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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Baz Lurhmann’s “The Great Gatsby” heads to Warner Brothers

Warner Bros. is closing in on a deal to distribute Baz Luhrmann’s adaptation of The Great Gatsby. Nothing is finalized as of yet, but the deal could be sealed as early as Friday of this week. The film already has its stars as well with Leonardo DiCaprio as Jay Gatsby, Carey Mulligan portraying Daisy Buchanan and Tobey Maguire set to play the narrator Nick Carraway. Baz Luhrmann will direct from a script he co-wrote with Craig Pearce (Moulin Rouge).

It was widely reported last week that Luhrmann might not be directing The Great Gatsby, although that does not seem to be the case now. It isn’t clear when production will start on The Great Gatsby quite yet but fans of the book, like myself, are ready and excited about this adaptation moving forward.

The Great Gatsby comes to theaters in 2012 and stars Carey Mulligan, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire. The film is directed by Baz Luhrmann.

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Hey everyone, I know I don’t post here often, but I thought that since this is from a Dutch book, a lot of people don’t know about this.

What I first of all would like to say that this could all be totally made-up and I know that, but I thought it might be worth sharing, so I translated.

Because the book is based on real-life experiences from people, I believe it’s (in parts) true.

Tiny Fisscher – A famous Dutch author released another book this year, and this time she has written down the story of her daughter, who has become a famous model, and in the book there is also a chapter about a party thrown by Leo where the main character was taken to a boat-party by a mutual friend from Leo and herself.

Steph’s model mail.


Don’t get jealous, but at this moment I’m on Ibiza, with my friend Bo. We’re invited by a friend from New York, who has rented a huge villa in the middle of nowhere. A villa with a swimming pool, a paradise.

It’s not like I’ve been sitting in the rain lately (I’ve just been working in Athena, and there was great weather), but going on a holiday is just different and I needed to be no-model for a week!

Unfortunately my friend also invited other models, and four of them are Brazilian bitches.

Even when we’re on a relaxing vacation there spending most of their time by looking good. They don’t just cling on to their mascara and lip-gloss, but their super-skinny bodies are twice the weight caused by all the jewelry they’re wearing.

And because my sweet, gay, American friend has connections everywhere, we had the great honor to be invited to the boat of mister LEONARDO DICAPRIO himself.

My Brazilian colleagues were screaming from excitement and dived into their gigantic trolleys to look for more jewelry, good enough for a night Leonardo.

Not only their blingbling but also sexy dresses, killer heels and a LOT of make-up were dived up from their enormous trolleys, while Bo and I just grabbed our little shopping bags.

After three (!) hours of preparing, the ladies were ready, and we jumped into the van. Bo and I were watching the whole process of the other models trying to get in the van like over-decorated Christmas-trees and we decided to put on the opposite. My ten-euros H&M pants and shirt would do the job, I just had the stand the killing looks of the long-legged Brazilians.

Bo dressed up a little more than me, but did put on her best fitting sneakers. Even the boys tried to look good and Dirk was even wearing his nicest shoes. (who looked way too chic for him)

When we got to the haven, a big boat was waiting for us. ‘Nice boat, make it two’ joked Bo.

The captain was welcoming us in English. I could hear from his accent that he was Dutch. ‘You can speak Dutch to me, you know?’ I joked.

He looked at me from head to toe, and said ‘What do you look refreshing normal!’ he winked at me ‘pay attention, this is going to be fun!’

With a strict voice he spoke to the passengers that the wooden part of the boat just had been repaired, so everyone who was wearing high heels, or other damaging footwear needed to go on board barefoot.

On board? Yes. This was only the ship who was taking or group to the REAL ship.

While the Brazilians were complaining that their dresses NEEDED to have heels, we arrived at the party-boat.

‘ Their lucky their heavy jewelry wont sink the ship, and they can still wear that.’ Said Bo

‘Don’t worry,’ said the captain ‘Wanna bet Leo is coming to you two?’ This comment caused Bo’s head to get the cooler of a tomato.

‘You can have him, I said.’

I looked around and wondered where ‘He’ might be.

Bo looked up from my computer screen. “Its so much fun to read about myself!’

‘Isn’t it too long?” I asked, worried that my first column for Fasionscene (dutch girlmagazine) would be rejected/

‘No, no! It’s to short! Now everyone wants to know how the story ended.’

I laughed. ‘That’s a question to them, and a answer for us’

‘What an awesome night was that, was it?’

