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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Another positive review from Entertainment Weekly

I'll post just this key comment about Leo and then provided link to entire review below :)

But in Clint Eastwood's emotionally reticent yet absorbing J. Edgar, DiCaprio does more than disappear behind steely glasses and prosthetic old-age makeup. He transforms himself, in a feat of acting, from the inside out.

Entire EW review :


By Princess


Thanks for information about new IMDB photo, interview, birthday tweets , and news of the Wed limited J Edgar release box office :)

By Princess

Thanks for sighting of Leo & friends enjoying a pizza night out :)


Thanks for LACMA article and video clip :)


Sent you PM :)


Unless we have Leo Twitter sightings tonight or tomorrow , I guess we won't know if he has left for Sydney or not.

From a work perspective I would think they would like him on the set for Monday, which would mean he would have to leave tonight with travel/time zone difference.

But then it could be that the arrangement was that he would have enough time off to celebrate his birthday with family & friends in States :)

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Did anyone else see Armie Hammer on Ellen earlier today ?

It was so cute when Armie mentioned that the first man he ever kissed was Leonardo DiCaprio, and if he had to kiss a man what better way then to start at the top .

Then Ellen said , " I hear Leo has soft lips , and Armie said , "Yes, he does ."

He then brought up again the bit about guys need to shave, as kissing a guy with stubble on his face is not pleasant.


Thanks for information regarding AH, as well as, another J Edgar Wed box office article :)

Personally I'm not expecting J Edgar to be # 1 as it is an adult R rated drama opening against more commercial fare like "Immortals" /Adam Sandler movie. Plus if you check the theater count the other two films are opening in almost over a 1,000 more theaters.

I just hope it does as well , and hopefully even better, than other R rated adult dramas that have been released this year such as "Ides of March" :)

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Oh My Goddess! Girls, was looking for an old news here in the thread, and I just noticed that January 2011 begins on page 104 and now, like today, we're on page 575? :o

We are talking about over 400 pages in less than a year. this thread is moved 4 times faster compared to the last 4 years...

We're good. Well, I include myself even though I only started commenting recently :D

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On the Campaign Trail with Eastwood & Eastwood : he is referring to Oscar campaining

I had to laugh when Hammer calls Leo 'boss' as it reminded me of Mark Ruffalo always calling him that in SI :)

Nov 10, 2011


This could be the arrival of a head of state, and in some ways, it is.

On the move is Clint Eastwood, a Hollywood star for six decades and American icon for almost as long. The slow progress of the limo bearing the actor/director, currently stuck in traffic on nearby 53rd St., is being monitored by anxious publicists bearing smartphones.

It’s Monday morning in the Warner Bros. building off the Avenue of the Americas. The 81-year-old Eastwood is coming to the studio’s in-house movie theatre to speak to some 100-plus members of the National Board of Review about J. Edgar, his new biopic on J. Edgar Hoover, the shadowy head of the FBI who ruled from 1924 until his death in 1972.

Speaking of shadowy, what more fitting a group than the NBR for Eastwood to be talking to about J. Edgar? This mysterious collective of film buffs, filmmakers, academics and students normally shuns the media spotlight during its deliberations for what traditionally has been the first of the major Oscar precursor best-of lists.

This year’s NBR announcement is due Dec. 1. The J. Edgar campaign is just one of many such Oscar courtships currently underway involving the board, the Academy, critics and other influential groups, featuring such other likely nominees as The Descendants, The Artist, War Horse and Moneyball.

The NBR has to just roll with the press attention, and besides, it’s CLINT EASTWOOD who is coming. Trying to hold back his entourage and hangers-on would be as futile as attempting to steal the bullets from Dirty Harry’s .44 Magnum.[

Eastwood’s question-and-answer session with the NBR is supposed to start at 11:47 a.m., immediately following the end of the J. Edgar screening.

Traffic gridlock is putting punctuality to the test, and meanwhile, Clint’s crew is arriving. Brian Grazer, the J. Edgar producer (and newly named Oscars producer), is among the first to enter the theatre lobby, which is filled with tables of muffins, pastries, coffee and other morning treats.

Then comes the towering actor Armie Hammer, who plays intimate pal and FBI subordinate Clyde Tolson to Leonardo DiCaprio’s dominating Hoover in the film. Hammer is followed into the room shortly after by DiCaprio, and the two exchange greetings.

“How’s it going, boss man?” Hammer says to DiCaprio, as the two exchange warm hand slaps.

Suddenly there’s a murmur in the crowd, and a parting of the masses that reveals the arrival of Eastwood, who seems not the least bit concerned about the time. He’s wearing a suit jacket, tie and shirt, but also running shoes.

