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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Thanks guys for articles :) I remember late last year Montana Cox was on a radio show and the hosts told her to stay away from Leo because of the rumours of him and models, but Montana turned around and said she'd like to meet him. Now look she got to meet him!!!! Lucky girl :p

Good memory, Fash.

Montana is a lucky bitch, I'm so jealous :laugh:.

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Hmmm interesting info fash!!! I am happy to hear that nothing happened, but still, hate her talking like that trying to get publicity.

And filming until the end of FEBUARY!!! :cry: Poor Leo, I hope this can finally get done and over with :/ Thanks Ox and fash :wave:

Thanks Nanda for the box office news. :wave:

Fash: Got to ask who is in your set, BEFORE you change it :p

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Thanks Oxf for the wonderful news that Leo will stay longer in Sydney.. Thank you very much!!! 9peleas.gif

Maybe it's not your fault but will pay just for being the messenger 10peleas.gif

I edit to say: If this Tweet is true I totally apologize with Oxfy :hug:

Zayn's Girl. @DanceWithMe1D

Okay, my Dad saw Leonardo DiCaprio today! Fdsghjaklskdfjh No joke. He saw him at the airport.

6:19 am - 15 feb 12 v

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OMG princess, I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOPE this tweet is true. Perhaps Leo doesn't have any filming left?? Even though that article said Tobey was supoosed to stay at the till the end of the month, doesn't necessarily mean Leos gonna :p :D

gosh I hope this is true :laugh:

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Hmmm interesting info fash!!! I am happy to hear that nothing happened, but still, hate her talking like that trying to get publicity.

Fash: Got to ask who is in your set, BEFORE you change it :p

Her name is Toni Garrn :) And in regards to the model she made the comment on twitter after someone ASKED her about it. Maybe she was simply clearing the air because so many where thinking it was more then just hanging out. If so I don't really see anything wrong with her saying that, maybe she's just not used to dealing with rumours swirling about her in public :/ :)

I'm kinda confused now,Titanic 3D realised in US in limited addition on February 14 yeah ???

IMDb says that was in Italy and there's no US mentioned :idk:



Yeah strange they would only list Italy. :)

Kate always gives overdramatic answers lol. Though I thought her kids weren't interested in seeing the movie :blink:

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^Ohhh okay thanks for the info ;) She is lovely :wub:

And yeah, its okay she did it on twitter, its just like all the models feel the need to comment on it. Which clearing the air is nice, but Its kinda annoying :p

Fash: Sent you a PM about SI ;)

Thanks Princess for the articles :wave:

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Great news about J Edgar box office. I was especially thrilled to see your comment that people went due to Leo being involved. :)

As I've mentioned before Frost Nixon ( another hard to see biopic of an unpopular figure ) received nods for the film/lead actor from every award group including Oscar yet its final box office was only 27.5 million

Yes, wasn't Leo's performance terrific. As another Leo fan told me and I agree ="The Oscars have become more about who gives the best performance for the voters rather than the best peformance on the screen."


Thanks for Titanic articles and latest Sydney tweet :)

Now if only I could your footprint marks off my clothes :cry:

If this Tweet is true I totally apologize with Oxfy


Thanks for information about model Montana Cox :)


Yes, Tobey has scenes without Leo , so only he might have to work to end of month. Besides, Leo has another film to do :)

Sent you pm .

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So Leo doesn't have any filming left?

I hope it's true...I cant stand it anymore! :laugh: It's time for us to see him in the 19th century in Django! :laugh: I want Calvin Candie.... :evil: hehe.

I think Titanic will be a huge success again,but of course I dont expect it to be the highest grossing again, although I twist a lot! :)

I miss watching news of Erin and him.... :idk:

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