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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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This one is nice:

Winslet has only one sweet regret about her relationship with DiCaprio. It was during the scene in which Rose and Jack make love in a Renault touring car in the hold of the ship: steamed windows, trembling actors. “During that scene,” she says, “it so wasn’t us. And yet we were so locked into what all that had to be about. The Rose in me was really sort of loving the Jack in him, actually. And even though I didn’t feel that way abut Leo, it was quite nice to sort of feel that way in the scene. It was quite lovely. And then, y’know, the camera stopped rolling, and he gets up and walks off, and the scene’s done. And I remember lying there thinking, ‘What a shame that’s over.’ Because it was quite nice. It was.”

one more:

No one makes me laugh like Leo. No one. And the same back. There were a couple of crew members on the film who have worked with Leo on various Scorsese projects, and they would sidle up to me and say, ”You know, you really bring out another side of him that we haven’t seen before.”

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haha, Leo you shameless... :p haha

I mean, doing the love scene in the back of the car we just had such a laugh! It was very uncomfortable and we kept getting covered in fluff and all his make-up was on me and sliding off all over the place…and, eh, it was sort of like snogging your brother or something… and I have to say my heart didn’t flutter for him.” “Uh, yeah, he’s a very good kisser…But I have to say, it’s only now that I sort of think about that, because at the time you don’t think about that at all…Coz you’re sort of in the middle of a scene and it’s all, y’know, ‘don’t stick your tongue in’ y’know, and all that sort of thing, well, you have to give stage kisses…Well he would sometimes do it to me, just to annoy me, just to annoy me, just to wind me up and make me laugh…He had, he has stuck his tongue in my mouth yes…I didn’t stick my tongue in…No, I didn’t stick it in, I didn’t want to! I didn’t fancy the guy! I swear to God I didn’t!” “Because, well, 7 months together, it was like a, like a relationship and we sort of became brother and sister, I mean we were really, y’know 20 hours a day together most of the time, and it was a hard shoot and so we were, y’know, really, really, looking after each other all the time and y’know.” “I´ve always admired Leonardo DiCaprio, so when I knew I was going to work with him I just couldn´t believe it.” “He is, to me, one of the greatest actors of our generation, and I find that incredibly exciting. I believe there are very few actors in the world who are really, genuinely, gifted from God and can just do it, couldn’t possibly be bad, even if they tried

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As it happened, she bumped into young DiCaprio recently, who was very keen to hear about the production of Quills. ‘He asked, ’ You didn’t love Joaquin more than me, did you? Don’t you ever love an actor more than you love me.’ I said, ‘How do you know I even liked you?’ He replied, ‘F*** off. You loved me!’

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Barbie you left me wanting more quotes...

"Leo's my playmate.

When we were filming, the ship's railing starts to shake, and you just think, "If this railing goes, I'm a goner".

I turned to Leo and said, "I want to have a baby".

And he said, "Oh, shut up". I said, "Well, I do". And he said, "Now?"

"Leo and I just hung on to each other for dear life.

We had cigarettes hidden in the pockets of our costumes and the two of us literally were having conversations like

,'What would happen if we died?' and I'd say things like 'Leo, I love you, I really do love you so much.

You are a very important person to me and I'd have your babies.

I would, I'd have your babies, really, it's fine."

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Talking about Kate's kids...

Well me and Leo (DiCaprio) are very good friends.

He adores my children but the problem is he spoils them rotten.

I mean Mia is 4 years old and she's a megalomaniac.

She says she wants to be an actress,singer and god knows what else.

And if you ask her why she thinks she can do all that she's gonna tell you "Uncle Leo says I can" and that's it for her.

Can you imagine taking a 3 year old kid to FAO Schwartz and tell her "Take everything you want and uncle Leo is gonna buy you that?"

Well Leo did exactly this last Christmas, Mia was overjoyed.

She thought Leo was Santa Claus.

You know I try to teach her material things are not important and there comes uncle Leo with the newest model of a doll's house (she laughs)

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I would like to see pics of Leo with Kate's kids, I always heard that her daughter Mia call him uncle Leo and I would love to see pics of them, would be so cute. :heart:

Yeah that would be cute to see :) Though its so hard to see him with Tobey's kids even, ..... and doesn't he have a young niece (gotta be Adams's kid)? I remember back in I think it was 2007 during award season he was heard to say he'll give some gift to his niece. I wonder about that. We don't get to see this I guess because Leo is rarely papped in general. :)

Also it would be nice too see him hang with Kate more but they are both busy and live in different cities... I remember last Summer they went to a play together and someone snapped them from behind while Kate was resting her head on leo. Now that was sweet :blush:

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I would like to see pics of Leo with Kate's kids, I always heard that her daughter Mia call him uncle Leo and I would love to see pics of them, would be so cute. :heart:

Yeah that would be cute to see :) Though its so hard to see him with Tobey's kids even, ..... and doesn't he have a young niece (gotta be Adams's kid)? I remember back in I think it was 2007 during award season he was heard to say he'll give some gift to his niece. I wonder about that. We don't get to see this I guess because Leo is rarely papped in general. :)

Also it would be nice too see him hang with Kate more but they are both busy and live in different cities... I remember last Summer they went to a play together and someone snapped them from behind while Kate was resting her head on leo. Now that was sweet :blush:

The most impressive is that they are friends for many many years and that was the first candid pics I ever saw of them, it was so adorable. :blush:

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