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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Margot Robbie about Leo:


Margot Robbie relies on DiCaprio to cry


Leonardo DiCaprio helps Margot Robbie to cry during emotional filming scenes.

Margot - who starred opposite Leonardo in 'The Wolf of Wall Street' - always thinks of the actor dying in the sea as his character Jack Dawson in 1997 blockbuster 'Titanic' when she needs to convincingly weep for a role.

She revealed: "If I ever need to cry in a scene, I think of Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack dying in 'Titanic'. I would never tell Leo that. I'll kill myself if he ever reads this."

The 'Suicide Squad' star was being interviewed for W magazine's Best Performances of 2015/2016 issue, and another admirer who quoted the 41-year-old heartthrob as an inspiration is 'Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' star Rooney Mara.

The 30-year-old star gushed that she was in "love" with Leonardo at the age of 11 and would pretend they were married.

She said: "I didn't have posters of him, but I definitely had some cut-out pictures. I would write my first name with DiCaprio as my new last name to see how it would look."

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Leo with Ellen






theellenshowI love this man. Don’t miss tomorrow.





According to NY Post article there was yet another event held in Leo's honor in LA yesterday by SI produer Mike Medavoy






Sting showed up at a starry lunch for Leonardo DiCaprio’s “The Revenant” on Wednesday and serenaded his wife, Trudie Styler, for her birthday while he was there.


The Police rocker arrived at the VIP event at art dealer Larry Gagosian and chef Masayoshi Takayama’s Kappo Masa, where “Leo presented Trudie with a cake and Sting took the mic and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ in front of 100 people, so they got a free concert and sang along,” a spy said.


At the intimate reception, hosted by Gagosian and DiCaprio’s “The Great Gatsby” director Baz Luhrmann, before the “Revenant” screening on the Upper West Side were Leo’s co-stars Forrest Goodluck and Domhnall Gleeson and producers Steve Golin and Mary Parent


DiCaprio was later at a Rainbow Room after-party for the film, hanging with Jonah Hill and Mark Ruffalo.


On Thursday, DiCaprio headed to LA for a reception for the picture hosted by his “Shutter Island” producer Mike Medavoy before Golden Globes weekend 





Tks for great news regarding Leo & the film's 8 BAFTA nods :excited::excited:





Tks for more vid & Margot's comments :)





Tks for pix of Leo and Eva at Ellen :)



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Leo will be on cover of Parade magazine this weekend:excited: 








Leonardo DiCaprio is in Miami, preparing to leave for Paris to film interviews for his new documentary about the environment. These days the world-famous actor devotes much of his time and money to saving the planet, and this passion, along with his interest in history, is among the reasons that led him to star in the movie The Revenant (in theaters now).


The film tells the harrowing story of a savagely injured fur trapper abandoned by his hunting party in the winter wilderness—and forced to make his way home alone. Set in 1823, it is based on the experiences of real-life frontiersman Hugh Glass. DiCaprio, 41, who has starred in 26 films and is a five-time Oscar nominee, is up for Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild awards for best actor for The Revenant, which is also a Golden Globe nominee for best motion picture drama.


Born in Hollywood, DiCaprio was the only child of a divorced mother, Irmelin, a German refugee. His dad, George DiCaprio, was a distributor of comic books. DiCaprio grew up in a very tough area of Los Angeles, among prostitutes, addicts and drug dealers. He was a small boy, lonely, with few friends. He got beat up a lot. “I never belonged,” he says. As a young teenager he landed a few TV commercials and, in 1991, won a recurring role on the TV series Growing Pains. He was 17. A year later Robert De Niro chose him for the movie This Boy’s Life, which launched his film career. But for years, he’s had much more on his mind than just being a movie star.


Tell us about your new documentary on climate change.

We’ve been all over the world for this, from Argentina to the Arctic. I just got back from China and India. It was an eye-opening experience. We’re absolutely digging our own ecological grave.

