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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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But hold them at bay. Within 20 minutes, Leonardo DiCaprio gets more screen time, the soundtrack kicks into high gear, and this "Gatsby" starts turning into something special.

After seducing us with lavish visuals (the 3-D is exceptional, the production design exquisite) but doing zilch to ornament the characters, Luhrmann gets on track and goes full-steam ahead -- taking us on a spectacular, operatic ride with DiCaprio riding shotgun.

As the enigmatic millionaire who gets rich by any means possible, all for the sake of love, he's spot on.

When he takes tea with old flame Daisy at Nick's cabin, he's boyish and disarmingly sweet. While hosting an outrageous party at his Disneyland-like mansion on Long Island, he's sexy and secretive. And when he realizes he can't control the course of love, he's vulnerable and shattered. He nails every note.

Even after a tottering start, he bounces back to get into the spirit of Fitzgerald's novel. But it is DiCaprio who really burrows into the soul and the marrow of a classic. Luhrmann just grazes it.


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I can't see it neither Kat. hmmm but I feel this is one of their True or false, since if that was a fact the headline it would be an exclamation and not question mark. :hehe: I find more than obvious that a hookup between them would be a gossip heaven! :neo2:

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I watched the vid , and they really don't say anything beyond Leo was seen talking with Jennifer . They said they had a 'report' they were chatting . Then the girl says that Leo and Jen were seen partying at Globes . And then suddenly the guy starts talking about difference between Globe parties versus Oscar parties, and never got back to Leo/Jen :p

Which tells me they pulled their so called 'insider' news from the MTV /Met article that claimed she was there and that Leo & Gerard Butler were in 'awe' of her which , personally, I take as them putting their 'own' spin on things.

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Excerpt from another Gatsby review

'The Great Gatsby' Review: Leonardo DiCaprio Outshines the Glitz and Glamour

Like Carraway, The Great Gatsby is eventually awoken to the "real" man behind the lavish production numbers. The movie changes course for the better when the brilliant Leonardo DiCaprio enters the picture. Like the plebs he greets, his Jay Gatsby literally takes the movie's breath away, forcing Luhrmann to put aside his song and dance infatuation for dazzling performances in the heightened world he created. Luhrmann's script sticks closely to the required high school reading we all know and love: After settling into a modest West Egg, Long Island cottage for the summer, Carraway is courted by Gatsby for friendship. With the help of the reclusive gazillionaire, Carrway experiences life in the fast line. But Gatsby has ulterior motives. Five years prior, he fell desperately in love with Carraway's cousin Daisy (Carey Mulligan). Now he needs Carraway to pull her out of East Egg long enough for Gatsby to convince her to leave her cheating, polo-playing husband Tom Buchanan (Joel Edgerton). Mesmerized by charm, Carraway reluctantly abides.

Maguire does a stand up job playing witness to Gatsby's upper crust destruction, but it's DiCaprio's show to steal. The actor finds new sides to his on-screen persona that outshine the glitz and glamour; in his first encounter with Daisy, Gatsby bumbles around Carraway's living room, hyperventilating and trembling in fear like a teenager on his first date. It's DiCaprio embracing physical comedy and low status — in complete contrast to what he does as the "Great Gatsby" who commands over parties and works shady business deals in the backrooms of New York City. Like the sporadic beauty of jazz, DiCaprio mixes Gatsby's moods into one unified, engrossing character.


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yeaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh....Leo the best actor on earth is getting FANTASTIC reviews AGAIN :clap:

CAN`T WAIT to see another magnificent performance by "LEO THE GREAT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woot: :woohoo:

THANKS A MILLION dear Oxford 4 da great reviews & pix & the GMA vid Flower%20for%20you.gif DA MAN looks extremely handsome :wub2:

also,BIG THANX 2 beautiful Leo lovers who shared latest updates!!!YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!

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I think I'm going to go see it this Saturday - or possibly Friday. But I think Saturday. AND I AM REALLY EXCITED SINCE I LOVE BAZ'S MOVIES MOST OF THE TIME DUE TO THE COLORS AND ETC. And of course...Leo, my husband. Lol.

