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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Wow,new pics! Tks Halolulu!! :clap:

Leo and his socks! LOL :laugh: He's sooooo simple,gosh!! He looks fit and hot! :drool:

It's so nice to see them together and it's so cute how happy he seems with his new lady! ;)

Hey girls,just translated this dumb article,here in Brazil everything reminds Gisele.. :x

Gisele, Bar and Blake: a face, face each other

Leonardo DiCaprio knows what kind of woman that pleases him. Since the end - after coming and going - over the top with the dating Gisele Bundchen in 2005, the actor has repeated a pattern of beauty with their girlfriends.

After the Brazilian supermodel, he became involved with the Israeli Bar Refaeli. We also model the look of the girl was constantly compared to Gisele.

The same body, the same wavy blond hair, blue eyes and that wide smile and sexy.

In May this year, compared with five years of Bar came to an end. And guess what? The hunk engages a romance with American actress Blake Lively.

Known for its role in Gossip Girl, she resembles much of the beauty Gisele and Bar Blonde, blue eyes, wavy wire, wide smile and the rest you know ...

Finally, a face, face each other.

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I've never really understood the constant "omg all Leo's girlfriends looks the same" thing. IMO, Gisele and Bar look nothing alike except both are exotic looking with fair-ish skin and blonde-ish hair. Other than that? Nope. I can see some resemblance facial wise between Gisele and Blake but Blake is more curvy than Gisele and Gisele has a leaner/longer (?) facial shape. And Bar is even more curvy (or fleshed out? not in a fat way at all. I'd kill for her body. KILL. lol) and has a fuller, chubby-ish cheek face than Gisele and Blake's longer facial shapes. So? I've never understood why everyone is like: OMG TWINS111 (or triplets now :laugh:)

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Leo is nominated for Best Green International Celebrity! :)

Voting is now open for the INTERNATIONAL GREEN AWARDS™ inaugural Best Green International Celebrity Award.

Leonardo Dicaprio – Actor; USA

The highest paid actor in Hollywood is not one who to spend his money on luxury, but is in fact a strong advocate for the environment. Aside from his personal passion towards the environment, his commitment towards the planet is best encompassed within his foundation, which supports efforts towards sustainability.

The competition is now open to a public vote at www.greenawards.com. Have your say in who really is the greenest celebrity by visiting www.greenawards.com/about/best-green-celebrity/nominees.


Thanks kat! :flower: I put in my vote for Leo. :) His foundation has been doing great work on behalf of the environment for many years.

I like this person's tweet below
Naghma Ahmed

God knew what he was doing with Leonardo DiCaprio


And for sure Twitter this time has been a great source of clearing ups some of the wrong information about his relationship with Blake that was being circulated by various tabloids.

I'm just as anxious as all of you for the new J Edgar trailer and first photo from Gatsby filming, and ,personally for me, I find the sightings help to make the wait seem not as long.

No, aomg: we love your tweets and pics, some of them we wouldn't know if you didn't post, so keep doing it!

ITA with all of the above. I want to see movie news, the trailer, etc. as much as everyone else, but Clint and TPTB don't seem to listen to me. :p I like that we can find stuff to talk about even during the down times, and I don't find it boring. Boring is my work! ;) This place is fun. Thanks to all who contribute. :)

omg, what is it with Leo's girls and hackers????? There's reports on Israeli news that Bar's computer was hacked and it had pics, videos and phone calls (?) from Leo on it.

:o Are you kidding me?! This is SO creepy. How can both his ex and current girlfriend's computers be hacked within a couple months of each other? I would not be surprised if the hackers are related somehow. I really really hope they get to the bottom of this.

barilace, I agree. The suggestion that all women with blue eyes and blonde hair look alike is as offensive as any other stereotype. <_<

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oh, disgusting news solange. I also hope is not anything so personal, this hackers are terrible.

I know dumb article, Pami. And barilace I agree with you, I think any of them look alike, Gisele, Bar and Blake don't look similar in any way, the facial structute, the bodies also... Off course we can say Leo seems to like blondes, but what the big deal about this?

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The Bar's phone was hacked? Wow... these people are crazy, how sad :yuckky: . Thanks solange by this info.

Thanks pami for the article about Leo's girlfriends... I totally agree with barilace. They don't seem to almost nothing, except the blond hair and the fact that they're all beautiful... for me each one has its own beauty and are quite different in general. Leo has very good taste... always choose excellent films and always choose girlfriends gorgeous and educated.

I read that matter today... is quite interesting.