‘Amazing’ I said, and wrote the second part right away.

Steph’s model mail


After were arrived on Leonardo’s ship, it took a while before we saw him in person.

When I discovered him in a corner, I saw he was a little more chubby than I imagned him to be. But it’s not like it mattered, because he was not my time. And for my job I had met a lot of famous people, and I wasn’t that impressed anymore.

Which could not be said for Bo. “There he is!’ She whispered in my ear, full of excitement.

‘Well, go get ‘em!’ I told her

‘Are you crazy? I don’t dare too!”

I grabbed her arm and began to drag her in his direction.

Just at that moment Steve got in our way, walked up to Leonardo, and gave him a big hug.

‘Hey man, good to see you!’ Steve’s loud voice sounded

Leonardo smiled and said something back which I couldn’t understand.

‘Meet my lady friends’ Steve said after we fought our way to him though the crowd

A little shy, like he didn’t met gorgeous women all day, Leo looked at us.

‘Hi, I’m Leo’ He lifted his hand

‘Stephanie’ I introduced myself

Bo shook his hand too, I saw her hand was shaking

Even before we could say another word to him, a dark-haired guy with a goaty petted him on the shoulder. I had seen him before, but couldn’t remember where.

He told Leonardo something and they turned around in the direction of two brunets who were pretending the didn’t see him.

At the look in their eyes I could see that they were super excited about Leonardo and his skinny friend approaching them.

‘They’re in’ I said to Bo

Bo laughed and looked around.

‘Is there anyone else to hook up with?’

‘I bet’ I said

I had to remember I had a boyfriend.(…)

The next day, after I had woken up early anyway, I decided to finish the Leonardo-story.

Bo was on the bed next to me, reading a magazine.

I loved it to be in the same villa as Bo, writing a little bit. It realaxed me, even though the Brazilian girls were trying to impress some Spanish gentlemen a the pool, only a few meters away. It was obvious that Steve didn’t like them either, he was reading a book 20 meters away.

I smiled.

What was life good sometimes, everyone just doing what they wanted too, that’s vacation!

Steph’s model mail

Leonardo(3 – ending)

It didn’t took a long time for Bo to start a conversation with a South-American-looking guy. I bumped into Leonardo’s dark-haired friend. He introduced himself as Lukas.

We got a drink and when there was getting a lounge-sofa free in a corner we didn’t know how fast we had to sit down on it.

Lukas turned out to be a musician.

I immediately felt interest. Me and music is like sand and beach: one. If I have a few minutes time I turn on my Ipod and everyday a sing, although it’s mostly in the shower.

Lukas lived in LA, he told me, and he owned his own music-studio. He turned out to know Leonardo from movie-business.

It took him about a half an hour to tell me he was an actor himself. ‘Not as famous as Leo ofcourse’ he grinned, but he ‘didn’t have to be’. Maybe the money was nice, but if he looked deep in his heart, ‘ music was his big passion’.

‘Mine too’ I said.

And from that moment on we didn’t talk about movies, modeling or being famous at all, just about or passion for music. We had I great view from or sofa on what else was going on at the boat.

Besides from the Brazilian girls, there were a lot of other gorgeous girls on the boat, who all seemed to be extremely interested on being really close to a big moviestar.

Although they tried to look as un-interessed as possible, they all tried to get as close a possible, to turn around and say:

‘Oh, hiiiiiiii, how are you?’

After Lukas excused himself because he ‘had to go talk to somebody’ I lighted my sigaret.

I felt super-relaxed and didn’t mind to sit all on my own.

And at that moment suddenly Leonardo himself stood in front of me and asked my for a fire.

I held my lighter in front of his face, without saying anything else.

Not to be rude, but just because I felt like he had to suffer through a lot of meaningless chitchat from girls the whole evening. Not like I felt sorry for him, I mean, he organized this party himself.

I the back of my eye I saw Lukas flirting with a longlegged brunette, with a very tiny dress and grinned.

Probably just because I didn’t pay that much attention to him, Leo came back to me all evening when he needed a fire. I gave him a fire and a big smile, without being sticky. His head might be on movie poster, but he was still human. He smiled back -, a little shy and uncomfortable - but sweet, and tuned around, back into the gaggle of girls.

It amazed me how someone could be so polite and womanizing at the same time,

could be so smart and wise, and seeming like just a kid at the same time.

