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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Thanks SICK for leo/Laker pics!! :flower:

More pics from Santa Barbara film festival

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"Inception" got '4' wins at Visual Effects Awards... :)

Leonardo DiCaprio's sci-fi blockbuster Inception is the toast of Hollywood's special effects business after winning four awards at the industry's top prize-giving.

The box office hit, directed by Christoper Nolan, reigned at the Visual Effects Society Awards on Tuesday night, scooping the show's top trophies including best vfx in a vfx-driven feature, as well as honours for compositing, created environments and models.

Nolan also received the organization's Visionary Award, telling the crowd as he picked up his prize, "I'm as dependant on vfx, maybe more so, as any other director out there."

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"Hollywood's 2010 Top Earners "

NEW YORK - Director James Cameron cashed in on the worldwide box office success of Avatar to become the top Hollywood movie earner of 2010, easily outdistancing actor Johnny Depp in second place.

Cameron earned an estimated $257 million US last year for writing, producing and directing his 3-D hit Avatar, based on its worldwide 2010 box-office gross of $1.95 billion, as well as his share of DVD and pay-television sales, according to a Vanity Fair survey released Wednesday of the top 40 Hollywood earners in 2010.

The 56-year-old director easily beat actor Johnny Depp, who scored the No. 2 spot earning $100 million after collecting paychecks from several 2010 films including Alice in Wonderland and The Tourist, as well as up front payments for the next Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, which is due for release in May.

The Vanity Fair list only included creative professionals — producers, writers, actors, etc. — and the money they earn from film. It did not include earnings from non-movie related projects, such advertisements or television show earnings.

Steven Spielberg earned $80 million for Universal theme-park royalties, as well as consulting fees and for directing and producing the upcoming War Horse, edging out Inception director Christopher Nolan who brought in $71.5 million.

Inception star Leonardo DiCaprio, who earned $62 million, to take the No. 5 spot.

In sixth place was Alice in Wonderland director Tim Burton, who earned $53 million, $3 million more than actor Adam Sandler, who brought in most of his revenue in the past year for up-front fees for producing and starring in future movies Jack and Jill and Just Go With It.

The Hangover writer and director Todd Phillips landed at No. 8. Twilight’s 18-year-old actor Taylor Lautner who earned $33 million from the film franchise, and Iron Man 2 star Robert Downey Jr. who brought in $31.5 million, rounded out the top 10.

Lautner’s young Twilight co-stars Kristen Stewart, 20, and Robert Pattinson, 24, landed at No. 13 and No. 15 respectively, making them the youngest members of the list, Vanity Fair said.

And in an encouraging sign for would-be filmmakers, Paranomal Activity producer Jason Blum and writer and director Oren Peli together came in at No. 16, pulling in $26.5 million from the horror film’s DVD and pay-TV revenue as well as box office from the 2010 sequel.

Vanity Fair concluded that while nine-figure windfalls such as that of Cameron or Depp are rare, “Hollywood’s post-financial crash aversion to $20 million paydays and gross-percentage box office deals seems to be easing.”

As evidence, the article’s author, Peter Newcomb, pointed to “mid-range star” Vince Vaughn’s $17.5 million fee for The Dilemma, and to large bonuses handed out for box office hits.


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Thanks for the pic fashiondream! He always looks so cute with his fans :blush:

And I am very excited for Leo to start filming! I feel like this movie has a lot of room for him to display his talent, and alot of drama, and excellent acting. Clint is an incredible director and makes amazing movies and I have a feeling Leo may get nominated for this movie. Or at least I hope so :p

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Someone's nice Article about Leo :heart:

Defending a long-standing love of Leo

HOLLY NORTON • February 1, 2011

Thank God Leonardo DiCaprio is a good actor. That way, I can continue stoking the fire that I've had burning for him ever since I first saw him on "Growing Pains."

It's safe to say each of us has at least one celebrity crush that we've been hanging onto for years. There's that one person that gives us that pang of "what if?" and "I wish" and "sigh" each and every time they pop up on our radar.

Mine, as I've mentioned many times, is Leonardo DiCaprio.

And I'm thankful he's a good actor not only so I can continue to watch him through time, but also because my husband usually wants to see his movies too, so it's a win-win for me. A married friend of mine doesn't exactly share the same luck. Her current crush is Robert Pattinson.

I wonder, how exactly do we arrive at our celebrity crushes? Is it the roles they play? Or is it strictly their looks? How much of a role do the current events in our lives play in our celebrity crush selection?

