leonardo DiCaprio. It tells the vampire story from the point of view of Jonathan Harker, who instead of his traditional role as a lawyer is now a Scotland Yard detective investigating the Count's string of grisly murders in England.

The project (co-written by Lee Shipman and Vulture contributing vampire expert Brian McGreevy) began gathering steam at Warner Bros. around this time last year, when director Jaume Collet-Serra (Unknown, Orphan) became attached. But just a few months later, Warners had other plans for the Catalonian, hiring him to oversee Akira after director Albert and Allen Hughes struggled with casting the remake of Katsuhiro Otomo's anime classic. Then Akira ran into budget issues and was put on ice as the studio struggled to contain its cost. Now we hear the plan is to try and make Harker happen first, then have Collet-Serra turn his attention to a more modestly budgeted Akira.

As to Crowe, talks have only just begun, and in any event Australia's favorite son won't be available for some time.



Very true :D

maybe the girl is really a N'avi coming from Pandora planet
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I didn't mentioned before but I loved Carey's outfit, so cute, I loved the 20's fashion style.

aww, Leo and Kate:


omg, I never get over how cute they look together and how they have a strong chemistry onscreen.



wow, I never saw this pic before, so beautiful:


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kate words for Leo, aww.

Jim kept saying, ‘I am so lucky and grateful because just as easily, you two could have hated each other.’ And it helped Jim, too, because there were days on end where he’d be on a crane hundreds of feet up doing a panoramic shot and we wouldn’t even see him, he’d just be a voice over a loudspeaker. That was often frustrating, especially if you had a quick question. But I’d ask Leo and he’d always come up with the answer. God, he’s wonderful. I love him to death.” -Kate

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And Leo for Kate:

Working with Kate Winslet. There’s real chemistry there, chemistry on the screen. I hope so. I mean, we have it in real life. I think she’s such a terrific girl. It’s unbelievable. We were such good friends throughout this whole movie. We were almost joined at the hip. Everything that we wanted to complain about, we did it with each other, rather than doing it on set, and we got it all out in the open in our trailers. She’s such a solid actress, and she possesses so much strength on-screen, it’s unbelievable. And I think she’s gonna be one of our best.

I know too much Leo and Kate, but I love them, so what can I do? And didn't found nothing new to post, sorry.

thanks to fuckyeahkateandleo

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