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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Thanks fashiondream for the pic!! Hope Baz makes a decision soon!

I thought I'd just add I was watching Whats Eating Gilbert Grape yesturday, and I was stunned once again. I don't know how many times I have seen this movie and I am still amazed at Leos performance. He really should have won that Oscar for his role!

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Another celebrity cast in "J. Edgar", Actor Denis O'Hare, He is on the show True Blood.

O'Hare returns to the big screen on Friday in director Kevin Macdonald's swords-and-sandals saga "The Eagle," and has been cast in Clint Eastwood's upcoming J. Edgar Hoover movie, starring Leonardo DiCaprio.


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‘J. Edgar’ filming underway with Leonardo DiCaprio in L.A.http://www.onlocationvacations.com/2011/02/07/j-edgar-filming-underway-with-leonardo-dicaprio-in-l-a/

Filming is officially underway for J. Edgar, the highly anticipated Clint Eastwood-directed film based on the life of J. Edgar Hoover.

Josh Lucas and Ed Westwick also star, along with leading ladies Naomi Watts and Judi Dench.

The movie will shoot at various locations in L.A. over the next few months including 506 S Grand Ave where they will be filming interior and exteriors scenes on February 10th (7:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M.).

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Your welcome girls :wave:

Leo seems so busy lately!

Leonardo DiCaprio is Producing a Dracula Picture

In our world today, vampires are presented as hip, cool, indie-rock listening dudes. They drive nice cars. They're rich. They're sexy. But among all this shuffle, it seems that people have forgotten what vampires truly are -- and that's blood-sucking maniacs who turn into fucking bats.

Thankfully, Leonardo DiCaprio's production company, Appian Way, remembers. Turns out, vampires are really evil! Anyway, according to Deadline, the company plans to produce a picture based on Bram Stoker's classic horror novel Dracula, but for the screen, the picture will be called Harker. The film will focus on Scotland Yard detective Jonathan Harker, who's tracking Dracula. And sorry, this is the part where we, once again, tell you that DiCaprio is not playing the role of Dracula.


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Leonardo DiCaprio As J. Edgar First Look!

Filming for J. Edgar, the highly anticipated Clint Eastwood-directed film about the life of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, has officially begun in Los Angeles.

Leonardo DiCaprio will play the film’s lead role, while Armie Hammer, the 24-year-old co-star of The Social Network, will play Clyde Tolson, Hoover’s alleged lover and co-worker.

Hammer told reporters that he’s ready for a “ton of kissing scenes” with DiCaprio.

the film also stars Denis O’Hare (True Blood), Josh Lucas (Glory Road), Ed Westwick (Gossip Girl), Naomi Watts (King Kong) and Judi Dench (Casino Royale).



1-Leonardo DiCaprio is J. Edgar Hoover

2-And CUT! Leonardo DiCaprio interrupts director Clint Eastwood with a sneeze

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so funny, his hair is curly! But this is great for characterization, seems so much more faithful to how Hoover was phisically! But it's pretty funny his hair like this, I can't handle myself! :rofl: :D :D :D :D :D :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Hoover smoked? I don't like that, I hate when Leo smokes in his movies, but anyway it's part of his job...

and did someone knows who's that girl with Leo in the pics?

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more pics :)

Leo looks funny :D but cute :wub:

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A person from flix movies tweeted this

FerventFlix‎: Warner Bros emerged as the frontrunner to finance & worldwide distribution on The Great Gatsby w/ Leo DiCaprio,Tobey Maguire&Carey Mulligan

4 minutes ago

Maybe this means they are still doing the movie!

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Thanks Barbie! Leo and Kate look so cute :wub:

More info

Last week, Baz Luhrman speculated that he might not make his long gestating adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire and Carey Mulligan. He said that a decision would be made by the end of the week. Well, Luhrman has never been one to rush things so it’s no surprise that things got bumped back a week. But if you’re interested in the film, the news is good. Warner Brothers is close to acquiring worldwide distribution rights for the film.

According to Deadline, a deal could be in place by Friday and once the particulars on the movie are set, they can go ahead and start the substantial task of signing on the stars who, as of now, are merely attached. We’ll let you know when a deal is locked in place. But did you really think this film wasn’t going to happen?


Whatever happens I still hope Leo will be the role of Jay Gatsby!!

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