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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Thanks Chi Lawyer that's the interview I was thinking of after seeing the Japanese interview. That's what made me think that leo seems to like to flirt back with the ladies who flirt with him. Pretty polite of him I must say :p To be honest I bet Leo was attracted to that interviewer.. she seems like his type based on his dating history haha

Same thing with this Anna girl.... he's a natural charmer :wub: And the cute part is that he does it in such an innocent way :heart: However, I also think Anna seemed more into leo than vice versa ;)

Haha, I agree Fash, that interview was TOTALLY Leo's type! Too funny. Thanks for mentioning that interview; you gave me the incentive to find it because I'd never seen it before.

Everyone probably has seen Maria Menounos' interview of Leo for Inception, but I really like the dynamic between them, especially when he gives her a hard time about her Celtics losing. Actually, this year when the Lakers didn't even make it to the playoffs, I was hoping she'd give him a hard time about it as payback!

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Thanks Chi Lawyer that's the interview I was thinking of after seeing the Japanese interview. That's what made me think that leo seems to like to flirt back with the ladies who flirt with him. Pretty polite of him I must say :p To be honest I bet Leo was attracted to that interviewer.. she seems like his type based on his dating history haha

Same thing with this Anna girl.... he's a natural charmer :wub: And the cute part is that he does it in such an innocent way :heart: However, I also think Anna seemed more into leo than vice versa ;)

Haha, I agree Fash, that interview was TOTALLY Leo's type! Too funny. Thanks for mentioning that interview; you gave me the incentive to find it because I'd never seen it before.

Everyone probably has seen Maria Menounos' interview of Leo for Inception, but I really like the dynamic between them, especially when he gives her a hard time about her Celtics losing. Actually, this year when the Lakers didn't even make it to the playoffs, I was hoping she'd give him a hard time about it as payback!

Oops! Here's the clip for those who are interested:


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Thank you everyone for the videos!!! I don't have the patience to search YouTube. :p

OMG! U girlss ..see this video. it has footage from Rick Yorn's wedding (manager of Leo) and Leo is in the wedding party and you can see him walking the aisle (it must be a Jewish wedding because the guys are wearing a yamulka (spelling??). Benicio Del Toro is also there and Cameron Diaz too! It must have been a couple of years ago.


What a find! I'm surprised they allowed it to be on YouTube. Leo looks so young, and a little uncomfortable with the formality of the whole thing. ;)

Hahahaha I love that Body Of lies interview! Hes sooo flirtatious with her, and you could tell he thought she was pretty! I like it when Leo asks "Did you get layed? Thats all we really want to know." :rofl:

I've seen that one! Was that Russell or Leo who said that? They were all such good sports. Leo seems to be laughing at her half the time, and Russell and Ridley are perfect with the deadpan looks. After a bunch of dry, serious interviews on the press junket maybe they enjoyed the change of pace. ;)

Thanks Chi Lawyer that's the interview I was thinking of after seeing the Japanese interview. That's what made me think that leo seems to like to flirt back with the ladies who flirt with him. Pretty polite of him I must say :p To be honest I bet Leo was attracted to that interviewer.. she seems like his type based on his dating history haha

Same thing with this Anna girl.... he's a natural charmer :wub: And the cute part is that he does it in such an innocent way :heart:However, I also think Anna seemed more into leo than vice versa ;)

That's what I see too. Notice she's the one putting her hands on him, not the other way around. ;)

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Thanks Chi Lawyer that's the interview I was thinking of after seeing the Japanese interview. That's what made me think that leo seems to like to flirt back with the ladies who flirt with him. Pretty polite of him I must say :p To be honest I bet Leo was attracted to that interviewer.. she seems like his type based on his dating history haha

Same thing with this Anna girl.... he's a natural charmer :wub: And the cute part is that he does it in such an innocent way :heart: However, I also think Anna seemed more into leo than vice versa ;)

Haha, I agree Fash, that interview was TOTALLY Leo's type! Too funny. Thanks for mentioning that interview; you gave me the incentive to find it because I'd never seen it before.

