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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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As a leo fan I find this all very interesting... that's about all I have. Random but I miss seeing pics of him hanging out with his mom. I find Camila to be pretty and what I'm used to seeing Leo dating. I feel old looking at her though (I'm in my 30s)... is it the style now to look effortless?

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12 minutes ago, SexyLeo91 said:

Oh okay I see what you're mean...I feel kinda old myself (been a fan since I was 12 years old in 1991, lol)

I'm at work while I post here..... ;) so sometimes I make my posts quick..... they don't really care where I work anyways (library). I've been a fan since 1996 (I was 13) so where about the same...

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Yesterday leo and bradly went to a business meeting together 


I'm wondering , a new project together ??? 


Btw thanks all for keeping us with the latest news 


In regards to Debra Tate's  comments, I can understand her discomfort with the project but hey it's impossible that they will do anything offensive and honestly  I think if she was really against depicting her sister's murder then they wouldn't show her picture years which was very gore, I mean if they were concerned about the privacy then they wouldn't agree to make a movie about her murder at all (kate's version) sorry but thats my opinion, and how on Earth Tarantino would dare to underestimate her murder I really think he wouldn't 

Another thing is, how releasing the movie on the 50th anniversary if Sharon's murder is a celebration , Titanic rerelease in 2012 was a 100th anniversary if the ship's sinking does that mean Cameron was celebrating ?? 

Come on 


Frankly I do agree with Jade I think Debra just want to critize or stop any movie about Sharon's other than her's  or maybe she wants attention I mean her comments about Jennifer Lawrence was unnecessary like some of u have  said  it's rude and maybe she just was to make some controversial statements and be on the spotlight (sorry) 


In case of the Steve Jobs Project, I really understand the opposition coming from his wife because the movie shows his denial of his daughter and there were some unpleasant sides of him to show people after his death but in case of Tate's depiction how would they mention something bad about her ???!!! She was pretty, married and 9 months pregnant and murdered is there anything more to sympathize with her it was davastating :sad:



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Kissing on the shoulder...quite sensual :wub6yh2cm: Sexy couple!


Thanks Barbie for the additional pics and Jade for the clip. It's new to me :D Leo's so adorable.


Thanks LuckyGirl for the pics and info. It would be nice if it was for a project. Yeah, her credibility went out the window with her approval (i.e. paid consultant probably) of a film.

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