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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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OMG katchitup

Is incredible and absurd as this story has been blown out of proportion... though I must admit that the TMZ story is the hilarious :nicole: :nicole: but What a way to make news of a minor incident!!! And the owner of the jewelry??? What shameless way to promote the store :yuckky: should be ashamed :no:

so far... I've only heard bad experiences of Leo in Sydney. :mellow: the low security in the penthouse, that he even had to change place, the hiding photographers outside his house, the lack of privacy at home, the girls in the boat stalking, and now this

Just hope that this will change throughout the time he stays there filming

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Thanks for all the pix and news, my fellow Leo lovers! :flower:

I can totally see Clint doing this, being the former Mayor of Carmel, but I haven't seen it mentioned in anywhere else... you would think the trades and film blogs would be on to it if it were true? I checked the web site and all it says is "Check back in September after we've made our 2011 film selections." Big pic of Clint and his wife though. A hint? ;)

The Californian

Clint Eastwood has a new movie coming out. No shocker there.

Except that Eastwood continues to produce such quality work so consistently even as he goes into his 80s.

What's his secret? I once saw him in a grocery store in Monterey in the produce section. He was filling a paper bag with purple plums, selecting each with great care.

Maybe if we all ate more purple plums, we'd be better off. Or maybe it's that woodsy salt air brushing across his residential retreat.

This time his project is "J. Edgar," about J. Edgar Hoover, legendary FBI director from 1924 to 1972.

Leonardo DiCaprio stars, and the film gets its initial screening Oct. 14 during the Carmel Art and Film Festival. (Go to www.carmelartandfilm.com for details.)

What is a surprise is that none of the local news stories, including the lead story on one of the Salinas TV stations this week, mentioned the name of "J. Edgar's" writer.

That would be our own Dustin Lance Black, North Salinas High School graduate, class of '92.

Black already has one Academy Award on his shelf. In 2008, he collected the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay for "Milk."

Harvey Milk, played by Sean Penn, was the first openly gay man elected to major public office in the United States. In 1978, he was shot and killed by a fellow supervisor.

After winning the Oscar, Black, in May 2009, came back to Salinas and revisited his alma mater. He spoke to 900 students in the school gym.

Now Black is a key player in another major project. "J. Edgar" gets its broader release Nov. 9.

Two considerable talents with strong Monterey County ties collaborating on a major motion picture about a major player in American history.

It'll be worth checking out what they've managed to create.

Dave Nordstrand is a staff writer for The Salinas Californian. His column appears Wednesday and Saturday in Central Coast Living. Contact him at [email protected].


Amitabh Bachchan on his first Hollywood film

......In fact, according to a source close to him, Big B is doing the film free of cost for Luhrmann who's a great fan of his and of Bollywood.

Reluctant to talk about the project, Big B says: "Contractual obligations prevent me from talking to the media, which is why I have not divulged anything. If the studio Warner Bros. gives something out, that is all that I can disclose."

Bachchan does divulge that he and Luhrmann hit it off from the start.

"Baz Luhrmann, last year, was on a private visit to India and dropped by at my office to meet me and presented me some wonderful paintings done by an artist he was accompanied by. It was merely an informal casual meet," Big B says.

Then in August this year Luhrmann called him and wondered if he would do a role in 'The Great Gatsby'.

"He (Luhrmann) asked me, would I do a small part in his film? It's just a small scene with Leonardo Dicaprio and Tobey Macguire," Bachchan says.

"I have agreed to do this just as a friendly appearance and went across to Sydney late last month for rehearsals and hair make-up and costume tests. The reading workshop requires the entire cast to assemble and get familiar with the script and do a read through," he signs off. Shooting for the film starts mid-October.

Access Hollywood

Rising Star: Joel Edgerton

..... The jobs have continued to line up for Joel, who has "The Odd Life of Timothy Green," with Jennifer Garner and "The Great Gatsby,"

with Leonardo DiCaprio coming up.

"He's a straight up guy," Joel said of upcoming co-star Leo. "He's a great actor too."

I feel badly about his lack of privacy, but he looks SO cute in those balcony pix. :wub: Thanks princess! :flower:

I'm starting to wonder if there is any truth to the jewelry store story. :p I can believe Leo stopped in, but the part of about them thinking he was a thief... from the looks of the place, it's hardly Tiffany's. :laugh: And that necklace is very pretty, but it's so big... I can't really picture his sweet petite mom wearing it (not like I know her, just an observation ;) ). And if they really thought there was a chance he would come back for it, would they make a big play for publicity like this? They've seen how hard he tries to be discrete... :whistle:

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OMG katchitup

Is incredible and absurd as this story has been blown out of proportion... though I must admit that the TMZ story is the hilarious :nicole: :nicole: but What a way to make news of a minor incident!!! And the owner of the jewelry??? What shameless way to promote the store :yuckky: should be ashamed :no:

so far... I've only heard bad experiences of Leo in Sydney. :mellow: the low security in the penthouse, that he even had to change place, the hiding photographers outside his house, the lack of privacy at home, the girls in the boat stalking, and now this

Just hope that this will change throughout the time he stays there filming

I know right? I think maybe the store is having a part of this story getting so big. It means major publicity for their store ;) And I am also not happy about his position in Sydney. He mus feel trapped in his home because he feels if he even walks near his window someones going to snap a pic :/

And thanks for more balconey pics!

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FALL FILM PREVIEW: Heating up for the Oscars

These movies are all about garnering awards buzz, but movies still need to make money. I predict the most successful movies of the rest of the year: Along with the money makers that will be vying for Oscar’s attention. Movies like “The Help” and the aesthetically flawless but structurally flawed “The Tree of Life” stand out so far this year as movies that could be remembered come Oscar time.

Let’s hope nothing disappoints. Whether it be Chipmunks, politicians, cats or historical figures, there will be something for everyone to enjoy this fall.

Fall movies with Oscar potential

1. War Horse Steven Spielberg plus historical story equals Oscar. Spielberg has been out of the race since 2006 (for directing and producing “Munich”) and “War Horse” looks like a film that will give him a reasonable shot to get back into the race.

2. J. Edgar After Clint Eastwood's debacle last year “Hereafter,” the prolific director returns with J. Edgar the biopic of FBI leader J. Edgar Hoover. The historical biography starring Leonardo DiCaprio in the title role is guaranteed Oscar love, especially for DiCaprio who is rapidly becoming overdue for an Oscar.


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Does showing the Hoover trailer at the festival mean they are going to release it on the internet too?

I really hope so! I don't wanna wait any longer!

They're not showing the trailer, LOL there showing the actual movie! So yes, there will probably be a trailer out before the screening.

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