3 Ways Leonardo DiCaprio Has Perfected His Personal Brand

You might think it’s easy for Hollywood-types to have a distinct personal brand. After all, they’re constantly in the spotlight for their careers, personal life and beliefs. They don’t even need to worry about perfecting their brand—or do they?

As you probably realize, your personal brand can come crashing down just as fast as it was built, and this is especially true when you’re in the spotlight. Just like any of us, some famous folks have a better handle on their personal brands than others. Case in point: Leonardo DiCaprio.

Branding lessons

Let’s learn a few branding lessons from this major Hollywood star to see why his brand is so strong:

He’s been consistent with the types of movies and projects he has been involved in. If you think of Leo, you think of big-budget, blockbuster movies. Titanic, Inception, Gangs of New York, Revolutionary Road, and even some of his early career moves such as What’s Eating Gilbert Grape are highly reviewed and very successful films. It seems as though he chooses movies that align with his brand, and it’s served him well thus far in his career. He also realizes his strengths at playing certain kinds of characters, which is important for any professional hoping to build a strong personal brand.

He shares his personal values and passions with his audience. Leo is well-known for being an environmental activist. He shares information on social networks and his personal website about causes that he believes in and encourages his fans to join in his efforts. According to his Wikipedia page, he “has received praise from environmental groups for his activism. In the past, he has opted to fly on commercial flights instead of chartering private jets, and it was reported that he drives a hybrid car and has solar panels installed on his house.” Obviously, in Hollywood, it’s important to not only believe in causes such as preserving wildlife or using solar energy, but to also implement these beliefs into your daily life to show your passion for the cause.

He hardly receives negative press. Unlike other major celebrities who receive most of their press for alcohol abuse, drug addictions and jail time, Leo is mostly in the news for his career and widespread activism. (Although, occasionally, the gossip magazines do dish the dirt on his dating life, which is to be expected for any actor.) If you Google him, most of the top news is about new films and environmental issues—and a recent article on CBS even shares that he’s the highest paid actor in Hollywood this year.

What other lessons can we learn from famous brands like Leo’s?


And more some small details about the ride of the cute couple...


• Blake Lively enjoyed some time away from Gossip Girl and the Upper East Side for a burger date with beau Leonardo DiCaprio in L.A. The couple tried to stay under the radar at Umami Burger in Los Feliz, Calif., as they quietly ate. "Blake looked very happy and kept smiling," an onlooker tells us. DiCaprio appeared to enjoy himself, too. Says the onlooker: "He gently grabbed her hand at one point and he seemed very into Blake."

So romantic :wub: .

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Hi everyone :wave:

Not sure if the news about Bar's computer being hacked is a big deal or not; so far, I dont see it being reported anywhere except some Israeli news sites though one appeared to be a regular TV news show, not gossip.

I don't think Giz, Bar, and Blake look anything alike. In one photo shoot from couple years ago, I remember they made up Bar and posed her so she looked somewhat similar to Giz, but in real life they look nothing alike. I mean, Giz is so tall and barely any hips, has great cheekbones, and those cat eyes, kind of hooded (that is somewhat similar to Blake's) and Bar is much shorter, has hips, and her face is rounder compared to Giz and Blake. Blake is tall, almost as tall as Giz I think but not as slender. She had a nose somewhat similar to Giz' but that was before she had her nose done (Blake - nothing wrong with that, IMO).

From People eonline today

lake Lively enjoyed some time away from Gossip Girl and the Upper East Side for a burger date with beau Leonardo DiCaprio in L.A. The couple tried to stay under the radar at Umami Burger in Los Feliz, Calif., as they quietly ate. "Blake looked very happy and kept smiling," an onlooker tells us. DiCaprio appeared to enjoy himself, too. Says the onlooker: "He gently grabbed her hand at one point and he seemed very into Blake."


The pics that came out where they were looking into a restaurant front was Umami cuz you could see the Um... in the pic.

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I wouldn't take this hacking scandle very seriously yet. Its only been reported on a few isreali sites, and if it was a legit hacking scandle, the american media would have picked it up in a heartbeat ;)

Thanks for the People article Solange and Nanda! Its sooo sweet how it says he gently grabbed her hand. Awwwww :heart:

And about the comparisons between his GFs, the only ones I can think that look even remotley similar and Gisele and Blake, just because they are both very tall and very slim, and they both have long faces, but thats about it. Bar didn't really look like either one of them.

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I wouldn't take this hacking scandle very seriously yet. Its only been reported on a few isreali sites, and if it was a legit hacking scandle, the american media would have picked it up in a heartbeat ;)

Thanks for the People article Solange and Nanda! Its sooo sweet how it says he gently grabbed her hand. Awwwww :heart:

And about the comparisons between his GFs, the only ones I can think that look even remotley similar and Gisele and Blake, just because they are both very tall and very slim, and they both have long faces, but thats about it. Bar didn't really look like either one of them.

