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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Thanks Barbie for the post and ox for the tweet! 


I agree with Barbie regarding Joker...the portrayal was really different in which Joaquin wasn't the typical comic book villain. My heart, however, will always belong to Jack Nicholson's portrayal of the Joker (my childhood right there 😄). Heath Ledger did an excellent job as well.

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Thanks everyone for sharing your opinion about the movies (especially Joker) :flower: I never seen this kind of physical reactions again by an audience like the ones Heath achieved with his insanse performance in "The Dark Knight" when I saw it in cinema... it was kinda mind-blowing. So I was wondering if Phoenix performance is capapble to reach the same level.


@BarbieErin I read about the Taxi Driver connection but believe it or not I never saw this movie, too :D I only saw Scorseses movies with Leo (and Hugo which I didn't like lol)


I'm so far behind when it comes to so called classics. Haven't seen many of them to be honest (like Godfather, Casablanca, Gone with the wind, Jaws, Terminator etc) 🙈 Sorry Leo :laugh:




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Haha, @Jade Bahr. I'am with on that, Leo would hate me, lmao. I have not seen Gone with the Wind, Godfather, The Sound of Music, Casablanca, and many many more... 


I have not seen many Scorseses movies too, don't worry, lol. I only have seen Cape Fear, Taxi Driver, the ones with Leo obviously, and Hugo. I tried to watch Silence, but was soo boring, sorry Marty, and I don't intend to watch Irishman, sorry again. 


I love Margot's reaction to Leo in that interview, she's like: "Oh my God", she knows him well, hahaha.   :laugh:

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@SexyLeo91 are they at least good? The ones I saw I wasn't very impress with (like Scarface, Out of Africa,The Great Gatsby 1974, The Big Lebowski, Philadelphia, Breakfast at Tiffanys, Love Story, ET, The Fearless Vampire Killers, Heat, The Untouchables, Indiana Jones, Star Wars...) I'm not saying they're all per se bad but I don't know... nothing I have to watch again.


Most of the time I didn't like the dialogs from the older movies (they're always so stiff and weird), same for the way women are portrayed (mostly). A couple of weeks ago I watched This Property Is Condemned from 1966 with Robert Redford and Natalie Wood and it was horrible. All horny old men in this movie were constantly grabbing her (without her permission). Even her stepfather was only with her mother to bang her. I know it was a different time but eeeew, not fun to watch at all :oh_no:

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35 minutes ago, SexyLeo91 said:

Here are some of the films that I do like: Mean Streets, The Big Sleep, Godfather, Taxi Driver, the Bicycle Thief, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, Raisin in the Sun, Jaws, ET 😁, Goodfellas, Raging Bull, etc, most of Chaplin films, and Wizard of Oz.

I will put them on my watch list. Maybe someday :D Though I always wanted to see Godfather (but it's so fuck!ng long and it's not only 1 but 3 movies, for christ sake), Jaws and Taxi Driver. Same for Shining,  As Good as It Gets, Leon and The Way We Were. Still worried I will hate the last one (again) though it's Barbara Streisand so I put some hope into it.


What is a blackface scene? A white actor put some mud on his face to pretending he's black (in the worst way)?

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22 hours ago, BarbieErin said:

 and I don't intend to watch Irishman, sorry again.

Though Leo loved the movie... but damn, it's sooooo long too, I don't have the time... and it looks just so bad at least to me :D All those old dudes becoming technical younger. I'm still not convinced with that concept.


I watched The Two Popes the other night, btw. Loved it :heart:

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2 hours ago, Jade Bahr said:

Though Leo loved the movie... but damn, it's sooooo long too, I don't have the time... and it looks just so bad at least to me :D All those old dudes becoming technical younger. I'm still not convinced with that concept.


I watched The Two Popes the other night, btw. Loved it :heart:


Two Popes is just adorable. 

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