You frequently star in films based on real people and events in history, such as J. Edgar, The Wolf of Wall Street, Gangs of New York and now The Revenant. Why?

I like stories in specific time periods. The Revenant’s era of American history was fascinating because it was this lawless no-man’s land. It defined the idea of the American frontiersman as man conquering nature. In a way, the story of Hugh Glass is about man dominating nature.


Why does that interest you?



It relates to what is going on in today’s world in a much more destructive manner—taking over nature for our own luxuries.

Hugh Glass loves his wife and son, but his love can’t save them. Don’t you think this is a despairing view of love?



I disagree. It is a profound, very deep love story. It’s the heart of the entire movie. Being haunted by their ghosts keeps him fighting.

Why is the role of women in the movie so small and the men so gruesome and dominating?



This represents the savagery of a lawless culture. Women have been the most persecuted people throughout all of recorded history, more than any race or religion.

Is The Revenant’s depiction of killing wildlife for profit in the pristine wilderness two centuries ago meant as a cautionary lesson today?



Historically we always look back at cultures that have been self-destructive and we talk about the ignorant way they treated the natural world, and we pass judgment on them. But the truth is that what we’re now doing to the natural world is a thousand times more destructive than it’s ever been before. We’re literally going through an extinction right now. We’re changing our climates irreparably, and climate change lasts tens of thousands, if not millions, of years. We don’t seem to be learning lessons from the past.





How did your commitment to help fix the world start?

As a young boy I was obsessed with endangered species and the extinct species that men killed off. Biology was the subject in school that I was incredibly passionate about. As a kid, I was going to be a marine biologist or an actor. When I became successful as an actor, I said, “Well, maybe I can lend a voice to this with an equal passion.” You realize how lucky we are, and how destructive we’ve been, and what little regard we have for the natural world. In a lot of ways [environmental advocacy] becomes a form of spirituality. And here we are, in this unbelievably heavenly moment on planet Earth, and look how we’re treating this utopia and the fellow life-forms that we live with. It’s disheartening.

You said your choice as a kid was between marine biology and acting. Why did you choose acting?

Very early on I was always impersonating different characters, imitating people who came by. I loved doing that and getting the amazing experience of seeing people’s reactions. You see your parents laughing. It’s a communal family experience, and you share that love, you know?

Is acting an escape for you?

Sure. Acting always represented a way out for me. I saw many things in the neighborhoods where I grew up that were pretty terrifying. Acting takes you away from reality. Being able to escape was important. Movies do that for me. Two hours inside of a theater can transport you into a completely other universe. To me, that’s the beauty of movies.

What does acting give you that you wouldn’t get from a different profession?

Life can get pretty monotonous. Acting is like living multiple lives. When you make a movie, you go off to different places, live different cultures, investigate somebody else’s reality, and you try to manifest that to the best of your ability. It is incredibly eye-opening. That’s why I love acting. There’s nothing as transformative as what a film, a documentary, can do to get people to care about something else besides their own lives.

You’re famous and rich, you can have all the women you want, do whatever you like, and instead you decide you’re going to concern yourself about the fires killing orangutans in Indonesia. Why?

Because the idea of pursuing material objects your whole life is absolutely soulless. Steve Jobs [co-founder of Apple] sat on his deathbed talking about how greed and wealth is the root problem of everything. I believe that too. My career has given me so much from a material standpoint. I feel that I absolutely need to give back in whatever capacity I can. It’s my moral obligation.

You’re 41 and still single. Do you believe in marriage?

That time will come when that time comes. The truth is, you can’t predict marriage. You can’t plan it. It’s just going to happen when it happens.

The Revenant aside, which of your films is your favorite?

That’s like asking me to choose between children. The Aviator was the one where, for the first time, I felt I was taking adult responsibility for a film, unlike ever before. In my whole life, the two films I developed were The Aviator and The Wolf of Wall Street. They’re projects from my production company that I put together from my own steam, and so they have a special attachment to me.

