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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I mean we all know Leo is fiercely, fiercely private of his personal life. And I think the women in his life know this and respect it. But, no, I don't think he's controlling or that he's going to end a relationship just because Blake's family knew he didn't like ketchup or some ridiculously hilarious like that. If he were? I don't think women like Gisele or bar would be with him for as long as they were since both ladies travel the globe all the time and can't be with him all the time, and it would be so easy for them to be like: kiss my ass, Leo. Lol. I think the media takes a grain of truth - like say Leo possibly being obsessive about keeping his private life private and turn it into some story of him like bugging people's houses to know if they said anything about him or installing small microchips on all his friends/girlfriends just in case they dare speak about him....and he could then send out a hit man. :rofl: but, yeah, I could see, if I were a girlfriend of his, how the constant being on the down low could get old....but if you love the person and he/she is not crazy (like the articles make him out to be), you deal.

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I just think that some gossips are very concerned about creating things on him, precisely because he is a discreet man and out of the spotlight,that's my opinion. "Let's see what we will write about him today?" :nicole:

In my opinion,I dont believe it,the source doesn't seem to be very reliable.

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Honestly, this one could be easily true.

Honestly, this one could be easily UNTRUE... It's Star, people... get real, please!

Leo and Erin are a low profile couple. Days, weeks, even months without even a footnote on any gossip magazine. No wonder why they come with this sh*t all the time.

Kat said... no more words from me.

Thanks girls for all the stuff :wave:.

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Chris Rock:

"In stand-up, I'm Leo(nardo) DiCaprio," he said. "I get to play what I want to play. I can go wherever I want to go. I'm Leo. Leo gets the best scripts. 'Hey, hey man. Leo is coming.' Everybody knows that Leo is getting the best."


Welcome Sunsmile!

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Tks for Leo tweet :)


Tks for Erin tweet :)


Agree with your comments regarding Star article :yes:

Also, tks, for Hugh Evans tweet


Tks for L.A. tweets :)

It's must be great when you love to play basketball , and you get to play with NBA players .

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Oh the very reliable Star Magazine... :cain: just like National Enquirer.

Off course Leo don't want his private life exposed, but some parts of the article are laughable. :rofl:

thanks calibi and kat for the tweets. I hope that now he's in L.A, paps do their work and take some pics for us.

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So, like, I'm a creeper and I like to check out who Leo follows on Twitter every now and then - even though I'm not entirely sure he even really does much with his twitter....himself that is. BUT WATEVA.

Still, I noticed he's following Kevin and Tobey...AND THAT'S SO CUTE. AWW. lmfaooo. Idek why but it is. :p

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bad news about The Great Gatsby

The Film Stage@TheFilmStage

The Great Gatsby has been pushed to summer 2013.

i hope we get details as to why the release date has been changed :(


Apparently WB wants it to reach the largest audience possible and think it would be better for a summer release, or something along those lines anyway. Sad news! Gah, I was really looking forward to having 2 Leo movie releases later this year... but hopefully it'll be worth the wait.

So theres a new leo biography book out..looks pretty interesting, I would love to read it!

Oooh I might just have to buy that and see what it's like ;)

And thanks girls for all the newest updates and sightings. Where are the paps when we need them?!

Love your Avatar! So fresh and beautiful. There is some talk that Leo is getting married in 2013. If it's in the summer, than could impact the bottom line with the promo tour if he's willing to talk about his personal life. For the right money and awards, he just might. We'll see???
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Thanks Pami! Also if were talking about Leo and erin...loll just a little thing, probably not post worthy, but because not alot of leo news! erin out driving leos fisker karma today.


thanks to erinheatheronangelwings for the find!

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