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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Tks for Wolf tweet , glad to see it confirms what I had read :)

Still hoping Leo can make London/Django premiere

Valentine & Kat

Like us I've noticed many on the Oscar/movie blogs I follow have ,also, been puzzled as to how anyone would consider Waltz a supporting character.

I agree with the comparison a fellow Leo fan used that Foxx & Waltz are like Leo and DDL in Gangs . They were co-leads , and that is how they were listed when it came to award consideration for Gangs

Or as the same fan told me that in a 2 hr & 45 film, Waltz is only not in 35" of it , so how could he be considered a supporting player ???


Tks for Woody Allen comments about Leo :)

ByPrincess & Barbie

I had seen the article that ByPrincess posted about Leo/Kate the other day.

It seems to be just a rehash of older interviews with him.

At same time I did want to mention that People had an article about Kate's marriage this week , and they had no mention that Leo gave her away or was in attendance at wedding.


Tks for more Sydney/yacht pix :)

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Turns out that now that the actuals are in the difference between Chainsaw ( with 3D higher ticket prices ) and Django was closer than weekend estimates

Sunday weekend estimates

1 Texas Chainsaw 3D : $23,000,000

2.Django Unchained : $20, 082, 000


1. Texas Chainsaw : 21, 744,470

2. Django Unchaind: 20, 010, 745

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^Perks of being a leo fan, always getting to hear awesome compliements and words about him :heart: Thanks!

And thanks Ox for the django box office news, very impressive :thumbsup:

Princess: Ya I think that girl was just sitting next to him..though she was definetly trying to catch his attention ;)

FYI GMA will have another Nightline sneak peak tommarow...

Django Unchained @UnchainedMovie

Tune-in to @GMA tomorrow - @CynthiaMcFadden previews her @Nightline interview w/ Tarantino, DiCaprio & Jamie Foxx! 8:00 AM EST/PST on ABC

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Wow...that party was really fun!!! A hell of a lof of fun!! :nicole:

That girl sitting on his lap...awakens a desire inside me


Those pics are really nice girls !! if only I could have a small chance with those shoulders.... :woot:

Tks for the articles, tweets and vids sweeties! :flower:

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I think this man just wants to cause controversy... :idk:

Spike Lee's Views on Django Unchained Are as Hypocritical as the Man Himself

Some use Twitter to share points of interest. Some want to chat with friends. Others, however, just want to spout ill-researched mind-guffs and goad Quentin Tarantino, and, last week, Spike Lee had this to say via his account: "American slavery was not a Sergio Leone Spaghetti Western. It was a holocaust. My ancestors are slaves. Stolen from Africa. I will honor them."

The aforementioned tweet is, of course, Lee writing in reference to Tarantino's latest, Django Unchained, his uber-violent Western tale of an ex-slave that's starting to divide opinion amongst those who've seen it. The argument at the moment stands two-fold: does Tarantino's comedic, action-orientated approach to a touchy subject dishonour America's former enslaved? Or does it justifiably render the topic of slavery more palatable, therefore bringing it into wider discussion?

Unfortunately, I've yet to see Django Unchained, so I can't make a judgement either way, rendering this entire article almost meaningless. What's interesting, though, is how Spike Lee didn't bother to see the film either; more interesting still is that he doesn't even plan to. In all fairness, Lee started off honourably, telling Vibe TV "I can't speak on [Django Unchained] 'cause I'm not gonna see it". He then immediately changed his mind and literally spoke on it, adding that Django Unchained is "disrespectful to my ancestors". I assume watching the two-minute trailer swung it for him.

Spike Lee is no stranger to getting all up in Quentin Tarantino's business. He's berated Tarantino before for his use of the word 'nigger' in Jackie Brown, asking the question "What does he want to be made - an honorary black man?" as though skin colour is some kind of gentleman's club. When Jackie Brown star Samuel L. Jackson defended Tarantino, Lee called Jackson "a house Negro", Negro being an insulting word you can't say, but one which Spike Lee can, presumably because he's Spike Lee and you aren't. With Tarantino returning with a slavery-themed homage to blaxploitation movies, it was only a matter of time before Lee emerged from his lair to pitch in with an opinion no-one asked for. Tarantino has already offered a perceptive, fair statement in response, but who cares, hardly anyone's talking about that.

Spike Lee's accusations of racism have often come with mind-blowing double standards. He's always been a staunch defender of black rights, both through his movies and his mouth, while at the same time making conspiratorial, unnervingly-offensive references to a "white media" and a Hollywood 'run by Jews'. A couple of goodies aside (25th Hour and Inside Man, for instance), Lee's movies have also been known to carry worryingly racist undertones. It might be idealistic and naive to think that, some day, everyone will simply be referred to as 'human beings', but continually marking a distinction between 'black' and 'white' - as Lee likes to do - only serves to keep racism alive and deepen any existing racial divides. In fact, Lee is so reductive in his views on race and so detrimental to black culture that, if there really was a Fellowship for the Honorary Black Man, Lee's proposed candidacy would probably never be accepted. Tragically, Tarantino would likely be ahead of him in eligibility.

Like Spike Lee, I've yet to watch Django Unchained, but if he can comment on a movie without even seeing it, then so can I. For example, I haven't seen any of Lee's work from the past seven years, but going on his previous, I'll assume it's all been awful. Quentin Tarantino, on the other hand, is currently receiving arguably his warmest critical praise since Pulp Fiction in 1994. What's more, where Quentin Tarantino continues to provide intelligent, level-headed discourse on film, Spike Lee just keeps the candle for racial segregation burning, broadcasting woefully biased and stereotypical views to an audience of millions. Racism is (obviously) a terrible thing, but a man abusing a significant position within the film industry to promote division is even worse, and it won't be a terrible day when Spike Lee disappears from the movie world altogether.


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I just noticed that the Django Unchained screener was posted on youtube today. I wonder how long it will last on there. I'm watching the calvin candie scenes right now. Leo was so great in it. Hope he gets that nomination this week. Fingers crossed.

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