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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Yes , I remember reading about that encounter at the time it happened.

And, yes, we know from pix that I just posted yesterday that Leo does take pix with fans, I guess, it depends on where he is /what is going on at time.

Personally, I would just be thrilled in my lifetime to actually see him in person :yes:


Maybe you're right, Leo is reading this board, and is delighting in our longing to see his new Wolf look :p

I think Leo is teasing us girls since he knows we all want to see him with his new Jordan Belfort look

Any doubts Oxford? :p

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As I said above, depending on the 'timing' of request, or the 'what' happening around him' , I'm sure at times fans have requested pix and been told "No".

If you recall when Leo returned from Hawaii recently, the NY dejay who was on plane with him followed him , and by the time he got outside , Leo was already inside his SUV , and the guy asked Leo's bodyguard could he take a picture , and he was told 'no'.

However, at same time as long time Leo fans, we have seen over the years pix of Leo with lucky fans, such as the pix I posted yesteday, so that why I said I think it all depends on what is happening at that given time as to whether Leo will pose with fans for pix or not :)


Yes, that picture is a great example of the famous 'lip' action :p

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Thank's for the Leo's fan pic and I'm sure there's many other lucky people who take pic with him. It's jut the fact when Leo haven't the time for take pic for example when he leave an aiport or other,but this pic proves that when Leo is on vacation or other and when you ask a picture he accept.

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Just something I was thinking... since we don't have too much news. The actors that Leo have worked more than once:

Robert De Niro: This Boy's Life and Marvin's room.

Tobey Maguire: This Boy's Life, Don's Plum and The Great Gatsby.

Martin Sheen: Catch me if you can and The Departed.

Alec Baldwin: The Aviator and The Departed.

John C. Reilly: Gilbert Grape, Gangs of New York and The Aviator.

Kate Winslet: Titanic and Revolutionary Road.

Kathy Bates: Titanic and Revolutionary Road.

Russel Crowe: The Quick and the Dead and Body of Lies.

And I think I forgot someone, :hehe: but anyway.

And directors I believe only Scorsese off course, and Baz Luhrman.

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Great list, tks :)

Leo has worked with many talented fellow actors over the years . I hope that one day you can add to that list Johnny Depp.

I would love to see Gilbert & Arnie work together again :)


Yes,, lots of lucky Leo fans

I've already decided if my day to take a picture with Leo ever comes exactly how I will pose . I think Bruno's mom set the standard we should all follow :p


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i love the chemistry leo had with john c. reilly omg. john is so talented and versatile, it was such a pleasure to see them share so much screen time in The Aviator. i hope they work together again, perhaps in a comedy!

with that being said, i can't even begin to articulate how excited i am to see jonah hill and leo working together. i've recently become really fond of jonah (he's just like john, talented and versatile!) and that has only fuelled my intense enthusiasm for wolf of wall street. and under scorsese's direction (ugh leo/scorsese otp).

i will die. i will DIE.

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Great list, tks :)

Leo has worked with many talented fellow actors over the years . I hope that one day you can add to that list Johnny Depp.

I would love to see Gilbert & Arnie work together again :)


Yes,, lots of lucky Leo fans

I've already decided if my day to take a picture with Leo ever comes exactly how I will pose . I think Bruno's mom set the standard we should all follow :p


I totally agree with you Oxford,that would be my pose too... however somewhat more spicy.... :p

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