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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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^Nice article!

Shout out to everyone who not only posts to bring up a certain topic or solely comes here to insinuate things. Who are interested in more than one aspect of Leo's life. Which is for the most part the vast majority on here :)

True that!

Its cool alot of people look at this place for info, not just tweets and new pics...but like comments in articles, sidementions ect. Makes this place cool :thumbsup:

yep, that's it! :p

nice article! thanks, wijn! :wave:

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It looks like Leo and Jaime Fox are in a foto shoot today :wave:

Anda & Masha@andaandmasha

Why do I love that Jamie Foxx showed up to fitting in FULL red Adidas track suit...and Leo DiCaprio w an electronic ciggy! Amazzzz


Thanks Lola


Standing like this seems the mugshot of Jordan Belfort.. :laugh:

Thanks for the updates girls :heart:

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What a great treat for us today, tks :flower:

Leo must not have shave recently, as he looks to have some stubble on the chin :)


Well, since he's there with Jamie we can figure it's for Django; but , you're right, it is good practice for his future Jordan Belfort mugshot scene :p


Tks for Antartic article :)


Tks for vid :)

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Leonardo Dicaprio didn’t want to read for ‘Titanic’ audition

When we think of Titanic, our memories are inexorably linked to Rose and Jack as Kate Winslet and Leonardo Dicaprio. However, while promoting the upcoming release of ‘Titanic’ on blu-ray in a question and answer session, director James Cameron says Dicaprio originally didn’t even want to read for the part.

He says, “Leonardo almost didn’t get cast in movie since he refused to read. He got a nomination and didn’t want to read at age 19. Kate Winslet was already cast and Leonardo came in and he didn’t want to read. He said he wouldn’t read, so I said thanks for coming in and next time. I walked away and he yelled out, ‘So if I don’t read I don’t even have a chance?’ and I said “Yea, pretty much.’ And oh man, there was some serious eye-rolling. I have a five year old who doesn’t roll her eyes that much. And he groaned and moaned but he read the scene and before my eyes he turned into Jack. Now it was my problem because I had to cast him. It took me five weeks to talk him into doing it.”

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WOW! Boooom! Finally new sightings and especially pics... and man, Leo looks damn hot, worth the wait :woot:.

Leo at bowling... this I needed to see :hehe:. And new photoshoot? Hmmm... we'll get some yummy pics :chicken:.

aww it's two years, we've been updating this forum, every day, kinda cool, you know! :blush:

Aww, nice! I love this place, love you girls :grouphug:.

Thanks girls for all the articles, tweets, pics, videos :wave:.

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Luv the tweet ; very funny & so true :)


Tks for Titanic article ; love Cameron's comments :)

And , I agree, in the pose for the stylist, Leo has almost same stance as Django pix below, and we can see how the full beard makes him look older



Boy that is a really old interview; before I was fan, tks :)

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You girls move quite fast! :nicole:

I couldn't believe you had written more than three pages since my last comment and it was yesterday!! :nicole: Great job girls!! :grouphug:

So many tweets and pics...dont know where to start! :chicken: Tks for everything...Leo looks always gorgeous and yummy in his pics,clean shaven,bearded...no matter how,for me he will always be the most handsome man in Hollywood.

Loved Cameron's comments and also his mugshot....so handsome!! :chicken:

It's funny to know Leo wasn't the least bit interested in Titanic...I just think that Cameron should stop mentioning Leo all the time because whenever this happens is just to remember the bad times during the filming and I'm a bit sick of it. Only my opinion. :p

Tks for everything girls!! :flower:

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Leo destroyed that beautiful car for a scene...

Eric Gruter ?@egruter89

Dicapro's crashed Lamborghini on the set of Wolf of Wall Street http://instagr.am/p/Q5Ibd0vnlE/


jordanshutt ?@Jordanshutt

Leonardo DiCaprio's house. We could hear him... We just couldn't see him http://instagr.am/p/RD3QJqlWR5/


Leo's house?

Is that his house indeed?

I also miss news of Leo and Erin...or am I very outdated and they have broken up this relationship? :nicole:

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