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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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But watching the videos Lukas...They arrived to New York in yacht??

btw (because I can't help saying it due to all the commotion out there) R.I.P Robsten :rofl:

But watching the videos Lukas...They arrived to New York in yacht??

btw (because I can't help saying it due to all the commotion out there) R.I.P Robsten :rofl:

Apparently yess It's what I saw too !

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No, the vid that Lukas took of NY harbor was filmed from their plane as they approached the airport, and the other pix could easily be taken on the balcony of Leo's River Terrace condo :)

And, are you being mean to the Twihards :p

They arrived to New York in yacht??


Best lastest news : filming begins August 1st

Latest new cast member : Jon Favreau


Yes , he does look gorgeous there; it was right before he started filming of BD :drool:

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Django Unchained completed filming early this morning (7/25), below is Facebook entry from film's producer

Producer Stacey Sher announced on her Facebook page that finally, Quentin Tarantino's "Django Unchained," has wrapped after some 130 shooting days.

Here's what Sher wrote:

Well, we did it! At 1:23 AM, we wrapped up the extraordinary journey that has been the filming of Django Unchained. 126 (or 130 depending on who is doing the counting) of challenging, magical, incredible adventures from Simi Valley, to the Alabama Hills, to the frozen Grand Tetons, to the swamps and plantations of New Orleans and back to Simi Valley once again! It has been an honor to go on this epic journey with the greatest partners: My fellow producers, the unbelievably brilliant cast, the most inspiring and hardworking crew (not to mention the most fun) all brought together by the genius and imagination of QT! Post Production here we come! Django, we will never forget you.

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Had to laugh at the guy's below description about his excitement at attending this week's California Extreme event in San Francisco , a big pinball/game arcade convention

California Extreme speakers include Gary Stern of Stern Pinball, Twin Galaxies video-game scorekeeper Walter Day and Steve Golson, one of the original developers of "Ms. Pac-Man." Among the playable rare games at the show will be "Crazy Otto," an early development version of "Ms. Pac-Man." This may not be a big deal to you, but to 1980s arcade geeks it's like meeting Leonardo DiCaprio.


Maybe Leo will unveil his new shaven look by this weekend, but , if not, we know for sure he will have had to shave if Wolf is starting filming August 1st :p

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From Forbes, Serena Williams joins Mobli

Just In Time For The Olympics, Serena Williams Is The Latest Celebrity To Invest In Mobli

Serena Williamsfans (and there are a lot of them) will be able to watch the Olympics through the tennis star’s eyes over the next few weeks using Mobli, a photo and video sharing site that has excelled at attracting celebrity investors.

We highlighted the company for our Celebrity 100 issue earlier this year because stars like Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire and Lance Armstrong have put their own money into Mobli. Investing in early stage companies is the latest perkfor celebrities who want to move beyond things like endorsements and clothing lines.

In some ways, Williams is a bigger “get” for the site than even DiCaprio. While the actor is one of the most famous people on earth, Williams is more connected with her fans. She has almost 3 million followers on Twitter and she tweets often.

Move down

With her recent Wimbledon win, all eyes are on Williams for the Olympics which is good news for Mobli. The company was founded by Israeli entrepreneur Moshe Hogeg after he noticed how many people at a concert were recording the event on their cell phones.

Although the site is mostly about photo and video sharing right now, Hogeg’s vision for the company is that it will ultimately become a place where people can see anything happening in the world at any time through other people’s eyes.

Moshe Hogeg, Mobli’s founder and CEO, has a different comparison in mind:
. For him and Mobli, social is just a means to an end. The end is building a visual search engine — one that can show its users “everything worth seeing in the world.”

“We’re trying to build a platform that eventually will give you eyes everywhere,” he says.

Mobli is a long way from Google and right now the selections from its star clients are pretty thin. DiCaprio’s feed features mostly publicity stills from his upcoming movies. Some of Williams photos are of her nails, some cupcakes and her butt. Oh, and her stuffed monkey Max.

Not exactly thrilling stuff, but the show hasn’t started in London yet.

And Hogeg has said the the celebrities are about getting people to the site. He feels sure that once they check it out, they’ll stay for the product.

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