Is fame worth the price that you pay for it?

Fame for fame’s sake? No. But if I wanted to quit acting, I could have done it a long time ago. I love making movies. I feel lucky and fortunate to do it, and it is absolutely worth sacrificing a lot of my private life. I don’t think anyone [famous] ever really gets used to it. It’s always surreal. At the end of the day, there are people with much harder jobs who sacrifice a lot more of their own lives to do them, people in the armed forces. I don’t want to hear myself complain about the hardships of being famous—because I do have the freedom to stop, if I wanted to.

What makes you happy?

What I’m doing right now makes me happy. I’m getting on a plane to document this important moment in history, and I’m trying to simultaneously have enough time for my personal life and my own relationships.

So basically, you’re happy?

My dad always told me, “Go out there, son, and whatever you do, I don’t care if you’re successful or not, just have an interesting life. Just be happy to put your pants on in the morning.” I believe I’m doing that.



You said your choice as a kid was between marine biology and acting. Why did you choose acting?

Very early on I was always impersonating different characters, imitating people who came by. I loved doing that and getting the amazing experience of seeing people’s reactions. You see your parents laughing. It’s a communal family experience, and you share that love, you know?

Is acting an escape for you?

Sure. Acting always represented a way out for me. I saw many things in the neighborhoods where I grew up that were pretty terrifying. Acting takes you away from reality. Being able to escape was important. Movies do that for me. Two hours inside of a theater can transport you into a completely other universe. To me, that’s the beauty of movies.

What does acting give you that you wouldn’t get from a different profession?

Life can get pretty monotonous. Acting is like living multiple lives. When you make a movie, you go off to different places, live different cultures, investigate somebody else’s reality, and you try to manifest that to the best of your ability. It is incredibly eye-opening. That’s why I love acting. There’s nothing as transformative as what a film, a documentary, can do to get people to care about something else besides their own lives.

You’re famous and rich, you can have all the women you want, do whatever you like, and instead you decide you’re going to concern yourself about the fires killing orangutans in Indonesia. Why?

Because the idea of pursuing material objects your whole life is absolutely soulless. Steve Jobs [co-founder of Apple] sat on his deathbed talking about how greed and wealth is the root problem of everything. I believe that too. My career has given me so much from a material standpoint. I feel that I absolutely need to give back in whatever capacity I can. It’s my moral obligation.

You’re 41 and still single. Do you believe in marriage?

That time will come when that time comes. The truth is, you can’t predict marriage. You can’t plan it. It’s just going to happen when it happens.











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Just now, BarbieErin said:


In Brazil is TNT, but other countries I don't know.  :idk:

i hope we have this channel, every year i watch the show through videos from  youtube but this year i really want to watch the whole show live , thanks for help :flower:

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Cover of Parade magazine , I love how they all needed to put was his first name 




Apparently Leo & Inarritu were on Today show again today giving an interview









Tks for Ellen vids , love them :excited:




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Ugh really sucks I went to check Revenant showtimes for tonight and my theater only has four showings a day for Revenant because they are still using up a majority of the theaters for Star Wars. I'm sure its same at a lot of other theaters :/ 


Thanks Ox for the new Parade mag stuff :D 

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Maybe Im the luckiest one in this forum so far cuz i had the chance to see The Revenant yesterday (it opened yesterday in my country) and I will go see it twice , we usually go to Leo movies 3 times :56608abdc37de_rhythmisadancer::irenistiQ: :woohoo:i gotta say it was sooo  CAPTIVATING :thumbs_up: everything was perfect and Leo did a magnificent work , the bear sequence was so realistic and the scene where Glass and the native american man stick their tongues out was a very cute sequence , Leo looked like a cutie pie :wub: so i can see why on instagram many people post pictures from this scene , but for those who can't handle blood and brutality i can say that they wont enjoy the film its not the kind of movie or them but i have no problem with gory stuff. The film was EPIC and i hope everyone of you enjoy it as i did:thumbsup:

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