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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I'm agree with Jade. It's just Leo, mostly he looks quite distant to his gf, friends and even parents, but it doesn't mean that he's always unhappy/unsatisfied. + I think he know, when papz take a pics of him and, as we all know, he's a very very uncomfortable with it. 


Despite I'm disagree with Mirella, I don't think she's a 'hater', her opinion isn't offencive and I don't feel personally attacked by her post like someone here. 

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Today’s call.


MARCH 30, 2021
Children Aged 6-14 
Needed for Major Film
A major motion picture, soon to film in Oklahoma, is looking for children to appear as extras. The children should be Oklahoma residents.
These children, to portray males and females, aged 6-14, must be available to film in the Bartlesville/Pawhuska/Osage County area of Oklahoma very sporadically. Filming is from the end of April until late summer, but most kids would only be needed for a few days.
The children must have natural hair color, and must willing to have their longer hair cut to 1920s styles if necessary.
Siblings are encouraged to submit together.
Pay is $10/hour with a guaranteed pay of at least $80/day.
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1 hour ago, Lilja K said:

I think he know, when papz take a pics of him and, as we all know, he's a very very uncomfortable with it.

Backgrid is a photo agency that is always called for (let's face it staged) paparazzi pics. Just saying. Maybe Leo didn't like this part of his celeb life that much but he's playing the pr game like every celeb in tinseltown. Probably more often than we are aware. To think he's a "victim" or to think those pictures aren't calculated from his side most partly to control his image (what is totally fine to me) is naive or people just don't know how the business works in hollywood :Angel:


And just to be clear staged doesn't mean fake. Some fans tend to think so whenever they heard "staged". It's nothing bad.

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26 minutes ago, Jade Bahr said:

Backgrid is a photo agency that is always called for (staged) paparazzi pics. Just saying. Maybe Leo didn't like this part of his celeb life that much but he's playing the pr game too. Probably more often than we would think. To think he's a "victim" or to think those pictures aren't calculated from his side is naive :Angel:

🙃 I just thought it looked funny when I had seen the reading and looked at the picture. Leo's intention or not. He sure can make you laugh. 

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1 hour ago, Jade Bahr said:

Backgrid is a photo agency that is always called for (let's face it staged) paparazzi pics. Just saying. Maybe Leo didn't like this part of his celeb life that much but he's playing the pr game like every celeb in tinseltown. Probably more often than we are aware. To think he's a "victim" or to think those pictures aren't calculated from his side most partly to control his image (what is totally fine to me) is naive or people just don't know how the business works in hollywood :Angel:


And just to be clear staged doesn't mean fake. Some fans tend to think so whenever they heard "staged". It's nothing bad.

So I'm naive lol. I thought he didn't called papz, because he was spotted rarely, hides all the time and pics taken not so close like Kardashians, Hadids and Biebers (you know what I mean). But maybe it's really well-considered move all the time, who knows🤷🏼‍♀️

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Why would a celebrity ever set up and stage photos?


The biggest reason is money. But they also release photos because they want to have control of their own image.


Many setup photos include a paid product endorsement, where a photo agency works as a middleman between a celebrity and a company who has a product to sell. It could be the latest cell phone that was just released, or a food or beauty product, or something as simple as them being seen shopping at a certain retail outlet. Certain photo agencies specialize in these types of fake paparazzi photos. They usually try to make the photos look natural and candid, but in reality, the celebrity and the photographer are working together. It's a paid photo shoot and the celebrity gets a big check. The readers of tabloid magazines and blogs have no idea!


Control is another big reason for staging photos. There are certain celebs who hate being photographed by paparazzi and they will do anything to avoid it. When your image is such an important part of your career, the last thing they want is to be photographed looking badly. Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are a good example of a celebrity couple who hates paparazzi, but you will see nice photos of them released on a regular basis. Those photos are totally set up. When they see paparazzi in real life, they put their heads down and hide their faces — unless they are promoting something. 