Everyone probably has seen Maria Menounos' interview of Leo for Inception, but I really like the dynamic between them, especially when he gives her a hard time about her Celtics losing. Actually, this year when the Lakers didn't even make it to the playoffs, I was hoping she'd give him a hard time about it as payback!

Yeah I like his interviews with Maria Menounos too! They seem to have really good chemistry and seem to flirt with eachother a little bit in interviews hehe. Its really cute.. :wub:

Also Chi I love your new Leo avatar! Adorable :blush:

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:blink: Wonder if he was leaving or coming....

ashleyyyvicksss: Just met Leonardo DiCaprio at #LAX....wooo!

12 minutes ago via txt · Reply · View Tweet


If you read the previous tweets, she is going to Australia. I wonder if Leo is going there as well to prepare for Gatsby?

Hmmm curious.... He could have been at LAX going anywhere, and she just met him there, but we'll just have to see where Leo pops up next! :p

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Re the wedding in Capri: I agree that if Leo's schedule allows , he will attend. If so , I hope we see some pix :)

Thanks for all the additional pix with Anna in New York. Looking at the series of pix, it does look at one point that Leo has a cigarette in his hand.


I'm curious to as to where Leo will be for Fourth. Infact, with all these conflicting tweets, I'm wondering where he is now :blink:

Jou Jou

Your comment below is the same thing I thought when I saw all of the videos of the entire wedding posted at You Tube. I do wonder if the parties involved are aware of it ? :)

What a find! I'm surprised they allowed it to be on YouTube


I like your new avatar as well. It reminds me of his look in the recent Japanese interview he did for "The Departed". :)

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Thanks Fash for the new pics, and Chi for the videos.

The smile and the way she looks at him :whistle: ... the body language shows everything :blush: .

Well, are "news" then I'll post... I don't know which one is funnier (or a lie, because the sources <_< ...).

Leonardo DiCaprio and Blake Lively Fight Over His Ex Bar Refaeli?

Leonardo DiCaprio and new gal pal Blake Lively recently had a spat over the actor’s ex, reports the National Enquirer.

According to the supermarket tabloid, after Lively found a garment bag full of women’s clothing, she “flipped when he admitted they belonged to ex-love/supermodel Bar Refaeli.”

DiCaprio tried to explain that Refaeli “just hasn’t picked them up yet,” says the Enquirer, but adds that wasn’t enough for a jealous Lively, so “Leo grabbed the garment bag… hustled it down to his building’s dumpster — and chucked it!”

Actually, the only thing that should be dumped is the Enquirer’s story.

A source close to Lively tells Gossip Cop that tab’s tale is “not true,” and no such incident ever happened.


Leonardo DiCaprio Reportedly Jealous Of Ryan Reynolds’ Chemistry With Blake Lively!

Do YOU think Leo should be worried about Blake & Ryan becoming more than co-stars?

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds may not make spectacular movies together — Green Lantern received largely unfavorable reviews — but you have to admit, they’ve got chemistry! Blake’s new boyfriend Leonardo DiCaprio must agree, because In Touch Weekly is reporting that he’s jealous of “[Ryan and Blake] seem to be having a great time together,” a source points out. And “[Leo's] not particularly happy.”

Ryan was married to Scarlett Johansson when Green Lantern was filmed, but now that he’s a single man, he’s free to pursue whomever he pleases — and Leo reportedly thinks he might be after Blake.

“Even though [blake and Leo's] relationship is relatively new, he has a lot stronger feelings for [her] than people realize,” the source adds.


The sources are always the same :huh: .

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:blink: Wonder if he was leaving or coming....

ashleyyyvicksss: Just met Leonardo DiCaprio at #LAX....wooo!

12 minutes ago via txt · Reply · View Tweet


If you read the previous tweets, she is going to Australia. I wonder if Leo is going there as well to prepare for Gatsby?

