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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Hello my sweeties!!! :wave:

I miss you all!!! :grouphug:

Girls... I need to say you move too fast!!! I didnt show up for a day and there were thousands of things going on here.... :laugh:

Leo and his broad shoulders for example... :drool: ,tks Oxford!!

I want movies....I want movies..... :clap:

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Amitabh Bachchan speaks well of Baz and the entire production crew

Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who wrapped up filming for his debut Hollywood project "The Great Gatsby", admits he has been a secret admirer of director Baz Luhrmann's work and calls the encounter as a "massive learning exercise".

The 69-year-old was shooting in Sydney, Australia, for the adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic which has Leonardo DiCaprio in the lead.

"It was my last day of the shoot at 'Great Gatsby' and Baz Luhrmann has been a huge revelation. One always admired his work and had admired him as a person during our brief encounter before filming started. But these few days spent with him and the entire way in which he works, has been a massive learning exercise," Bachchan posted on his blog bigb.bigadda.com.

The actor feels there is a lot that our industry needs to learn and imbibe from the West.

"I may have been a very small part of this film, but a very large part of the film shall remain with me. I have observed and witnessed new technologies, new production methods, management and the delegation of work with the utmost ease and, above all, the sincerity of the execution of whatever responsibility has been taken on by each person," he wrote.

"We have envied the West and its methodology and its immense presence in the trade of film and filmmaking. I know now why. Their concentration and desire to bring in the best there is in terms of clarity of vision and the execution to perfection, puts them in a category that makes them a different breed altogether. There is much to learn and imbibe, to share and experiment with," he added.

Amitabh's next stop is Brisbane, where he is going to receive an honorary doctorate from the Queensland University of Technology.


Thanks for more pix and video links :)

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I hate tabloids <_<. They did a story on J. Edgar, but the call is: Leonardo DiCaprio is gay! :shock:

I can with that? WTF? :angry: :yuckky: Who read only the call will think what?

Oh, the article is German: LINK

Aw boy, more videos that I have never seen :cry:.

Thanks girls for the pics, news and tweets :wave:.

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never seen this vid too! seems that's Titanic making of :p

60ddf33838ac.gif 242523865f95.gif

358de73e9037.gif efb7556ceba3.gif


I have this on dvd :D

It's from the titanic-deluxe edition :)

Does anyone know any way to get it on BZ?

aw that's so cool!

I know easiest way :laugh: upload on YouTube :blush:

But how do I get it from dvd to youtube?? :p

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