“Put ’er there, pardner,” DiCaprio greets Eastwood, enthusiastically shaking his hand.

Eastwood walks over to the table of food, looking closely at the offerings. He selects half a bran muffin. While he munches, I tell him about an interview the publicists have scheduled between us.

He nods and says, “I just do what they tell me.”

I also mention to him how people have told me to “say hello to Clint,” in this case my brother and father.

“I get that a lot,” Eastwood says, laughing.

“But I’m at the age now where people tell me that their grandfather wants to say hi to me!”

Not every actor is this approachable, and Eastwood doesn’t always let his guard down. When he goes to the Cannes Film Festival in France, for example, he’s much warier about the press, and seems much less amused by the business of selling a movie, which includes courting Oscar attention.

In recent years, he’s talked about quitting acting and maybe getting out filmmaking altogether. But today he seems more energized than ever, and the good humour continues as he, DiCaprio, Hammer and J. Edgar screenwriter Dustin Lance Black move into the packed theatre to begin the Q&A session.

Jeanine Basinger, an NBR trustee, film scholar/author and long-time Eastwood friend, is moderating the session. She’s entranced by J. Edgar, and she’s eager to talk about every detail of it, from the production design to the casting to the multiple themes.

She’s delighted by an audience member’s question about how close Hoover and Tolson really were: “Okay, this is the gay question!” she says.

“Okay, then, I’ll take it!” chimes in screenwriter Black, who is gay.

He talks about “the code” of “pre-sexual revolution, pre-Stonewall” times, when gay men had to be very careful about showing affection, even in private:

“No one was out. ‘Gay’ didn’t mean anything. That wasn’t a word; it meant that you were having a good time . . . and really, it was a thing you couldn’t discuss even in the privacy of your own home and even with someone you might have feelings for, because it was still that love that did not speak its name. So I thought to commit to words in a way that would be more defined than what it is here would be lying. That would sort of be revising history.”

Eastwood and the others nod agreement. The discussion turns to Hoover’s rumoured penchant for wearing women’s clothing, something else the film depicts, and DiCaprio says flatly and with much energy that there’s no way Hoover ever did that outside of his own home.

“That one rumour haunted him his entire life. It’s a fallacious one, it’s completely untrue . . . He spent the entirety of his life investigating other people’s secrets but protecting his own. The image of the FBI was paramount to him. He would attack anyone that would ever spread these rumours. It would have been ridiculous for him to go out in public or even to private parities dressed as a woman. It’s an absurdity. It went against everything that he stood for.”

The Q&A session goes well, and Eastwood actually seems to be enjoying it — although it is the very start of the Oscar campaign season. Check back with him several months from now, after he’s done dozens of these things.

He almost seems like he’s running for office, and in our interview following the NBR session, he reminds that he once was a politician: In 1986, he successfully ran for mayor of his current hometown of Carmel-by-the-Sea, a prosperous artist’s refuge on California’s Monterey Peninsula.

He served for one term to prove a point and to advance a socially conscious agenda — Eastwood can’t be pegged as either left or right, Democratic or Republican — and not because he had long-term political ambitions.

“People said, ‘Oh, he’s going to run for (presidential) office! Just like Ronald Reagan, a president and actor and all that.’

“I had no intention of that. I was just concerned about my community . . . The idea of living that life of having to go around and campaign and promote yourself on a constant basis, asking people for money to promote yourself, it was not in my game.

“I’m way too solitary for that,” he concludes.

For a self-professed loner, Eastwood does a pretty good impression of a guy who enjoys being surrounded by people, and who doesn’t mind the grind of campaigning for Oscar love.

He’s even admitting to having been hasty in his predictions of retirement, which he started talking about the time he released Mystic River in 2003.

Rather than slow down, he’s actually sped up. In recent years, he’s put out as many as two films per year on a variety of subjects: the World War II-themed Flags of Our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima in 2006; the period drama Changeling and late-life reckoning Gran Torino in 2008; and the supernatural thriller Hereafter and biopic J. Edgar in the past 12 months or so.

For the future, he has plans to direct a remake of A Star is Born and to return to acting in a baseball movie called Trouble With the Curve.

“I thought, ‘Let’s quit while we’re ahead,’” Eastwood says of his earlier retirement musings.

“But once in a while, something comes along that’s intriguing, a character study. I’m not interested in repeating myself and going back and playing The Man With No Name or Dirty Harry or what have you. That seems like a young man’s thing.

“As long as you’re enjoying yourself and you’re learning something, then keep at it.”

Eastwood must have a faster clock than most people, because “once in a while” seems to happen often for him. No wonder he wears running shoes.