Very interesting!! This tweeter is going to Australia and we know Leo is supposed to be going there relatively soon( we just don't know when). It could all be a coincidence but based on what we have it looks like maybe he was off to Australia. Thanks sooooo much Joujou for looking into it !!

Joujou I also noticed that even though Leo was friendly and everything he still seemed a bit more reserved than I would have expected ... but hey maybe it was the camera that was present

lol hmmmm I can't see how those immediately involved with the wedding would want that on Youtube either but thank goodness Solange and Oxford found them before they are possibly taken down hehe :p Oh it just dawned on me is the woman beside George in the second vid Peggy??

Thanks Nanda for articles :wave:

Thanks Chi for Menounous vid :wave:

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Hello sweeties! :)

I just saw that interview for Body of Lies,i'd never seen this one before,and it was just hilarious! :laugh:

Leo was actually flirting with the girl,he couldnt stop smiling and staring at her! Leo is impossible! LOL I just loved it,tks Fash and Chi!

But she's kinda dumb! hehe :whistle:

Does anyone here know when they start shooting Gastby?

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thanks Nanda: all this made up stories are hilarious, everyone know that National Enquire and In Touch are not reliable, but it's even funny to read this.

oxford: I found Leo in the third part in the end of the video, seat and holding a glass in his hand.

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Oxford Thanks :wave: Also find it fitting that George was there since I read George knew of Rick and his firm prior to Leo and he influenced Leo to sign with them.

For some weird reason I was also wondering if Rick and his wife Christina Harvey were still married.. i searched and they were pictured at that Giorgio Armani party for MartinScorsese/ Leo/ Shutter Island last February so that's good... always like to see marriages last haha

Barbie Wow good eyes!! Thanks! Also i'm pretty sure that's his friend Danny A beside him hehe

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Some thoughts: that Body of Lies interview - I didn't think Leo was attracted to the interviewer or that he was flirting with her - first of all, she wasnt really that pretty and the way she was talking, she seemed low class and attention seeking but I think Leo was havng fun because he seems to enjoy watching people who are like that - like he likes the Jersey show people - the way they act amuses him.

About the wedding video, since it was from like 7 years ago, the fact that they appear now on YouTube leads me to think maybe whoever posted it is not someone close to Rick Yorn or the bride or Leo , and the quality of the video isnt that great so probably some friend of a friend of a guest or maybe someone in the catering crew or like that and they thought they could post it now and not get into any trouble cuz it would be hard to trace who posted on YouTube,

I thought they were starting Gatsby in August so Im not sure Leo would be going to Australia already but who knows?

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thanks fash for pics and Chi for vids! Leo is so cute on Body of Lies interview :wub: he's flirting with her :laugh: bad I can't see that dailymotion video :(

thanks Nanda for news! :wave: just wonder who this source is ??? :laugh: they always say, source said this... bla bla bla,they don't even know what to write! :laugh:

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I found one of Gisele's interviews from April 2001,here's the part where she describes him :wub:

He is first of all a young person like me, later the character comes out, the good and famous actor that he is, but believe me, you should know him, Leo is a person who in his private life is of an unbelievable sweetness, tied up to his family, as I am. The media, his colleagues - rivals, the women who would like to have him and who don't succeed, they describe him and make him pass for someone "terrible, conceited, arrogant." Instead, that is not true

another part

we are very similar and close in so many things. I like his simplicity, his joy, his sweetness, his healthy crazyness. You know that Leo is making a movie in Rome, with Cameron Diaz, a woman that I find very beautiful, solar and very likeable, and they cannot move either, because they are persecuted by the paparazzi! In fact, when I go to meet him in Rome, we never go to all the cocktails, the parties, the invitations that he recieves in the hotel. He thinks that they have also offered him straightly some money to be their guest. But if someone is paid, what kind of guest is he then? We prefer going to play with our friends in those game rooms in the outskirts, where they leave us in peace to amuse us as two young people of our age.


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