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Lady Gaga shows off a bit too much as she dressed in a very sexy latex outfit as she played the piano and sang for the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Beyonce, and many more at the Interscope official after Grammy after party in Los Angeles. Gaga jumped up on to the top of the piano seat where she showed off her bottom area to the crowd of 'A' listers with no shame. Brazilian model Suelyn Medeiros was aslo spotted at the party with actor Leonardo DiCaprio.


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Thanks wijnboerinnetje! If this is true, I would assume it would be when Leo was in Iziba summer 2009, after he and Bar broke up.

and thanks for the news Sick! Looks like they are doing the Great Gatsby, and releasing it in 2012!

Also so you guys know The Great Gatsby will start filming this summer!

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Lady Gaga shows off a bit too much as she dressed in a very sexy latex outfit as she played the piano and sang for the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Beyonce, and many more at the Interscope official after Grammy after party in Los Angeles. Gaga jumped up on to the top of the piano seat where she showed off her bottom area to the crowd of 'A' listers with no shame. Brazilian model Suelyn Medeiros was aslo spotted at the party with actor Leonardo DiCaprio.


I am sure Leo was there with Bar, since she was at the Grammys, because I looked up this model, and she looks like Kim Kardashian (her but is huge!) And she doesn't seem like his type.

I wonder what they did for Valentines Day? :wub:

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Nick Cassavetes Courts Leonardo DiCaprio And Mark Wahlberg For Freeway Rick Biopic

by Omar Burgess

posted February 15, 2011

Writer/director Nick Cassavetes confirms directing an upcoming Freeway Rick Ross biopic, and he wants Leonardo DiCaprio And Mark Wahlberg on board.

Nick Cassavetes, who co-wrote the movie Blow and directed The Notebook has formally agreed to direct the upcoming Freeway Rick Ross biopic. Ross, the former Southern California drug dealer who spent 20 years in federal prison, previously said he was hopeful Cassavetes would direct the film. And while Ross’ tale of allegedly moving over 100 kilograms of cocaine each week during his heyday sounds similar to George Jung of Blow, Cassavetes says he’s drawn to the project for other reasons.

“My brother was a mercenary,” Cassavetes told Reuters. “He worked in Central America training the Contras, so in a way the story is personal to me. The fact that our government may have been complicit in destroying an entire community of people makes the story personal for everyone.”

No notable actors have been attached to the project, but Cassavetes said he has directly spoken to both Mark Wahlberg and Leonardo DiCaprio about roles. Cassavetes, who is the son of independent filmmaker John Cassavetes added that the script, which he was commissioned to write last summer, is finished. At this time Ross and Cassavetes are looking for full financing from independent investors.

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Palmina, sorry but this article seems ridiculous... how could Leo be at the grammy after party with another model since Bar was there at grammy's too, so Leo cheat Bar IN FRONT OF HER EYES, I guess not! Even more ridiculous because they were together riding last friday!

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Palmina, sorry but this article seems ridiculous... how could Leo be at the grammy after party with another model since Bar was there at grammy's too, so Leo cheat Bar IN FRONT OF HER EYES, I guess not! Even more ridiculous because they were together riding last friday!

I have not written the article :D

who's talking about Leo cheating Bar?? :blink:

I saw the article on Yuku Leo forum. The article is only interesting because Leo was at the Grammy post party and Bar went to the Grammys ( I am sure he was with Bar ), the comment about the model being there is not relevant.

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Palmina, sorry but this article seems ridiculous... how could Leo be at the grammy after party with another model since Bar was there at grammy's too, so Leo cheat Bar IN FRONT OF HER EYES, I guess not! Even more ridiculous because they were together riding last friday!

I have not written the article :D

who's talking about Leo cheating Bar?? :blink:

I saw the article on Yuku Leo forum. The article is only interesting because Leo was at the Grammy post party and Bar went to the Grammys ( I am sure he was with Bar ), the comment about the model being there is not relevant.

I didn't said you wrote I just think it's a ridiculous article, what you think that who wrote this article means with "Leo was there with model and bla, bla, bla..."

I also have sure Bar is there, but what I mean is the person who wrote don't mention Bar but mention this other model, so people that don't follow Bar or Leo don't know what we know and start those ridiculous rumors again.

Yeah don't worry about Leo cheating on Bar. He was oviously there with Bar, and who knows, he might of been talking to this other model and they might know eachother. But I see what your saying about the media starting up rumors.

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