I never saw a true resemblance between Gisele and Bar. Gisele has a more angular face, with higher cheek bones and hooded eyes. Bar looks more like the girl next door to me (beautiful, but more of a California girl look), they have different body types, etc. I do think that Gisele and Blake look somewhat alike: long blonde hair, hooded blue eyes, longish, slim faces, high cheekbones, tall and lean, etc. I think it's fair to say that Leo has a type: tall, blonde (although I guess Bar's hair was more of a light brown, at least when they started dating), and blue-eyed. I don't think it's that big a deal . . . a lot of men and women have a certain "type" whom they find more attractive. Often times it's not even a conscious preference. That said, as a dark-haired girl, I wouldn't mind seeing him break out of the mold. :whistle:

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I wouldn't take this hacking scandle very seriously yet. Its only been reported on a few isreali sites, and if it was a legit hacking scandle, the american media would have picked it up in a heartbeat ;)

Thanks for the People article Solange and Nanda! Its sooo sweet how it says he gently grabbed her hand. Awwwww :heart:

And about the comparisons between his GFs, the only ones I can think that look even remotley similar and Gisele and Blake, just because they are both very tall and very slim, and they both have long faces, but thats about it. Bar didn't really look like either one of them.

I never saw a true resemblance between Gisele and Bar. Gisele has a more angular face, with higher cheek bones and hooded eyes. Bar looks more like the girl next door to me (beautiful, but more of a California girl look), they have different body types, etc. I do think that Gisele and Blake look somewhat alike: long blonde hair, hooded blue eyes, longish, slim faces, high cheekbones, tall and lean, etc. I think it's fair to say that Leo has a type: tall, blonde (although I guess Bar's hair was more of a light brown, at least when they started dating), and blue-eyed. I don't think it's that big a deal . . . a lot of men and women have a certain "type" whom they find more attractive. Often times it's not even a conscious preference. That said, as a dark-haired girl, I wouldn't mind seeing him break out of the mold. :whistle:

actually he has been reported to have dated (of course not the long term relationships) with brunettes - like Carla Paneka (?) and the daughter of Peggy Lipton and Quincy Jones, (forgot her name) among others.

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Your welcome sick :hug:

The Situation: I Want A Career Like Leonardo DiCaprio, The Rock

A few short years ago, Michael Sorrentino was working at a gym in Staten Island. Now, a nickname and some goofy times in a house down the shore later, he's eyeing a career like some of the biggest names in modern day Hollywood history...

So what does he have planned next? Speaking to Matt Sullivan of In Touch Magazine, Sitch made no bones about his ambition.

"Obviously, I look up to [Robert] De Niro and [Al] Pacino, and for someone who's closer in age Leo [DiCaprio] — I'd eventually like to make great movies someday," he told Sullivan, on location at the Jersey Shore house. "But I'm trying to go in a trajectory similar to The Rock, who took his bold personality and phrases from the WWE into film."

He's at least on his way; he'll cameo in the upcoming "Three Stooges" film, and has a development deal for another MTV reality show.


I will admit that Jersey Shore is my guilty pleasure! :p I just can't help it! :D

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Thanks for Pop Sugar article about Leo & Blake's recent lunch date ,Taylor Lautner reaction , and The Situation article :)

What I found odd , and the girl says it in video you posted, and I saw tweets stating it : Leo never said anything about Taylor. Yet the girl ifrom "E" and some articles I've read claim Leo ,also, made public comments about Taylor. :wacko:


Thanks for article :)


Thanks for Leo's brand article :)


Thanks for People sighting and Flickr pix. ;)

I agree with your comments that Leo has , like all of us, a type he leans more toward : tall, slender, fair headed.

But, also, as you mentioned, if reports are accurate, he , has ,also, dated women who don't match those physical aspects.

Personally , I think, Leo , like all of us, is drawn to what he finds attractive /turns him on . And typically , for all of us, and I think is true for Leo , it is a combination of appearance and personality.


We don't want you bored at work, so , since you do live in L.A. area, maybe, you can get a job as Leo's personal assistant :wave:

Boring is my work!
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Does anyone here want to shop with Leo? Where is this supermarket? :drool: :wub:

Have you ever thought about bumping into Leo? :wub:

Taylor Lautner....the next big thing? Nothing against him,he's young and he's got plenty of time ahead,but again I say....Leo was a phenomenon,something really special...anyway,tks Kat for the articles! :)

A big hug girls! :wave:


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