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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Hello girls!!

First of all I want to leave my feelings for the victims of this terrible episode! Humanity needs to evolve,really! :cry:

Tks Winter for the vid (I'd never seen this one before!) and tks Nanda for this amazing pic of Leo and Bradley!! :wub: Leo looks hot! :drool:

It's so good to come here and see so many news and pics of our beloved Leo! :wave:

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WOw, Nanda - what a great find. Leo looks soooooo handsome.

Thanks too to Winter for that great video - I remember Leo was on Oprah with that great interview around The Aviator time but don't remember seeing this video you posted - he looks so sexy.. and his voice ..I could listen to all day! :heart:

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Thanks for lastest Daily Telegraph article and great Leo photo. :)

I hope they are right about Blake having a chance to visit Leo soon.

I can see the Daily Telegraph staff read the same tweet I posted yesterday from the DJ Tommy Owe :p :p

tommyoweTom O'Dwyer

@DanMacPherson ha we had a ball. . Leo's bodyguard requested "Niggas in Paris" from watch the throne. Epic!

20 hours ago


What a great find ; you must stumble across these type things more frequently :) :)


Thanks for Oprah clip :)


Thanks for 9/11 NY concert video, I remember watching it :)

By Princess

Thanks for Leo rental house article :)

child in time

Love the pix, thanks for sharing :)


Thanks for your kind words. :)

It was a very tragic event for our nation and so many families .

I certainly share your sentiment below

God bless, all the people on our planet!!


Thanks for Sydney tweet :)


Thanks for latest Sydney sighting.:)

It sounds like Leo's missing some of his L.A. favorites.


Thanks for all the tweets :)

Also, thanks, for all the latest information you've found about a possible Carmel /J Edgar premiere. If the information is correct, I sure hope we can find a ticket for you ! :D :D

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What a great find ; you must stumble across these type things more frequently

You can leave, Oxford. I will try my best. But is that sometimes it is difficult follow pace of you :laugh: .

Hey, girls... what did you think on Eddie Murphy has been chosen as host of the 2012 Oscar? I thought it was a joke, I didn't like <_< .

And I'm tired of read that Ryan Gosling can win an Oscar before Leo. I share the same thoughts of Wijn... he's cute, but if he wins an Oscar before Leo I never in my life watching this award again. I don't see anything so spectacular in it... is beautiful, has a good shape, is talented. But it's just a fish in a tank full of sharks. This can't happen.

Now is time Michael Fassbender be the favorite for "Shame"... up to Leo come and end the party :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: .

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It was a very tragic event for our nation and so many families .

It sure was and it was terrible. :/ bad bad day :(

And Nanda about Eddie hosting the oscars I don't know. I like him in some movies, others not so much, but I guess he'll be all right. Better than last years hosts (I love both James and Anne, but it was just suckey) And I guess Eddie can make the audiance laugh! :idk: I'm sure he won't be too bad.

And yes other actors are alo getting buzz, not just Leo, and I think we forget that. Ryan gosling, Brad Pitt, and many others are getting very good reviews and oscar predictions also. So Leos not a shoe in!

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It was a very tragic event for our nation and so many families .

It sure was and it was terrible. :/ bad bad day :(

And Nanda about Eddie hosting the oscars I don't know. I like him in some movies, others not so much, but I guess he'll be all right. Better than last years hosts (I love both James and Anne, but it was just suckey) And I guess Eddie can make the audiance laugh! :idk: I'm sure he won't be too bad.

And yes other actors are alo getting buzz, not just Leo, and I think we forget that. Ryan gosling, Brad Pitt, and many others are getting very good reviews and oscar predictions also. So Leos not a shoe in!

Yes, it's a good comedian. What worries me is that in recent years he has not been so good. I didn't like, but let's wait... I hope that the Academy hits this time because last year was really a sucks. I also love James and especially Anne, but them were not well, really bad and so boring :sleep: .

Leo can't be in the front run YET but he for sure is the best. Don't you agree with me?

What do you think, Barbie? Totally. Always. Absolutely. :laugh: Exaggerated? I don't think so.

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Ryan Gosling can win an Oscar before Leo? No way!

And there's one more thing,but that's my point of view....I dont think he's that talented actor either,but that's what I think ok? :) I think he's a bit overrated! Let's say...how many difficult characters he has played in his whole career?In my opinion he's not as great as Leo,ok he's got a nice shape and features,but that's only for me!hehe

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No Pami, at least I mean that Leo is not in the front run just YET, because it's too early to say this and the movie wasn't show yet, so I think we have to wait until some reviews are made than we can have an idea if Leo will be on the front run for an Oscar. In my thoughts he already is but with this critics we never know, but I have good feelings about his performance in this movie.

Also the the others actors, like Ryan Gosling , George Clooney and Gary Oldman have their movies already seen in this film festivals and have trailers also and I think that's why people are talking about their good chances, but instead J.Edgar still don't have nor a trailer but soon the movie will be seen and than we will have the reviews and than the will know Leo's REAL chances in the next awards season.

But just think with me, all this sites specialized in movies, some critics and people that work with cinema are saying Leo is already with Oscar buzz for his performance in J.Edgar just based on a simple scene they saw... :brows: now imagine when they see the entire movie. I know we don't have to put our hopes too high, but I'am pretty positive about this movie and I hope for great reviews about the movie and especially Leo's acting.

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Yeah Barbie me too!!

I really want to see him with an Oscar in his hands! I'm sure he does an outstanding performance and he deserves it! And if they got impressed with a simple scene...come on....go get your Oscar Leo!! :laugh:

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He wouldn't have been the person I would have selected, but , I hope, he works out. Personally ,for me, he can't do a worse job than James Franco did last year.

Hey, girls... what did you think on Eddie Murphy has been chosen as host of the 2012 Oscar?


Yes, while I do think both Pitt and Gosling are talented, for , my taste, Leo is a better actor :)

I guess that explains why over the years I've only read and posted on Leo fan forums and never one dedicated to Brad or Ryan :p :p

And I agree with your comment, we can't really know how good Leo's performance is to we see it, but since he's given us a series of outstanding performances in the past there is no reason to think this won't be yet another one.

Leo can't be in the front run YET but he for sure is the best. Don't you agree with me?


In the article you posted that mentioned Blake was due to visit again, I wonder if the Telegraph staff has a connection with a Quantas ticket agent, and that is how they know she is due to visit again, as she has already had her agent buy her a ticket.

Sent you a PM :)

Blake Lively, who is rumoured to be planning a second visit to our shores in coming weeks.
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