Follow on Twitter: @peterhowellfilm

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Oh My Goddess! Girls, was looking for an old news here in the thread, and I just noticed that January 2011 begins on page 104 and now, like today, we're on page 575? :o

We are talking about over 400 pages in less than a year. this thread is moved 4 times faster compared to the last 4 years...

We're good. Well, I include myself even though I only started commenting recently :D

I know right? Its crazy! This thread is moving a hundred pages every couple of months :D I can credit myself for getting this thread starting up again. :D jk jk, but I kinda did. :p And I am happy that plenty have joined here and got it started again :hug:

Thanks Ox for the article!

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LOL I wish I would have tweeted that! :rofl: Irmelin is a wonderfull :wub:


As a newcomer to this forum, kudos to all who began it and kept it going prior to my arrival, as I'm mighty glad I discovered it

I'm happy that you and many others have discovered it. Its certainly the most popular thread on BZ out of all the threads in all catagories ;) :thumbsup:

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Hi girls, I love this place so much, you are the best Leo fans ever, and with the help of so many people that joined Leo's thread this year we arrived at this impressive number of 575, moving more 400 pages since january, very well said princess. So, I'am really glad to be part of this forum with all this nice and positive people, it's great to come here everyday and see all this news about our fave actor and all the effort all of you GIRLS do.

Just thank you all! :hug::clap: :hell yea!: :grouphug:

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I just really like this guy Armie, he have a very nice sense of humor because he is being asked about kiss Leo even before in fact kiss him and he's always takes all this questions in a good way, always making jokes and being so nice.

Really envy Armie's experience: Then Ellen said ," I hear Leo has soft lips , and Armie said , "Yes, he does ." Now, thinking well, Ellen knows Leo have soft lips because she already kissed him in the lips, twice... :p thanks to share ox, I will search on youtube to see this.

I just can't wait to J.Edgar, but I have a question: did the movie have more than 2 hours and a half?

I liked that gif Nanda, funny!

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Hey, Princess... your request was accepted: Billy Crystal is the host of the 2012 Oscar. He confirmed on twitter. Sounds good, I liked.

14saludar.gif YES! See, What I told you! I knew it... Ha ha! I was right. Thank you, Thank you Everybody! 5saludar.gif

Regarding what you said about the thread

Hi girls, I love this place so much, you are the best Leo fans ever, and with the help of so many people that joined Leo's thread this year we arrived at this impressive number of 575, moving more 400 pages since january, very well said princess. So, I'am really glad to be part of this forum with all this nice and positive people, it's great to come here everyday and see all this news about our fave actor and all the effort all of you GIRLS do.

Just thank you all!

Yeah, that's really amazing... this place made me complete as a proud fan of Leo.
I'm happy that you and many others have discovered it. Its certainly the most popular thread on BZ out of all the threads in all catagories
As a newcomer to this forum, kudos to all who began it and kept it going prior to my arrival, as I'm mighty glad I discovered it

I agree with you Girls! I'm also glad I joined because I REALLY enjoy comment with all of you! :grouphug:

But going back to Billy Crystal! I was right. I WAS RIGHT!... lengua.gif

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I think this answer of Leo talks a lot about himself and why he is so focused in his work than in any other things in his life:

You have been able to do that for a while…

Yes, but I know a lot of actors who I grew up with in the industry – growing up in Los Angeles – that don’t get to do that. I just keep imagining myself thirty years from now thinking, “Why didn’t you take advantage of all the opportunities you had? Look at all the people you could have worked with, the roles you could have done. Go for it.” And that’s what I am thinking.

I think it have to do with get do all the movies and characters that he is interested now that he's on the top and he can choose what he really want to do. It seems he don't want to get old and regret not doing something professionally instead of other things in life, I think he wants to do all he can now, all the possiblities that is now open to him because anyone is on top forever and he knows it, we know this, even that true talent last forever. This means for me that settle donw and family will come later in his life, unless this comes for him in an unexpected way, but it's seems clear he thinks in his career first. Honestly, I think he could have a family and a career without problems but in the other hand I also think he is right in take avantage of every good thing that comes for him professionaly and focus on them.

Remember fash that we talked about this.

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Oh wow Barbie!

I agree I'd hate to see him regret not fully utilizing the opportunities he has in front of him right now. This IS HIS TIME!

He's doing a damn good job with his career ... he just seems to keep getting higher and higher. Critically, financially, you name it. Not to mention all the people who matter in hollywood want to work with him and when they do they still can't get enough of him.

I'm so proud to be a Leo fan!! Corny I know but it's true :p

Thanks everyone for the news!!

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