Another example is when there is high demand for a certain photo. When Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin's daughter Apple was first born, they worked directly with an infamous paparazzi photographer in New York. Together, they staged the first baby photos and made them look like candid pictures, then they sold the shots to a major magazine. The pictures were rumored to sell for upward of a million dollars. The paparazzi got a cut, and they took the rest. 




If the marked middle part don't let you think of Leo I really can't help you. Staged photos are a bit more than just "getting attention". It's part of the "protected circle" like oxford called it once very nicely Leo has built around himself like a wall since Titanic. I'm pretty sure Leo would do anything to protect his image he has worked hard for over 20 freaking years. Of course he's in the position to control something simple as a no name paparazzi if he wants to lol At least with staged photos he knows exactly what comes out of it for him. I would say that's much better than a paparazzi taken his pictures with no permission huh?


If Leo hasn't called the paps than someone else did but since he's Leo and the razzis are coming for him I don't think someone else is making decisions for him. This is just how agencies like Backgrid, The Image Direct, Splash News, WENN, X17, Mega, Getty Images etc work. Like it or not :idk:

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6 hours ago, Jade Bahr said:


If the marked middle part don't let you think of Leo I really can't help you. Staged photos are a bit more than just "getting attention". It's part of the "protected circle" like oxford called it once very nicely Leo has built around himself like a wall since Titanic. I'm pretty sure Leo would do anything to protect his image he has worked hard for over 20 freaking years. Of course he's in the position to control something simple as a no name paparazzi if he wants to lol At least with staged photos he knows exactly what comes out of it for him. I would say that's much better than a paparazzi taken his pictures with no permission huh?


If Leo hasn't called the paps than someone else did but since he's Leo and the razzis are coming for him I don't think someone else is making decisions for him. This is just how agencies like Backgrid, The Image Direct, Splash News, WENN, X17, Mega, Getty Images etc work. Like it or not :idk:

I never thought about it tbh. But all what you said actually makes sense. 

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1 hour ago, TheMisterMass said:

Where is Lucila?  We have Maximo, his Sugar Mama Barbara Guillaume and her son, but no Lucila.  Now way Leo is touching Cami; her butt and legs are twice the size of Leo's.  This is 100% staged for the camera like all their other pap pics.  

Relax, hater. They are together whether you like it or not. Get your own life. 

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7 hours ago, Jade Bahr said:


If the marked middle part don't let you think of Leo I really can't help you. Staged photos are a bit more than just "getting attention". It's part of the "protected circle" like oxford called it once very nicely Leo has built around himself like a wall since Titanic. I'm pretty sure Leo would do anything to protect his image he has worked hard for over 20 freaking years. Of course he's in the position to control something simple as a no name paparazzi if he wants to lol At least with staged photos he knows exactly what comes out of it for him. I would say that's much better than a paparazzi taken his pictures with no permission huh?


If Leo hasn't called the paps than someone else did but since he's Leo and the razzis are coming for him I don't think someone else is making decisions for him. This is just how agencies like Backgrid, The Image Direct, Splash News, WENN, X17, Mega, Getty Images etc work. Like it or not :idk:

It is amazing how he can step outside for a minute and all this is created. Just for him. Every single picture and word built on his handsome face and talent. Of course, he should protect that. No one else is important. They are there for him. ❤ 

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Most of you must live outside of the US, or in Kansas or Kentucky.  There are no pap shoots anymore unless they hang out in front of a popular celeb spot.  Everything else is set up in advance.  Tom Cruise is the only major actor who does not do this stuff, even Brad Pitt does not really do the pap walk stuff.  The only pics of them I think were taken by a hiding pap where the ones where Leo is eating the cake and Cami has an annoyed look on her face, it was after she did some talk show.  I guess his management tells him to do these things.  I can see him promoting his Allbirds shoes, but some of these others are just bizarre.

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