Thanks for all that's been posted, everyone. :D

Also, I don't think it even matters if the critics don't like this movie. The audience isn't going to pay that much attention to what the critics say when people spend bunches of dollars to go see stuff like Thor and horror movie crap. Leo already has his 20 mil and I bet the movie is going to make major $$$ - just a feeling I have since people have seemed excited over it - so I don't think we should worry if critics are snarky. People that pay attention to pop culture/movies/etc like this have been against this project since day one because for some reason they have such a connection to this book - which I've always found rather meh, lol (but the movie looks awesome and lively imo) - and something against Leo and Baz. L A M E. ha.

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thanks everyone for all the reviews and videos.

calibi, thanks for your screening report.

i, too, would love to hear more and especially about how it was received by the others in the theater :)

The NY times has a clip from the film with commentary from Luhrmann about how/when they shot it:


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So cute when he's talking about dancing!!

also a nice imdb review praising Leo!

I attended this movie at an early showing on May 6th after waiting almost two years to see it. I watched the trailer too many times to count and I have read the book; in fact, it is one of my favorites. When I viewed this movie it had been built up in my head to huge proportions. With that said, I can honestly say that I think this movie delivered. It was not only true to the novel, well-structured, visually stunning, and excellently acted; it was also a film that immersed the audience into its bright colors and intriguing soundtrack. Some of its highlights include: -Lana Del Rey's song "Young and Beautiful" pulled the film together as it was played a number of times but in variations.

-The film's bright colors drew the audience into it in a way that I haven't seen since 'Avatar'.

-Leonardo DiCaprio's acting was phenomenal. I really do hope he finally wins that Oscar

-If at all possible, I recommend viewing this movie in 3D. It was gorgeous and it really brought the parties, cars and city to life.

This list could go on forever because I didn't see a single flaw in the film. From its exciting opening to its genius conclusion, this film was a masterpiece.

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Great another opportunity for some new pix of Leo

DiCaprio art auction to benefit environment

(AFP) – 1 hour ago

NEW YORK — Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio will appear Monday at an art auction at Christie's in New York where the actor hopes to raise millions of dollars for environmental protection.

Thirty-three works of art will go on the block, many by contemporary artists addressing environmental themes. Organizers of the "11th Hour Auction" estimate they could raise $15 million, Christie's said.

DiCaprio, currently starring in a huge new production of "The Great Gatsby," will attend the auction in Manhattan. In the catalogue for the auction, DiCaprio wrote that his foundation is "dedicated to protecting the last wild places on Earth and the critically endangered species that inhabit them."

"Our goal is simple: to support innovative conservation projects worldwide that protect nature, and improve the lives of local communities."

Among the works on sale will be "The Tiger," by Zeng Fanzhi, which comes from the collection of billionaire Francois Pinault. The pre-sale estimate was $1.5-2.5 million.

There are also works by the graffiti artist Banksy, a photograph by Richard Prince called "Silhouette Cowboy," and many works focusing on animals, such as Walton Ford's "Anthroponosis," which depicts the Bible's Eve walking with an orangutan.

A 2013 portrait of DiCaprio by Elizabeth Peyton is also on sale, estimated at $400,000-600,000.


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From L.A. Times Gatsby review

Except for Indian star Amitabh Bachchan's unexpected cameo as Jewish gambler Meyer Wolfsheim, the only character who survives this onslaught of insincerity is, paradoxically, the man who can be seen as the story's master of deception, Jay Gatsby. Introduced smiling the most beguiling smile imaginable, a look Fitzgerald describes as "one of those rare smiles with a quality of reassurance about it," DiCaprio successfully calls on all his movie star charisma to become the film's only person of interest.

As the impeccably dressed but indisputably modest millionaire who calls people "old sport" more than he should and seems to live only to give the most elaborate parties in all Christendom, Gatsby in DiCaprio's hands is reminiscent of Orson Welles' youthful and energetic Charles Foster Kane.


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Loving more Leo praise :clap: Thanks! Once again Calibi, curious about more feedback on where this performance stands among leos other performances :)


I watched the vid , and they really don't say anything beyond Leo was seen talking with Jennifer . They said they had a 'report' they were chatting . Then the girl says that Leo and Jen were seen partying at Globes . And then suddenly the guy starts talking about difference between Globe parties versus Oscar parties, and never got back to Leo/Jen :p

Thanks for the info :flower:

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