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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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ET tonight they are talking about Leo-mania,

Thanks :) Probably not going to get a chance to see it, but just curious do you know why they'll be talking about Leo mania all of a sudden? :) Just because of the Django trailer?

Maybe Fash,but Leomania was a huge teen fever! :hehe:

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ET tonight they are talking about Leo-mania,

Thanks :) Probably not going to get a chance to see it, but just curious do you know why they'll be talking about Leo mania all of a sudden? :) Just because of the Django trailer?

Maybe Fash,but Leomania was a huge teen fever! :hehe:

Yup it certainly was! :p

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does anyone know if the django trailer will premier tomorrow before prometheus? if i'm not mistaken, the UK is getting it tomorrow, no?

either that or i've lost my head completely...

I don't think Prometheus is out yet in theaters - June 8th is what I read.

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Screenwriter David Goyer tells Empire Magazine that Warner Bros. was immediately thinking of a main villain for the third Batman film as early as the premiere of The Dark Knight.

nailbiter111 - 5/31/2012

leowalking.jpgThe website batman-news.com was going through the online version of Empire's article on The Dark Knight Rises and dug up a couple nuggets of information that were overlooked.

David Goyer said that at the premiere of
, Warner Bros. executives were already talking about a villain for
The Dark Knight Rises
“it’s gonna be The Riddler, and we want it to be Leonardo DiCaprio…”

Too bad it didn't happen. He would have made a great Riddler, I think.

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Promotheus was released in UK today, but according to UK Django fans , the Django trailer was not shown with the feature.

So, it seems, Django fans worldwide will have to wait for next Friday June 8th :)


Thanks for Empire comment about Leo/Riddler :)


I missed your ET alert here, but I did see it :)

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Promotheus was released in UK today, but according to UK Django fans , the Django trailer was not shown with the feature.

So, it seems, Django fans worldwide will have to wait for next Friday June 8th :)

thanks for the info! here's hoping for an online premier shortly after the actual debut before prometheus!

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Hello girls!

Slow news right? But I'm sure that by the end of this year we'll have lots of pics of him and many magazine covers will come around! :)

This year will be Leo's year. :) (Y)

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Nice anaylsis of the Gatsby trailer

00:10: Jay-Z and Kayne West's “No Church in the Wild” opens. OK, not expecting that. We still envision the harping tunes of '20s jazz. We push it aside — Romeo + Juliet wove in that same modern theme and managed to make us swoon all the same. We give it a shot, because it’s DiCaprio and Luhrmann again and we’d basically entrust them with our soul if asked. “The tempo of the city had changed sharply,” says Tobey Maguire’s voiceover. Well, it sure has.

00:18 Nick Carraway (Maguire) slowly merges us in through lulling descriptions: flappers and drunken escapades; vintage cars and a sprawling mansion. We’re introduced to Jordan Baker (Elizabeth Debicki) who’s a bit taller and gawkier than imagined, but still fits the bill. We mull over these miniscule revisions to the Fitzgerald original and succumb to the fact that it’s basically on par.

00:35 We see Daisy Buchanan (Mulligan) and her soft, southern voice ask “Gatsby? What Gatsby?” And then, ah yes, the iconic shot of Jay Gatsby (Dicaprio) in the window overlooking his party’s guests. Alright, we’re more impressed now; all the key notes are ringing. We wet your lips with anticipation.

00:54 To the sound of rain hitting the windows Daisy and Gatsby meet. She is flawless and delicate, he is soaked and breathless; our hearts pound. Gatsby quietly stumbles out a response: “I’m certainly glad to see you as well.” Swoon. It’s 1996 all over again.

01:00 “From the Director of” credits remind us (via a very appropriately jazzy font) of who you’re dealing with. Jack White’s “Love is Blindness,” plays, and all our initial prejudices begin to dissolve. Take us away, Luhrmann.

01:15 Shots of decadent early 20th century architecture are flashed, in delicious and opulent glory. Spotted amongst clips of debauchery we catch a woman dive into a pool (perhaps Daisy into the iconic Gatsby pool?). We foreshadow the climax. To the heartache we are knowingly omitting from memory. And, given Lurhmann’s reputation, it will drench our core in its bitter sweetness.

01:30 The images then begin to leave West Egg (or East Egg, or North, South, or Hard Boiled who can remember clearly at this point) and into the Valley of Ashes—the grizzled wasteland. Daisy’s husband Tom fashioned with a look that is just as mean and heartless as we remembered. The tension in our blood builds in tune to the music and scenes of increasing hostility, as the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg watch with foreboding. “We have someone who would like to see you.” A butler says to Gatsby. “Not now...” he responds in a frantic whisper.

02:05 A black and white flash-back to the war show Gatsby clad in a WW1 uniform. We wonder how integral of a part will these play. They’re dark and haunting, true. But also, it just wouldn’t hurt to see more of DiCaprio running in the rain in that sort of garb.

02:20 “I wish I had done everything on Earth with you,” says Daisy’s voiceover as we see a shot of Gatsby—his party glowing exuberantly in the background. Oh, Luhrmann, we sigh, what a breathtaking spell you weave.


Pami, Kat, Amadine

In December it will be raining Leonardo DiCaprio; I can't wait :)

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Loved especially this one: :wub: Tks Oxford!

"She is flawless and delicate, he is soaked and breathless; our hearts pound. Gatsby quietly stumbles out a response: “I’m certainly glad to see you as well.” Swoon. It’s 1996 all over again."

Tks for the tweet Amandine!Leo's been working hard for banning trade of shark fins! :)

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