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Scott Feinberg ‏@ScottFeinberg

I forgot to tweet this earlier: my reaction to—as opposed to review of—THE WOLF OF WALL STREET is that it is mothaeffing great! That is all.

Simon Fellowes ‏@simonfspeak

Scorsese's of Wall Street - a pedal to the metal old fashioned morality tale pumped full of Class-A's. De Caprio exceeds and excels.

Paul Anthony Nelson ‏@cinemaviscera

So, shall I be the first to throw my hat over the wall to christen THE WOLF OF WALL STREET 'GOODBROKERS'Wolf

Paul Barris ‏@PaulDBarris

Got to enjoy the screening of The Wolf of Wall Street. Def recommend it! Scorsese, you're a genius

Aaron Pruner ‏@AaronFlux

The Wolf Of Wall Street is easily Scorsese's best since Goodfellas

desiree collier ‏@descollier

#Wolf of Wall Street, amazing film, awesome acting and script. All you could ever need to know about selling

Audrey Gillan ‏@audreygillan

Wolf of Wall Street is overwieldy, too long & repetitive. But some great dialogue, amazing performances (Matthew McConaughey is Walkenesque )and some hilarious scenes. But man, who wants to watch a three hour movie these days without a toilet or snack break. Scorsese needs an ed.Quite spectacular in some parts...

Liza Frankiw ‏@ArtyLiza

The Wolf of Wall Street, serious & funny. Leonardo DiCaprio so different from his other movies. It's great, loved it, 3 hrs went by so fast.

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I always thought that Oscar should be about the performance itself, I mean for the actors, but knowing how much of a game it is...


unfortunately, the dolling out of awards hasn't been done based strictly on acting merit in a long, long time. it's become very political (who has more power, who's better known/more liked, who's campaigned the most/the best, who's the most liked by the general public, who's the safe bet, etc etc). as far as leo is concerned, while he certainly never lacks in acting skill and ability, he falls short in "political play", aka he doesn't campaign as much/in the same way that his peers do. he doesn't do the late night circuits, his print interviews are few and far between and only with the most prestigious publications, and he tends to keep a very low profile in general. he does the press junkets and the normal round of interviews for the big entertainment networks, but i'm sure all of that is stuff he is contractually obligated to do. he lets his work speak for itself. i see no problems with that because his work is powerful enough for that, but sadly, that's not how the vast majority of voters feel. that's why i don't give too much credence to the awards anymore. it's nice to see deserving actors/directors/screenwriters/etc receive award recognition, but it's not /the most important/ thing. creating a body of work that will stand the test of time and critique is what matters. i think, i truly do, that leo has that mentality and that's why he doesn't campaign hard for awards. it's just not something on his agenda. 


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Another UK screening tweet

Everytime I read a tweet about what a brilliant, hilarious comedy the film is or makes mention of Leo's physical comic chops, I think back to all the fans who wished one day Leo would do a comedy.

Looks like this year Leo made their wish his Christmas present to them :hug:

John-Paul Pierrot ‏@johnpaulpierrot Scorsese has made a blindingly brilliant, gross-out comedy. Can't wait to see it again.

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I always thought that Oscar should be about the performance itself, I mean for the actors, but knowing how much of a game it is...

unfortunately, the dolling out of awards hasn't been done based strictly on acting merit in a long, long time. it's become very political (who has more power, who's better known/more liked, who's campaigned the most/the best, who's the most liked by the general public, who's the safe bet, etc etc). as far as leo is concerned, while he certainly never lacks in acting skill and ability, he falls short in "political play", aka he doesn't campaign as much/in the same way that his peers do. he doesn't do the late night circuits, his print interviews are few and far between and only with the most prestigious publications, and he tends to keep a very low profile in general. he does the press junkets and the normal round of interviews for the big entertainment networks, but i'm sure all of that is stuff he is contractually obligated to do. he lets his work speak for itself. i see no problems with that because his work is powerful enough for that, but sadly, that's not how the vast majority of voters feel. that's why i don't give too much credence to the awards anymore. it's nice to see deserving actors/directors/screenwriters/etc receive award recognition, but it's not /the most important/ thing. creating a body of work that will stand the test of time and critique is what matters. i think, i truly do, that leo has that mentality and that's why he doesn't campaign hard for awards. it's just not something on his agenda.

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Jim Vejvoda @StaxIGN 

The Wolf of Wall Street is just so friggin' awesome. It's A LOT like GoodFellas, except with stock swindlers instead of mobsters. Loved it.


Scott Feinberg @ScottFeinberg 

To me, WOLF OF WALL STREET is the best of the five Scorsese-DiCaprio collaborations and features DiCaprio’s best performance yet hands-down.


Scott Feinberg @ScottFeinberg 

DiCaprio deserves to be nominated for the crawling-to-the-car scene alone. It’ll be played in every Leo highlight reel for the rest of time.


Terence Johnson @LeNoirAuteur 

@ScottFeinberg I haven't laughed so loud in a theater till I saw that scene, just brilliant


Anne Thompson @akstanwyck 

Scorsese's @TheWolfofWallSt is hugely entertaining, fueled by @LeoDiCaprio's bravado performance & slapstick comedy crafted w/ @JonahHill.

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I always thought that Oscar should be about the performance itself, I mean for the actors, but knowing how much of a game it is...


unfortunately, the dolling out of awards hasn't been done based strictly on acting merit in a long, long time. it's become very political (who has more power, who's better known/more liked, who's campaigned the most/the best, who's the most liked by the general public, who's the safe bet, etc etc). as far as leo is concerned, while he certainly never lacks in acting skill and ability, he falls short in "political play", aka he doesn't campaign as much/in the same way that his peers do. he doesn't do the late night circuits, his print interviews are few and far between and only with the most prestigious publications, and he tends to keep a very low profile in general. he does the press junkets and the normal round of interviews for the big entertainment networks, but i'm sure all of that is stuff he is contractually obligated to do. he lets his work speak for itself. i see no problems with that because his work is powerful enough for that, but sadly, that's not how the vast majority of voters feel. that's why i don't give too much credence to the awards anymore. it's nice to see deserving actors/directors/screenwriters/etc receive award recognition, but it's not /the most important/ thing. creating a body of work that will stand the test of time and critique is what matters. i think, i truly do, that leo has that mentality and that's why he doesn't campaign hard for awards. it's just not something on his agenda. 


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I always thought that Oscar should be about the performance itself, I mean for the actors, but knowing how much of a game it is...


I honestly can't stand the Academy Awards to me it's all about politics and A$$ kissing. Some of the actors who have one in the past aren't even that great. It's not like the older actors Robert Deniro Al Pacino Jack Nicholson to me those are great actors and Leo is up there with them. He should've have won an Oscar a long time ago but he was robbed of it many times. At this point what does it even matter if he wins an Academy because in my opinion he is better than the Oscars he shouldn't even give them the honor of accepting their award. The judges are a bunch of old people who want actors to bow down on them. Yes it's great if he could win one and it would be nice if they actually recognized Leo's work but his fame and popularity really show how much he's honored...just my opinion had to let that out :p


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That's right isn't it, the Wolf premiere is Monday , like you, I can't wait for pix :woot:

With time difference it is already Sunday there, I wonder if Leo is already on his way over ?




Tweet from USA Today's entertainment writer


Andrea Mandell ‏@AndreaMandell 4m

There are so many great films this awards season. But even at 3 hours, I think I had the most fun watching WOLF OF WALL STREET.

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