Let's take Robert Pattinson for example. Yes, he's a good looking guy, but even I can admit the entire Twilight saga is annoying. Sure, I've participated in the bologna. Bought into it all, in fact. I've bought the books, read the whole series and have seen the movies. More than once. It's terrible literature and shoddy acting at best. But I got sucked in when I was pregnant and would read just about anything to pass the time. Now I just need to finish this nightmare so I can get on with my life.

But Leo? Ahh, Leo.

His roles are always so strong, yet so tortured. "Romeo and Juliet." "Basketball Diaries." "Blood Diamond." "The Aviator." "The Departed." "Inception." All damaged souls yearning for acceptance or some kind of breakthrough -- and just the kind of introverted, rebellious, artsy guy I was drawn to my entire adolescence. My "type." Which, as it turns out, is exactly why much of my love life growing up was filled with heartache, rejection and isolation.

It took a grown up me to realize it's not my job to fix a person. Once I figured that out, I found exactly who I had been missing all those years.


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Thanks for the pic fashiondream! He always looks so cute with his fans :blush:

And I am very excited for Leo to start filming! I feel like this movie has a lot of room for him to display his talent, and alot of drama, and excellent acting. Clint is an incredible director and makes amazing movies and I have a feeling Leo may get nominated for this movie. Or at least I hope so :p

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Thats such a cute article fashiondream! I love all her compliments about Leo, other hearthrobes are good looking but are they talented and stand the test of time (robert pattinson :( ) Like Leo? He made it through the Titanic phase to show that he truely is an incredible actor. :wub:

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This is probably a repost... but i've never seen this pic before... its from 2008. Leo looks amazing though :heart::wub:


Meeting Leonardo for a - wait for it -

"Interview Proof Picture"

Yes, really. The good folks at Warner Brothers are no longer content with their stars being photographed for promotion of new movies, now they insist on dictating to the press how their stars are to be photographed. So in this instance, it involved a rather long wait at the Dorchester Hotel in Park Lane, coffees and protracted discussions on where/how/how long I would be allowed to attend the interview with the big man. The alternative was to walk away and give my client no pictures at all - a bad negotiating position to start with.

In the end I was allowed to set up lights, chose seating and shooting position, get ready, only to be allowed back into the room for the last minute - yes, that's right folks, the last minute - to shoot my interview proof picture. Warner Bros PR folks didn't want me to shoot any pictures of great Leonardo alone, it absolutely had to be with the gentleman interviewing him, or nothing. So the inevitable outcome of being in the room with Leo for less than 60 seconds is this, and yes, only this. Sad, but true...


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It's a long article soooo i only included the parts that mention leo lol

Drive like Leonardo DiCaprio for $180,555


Globe and Mail Update

Disoriented, you wake up in a mansion high in the sunlit Hollywood Hills. You are suddenly slimmer, your hair has magically returned, and next to you is a woman you recognize from the cover of Sports Illustrated. Yes, you have turned into Leonardo DiCaprio.

You wander into the garage to find out what kind of car you drive. Bentley? Porsche? No, you own a Tesla Roadster, a tiny electric sports car that some call the Tree Hugger Ferrari. No gas tank. Zero emissions. You may be a movie star and one of the world’s most eligible bachelors, but you’re also an environmental activist, and your car has to send out a rarefied, dog-whistle-style message that will reach only the right ears.

Now back to mid-winter Canada, where I’m about to spend a day in a Tesla like DiCaprio’s. My mission is two-pronged. First, I want to see why the Tesla exerts such a pull over celebrities: in addition to DiCaprio, Tesla owners include George Clooney, Matt Damon, David Letterman and RIM founder Mike Lazaridis.


I received extra scrutiny from a number of women who examined the Tesla in the apparent hope that it contained DiCaprio, Clooney or, at the very least, Dustin Hoffman (who also owns one).


For DiCaprio, of course, none of this is a problem. He’s got that Inception money, and he lives within easy Tesla range of some great twisting roads, including fabled Mulholland Drive. (I saw his house when I was out in Los Angeles on a story.)

DiCaprio is the perfect Tesla customer: he can look cool, enjoy the curves, deliver an unspoken environmental message, and make it back to his dedicated 220-volt outlet without breaking a sweat.

For DiCaprio and his style-leader buddies, the age of the electric car really has arrived. But the rest of us still have some waiting to do.


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Caught in the Act!

Leonardo DiCaprio, stopping into Voyeur in L.A. for a drink with Gerard Butler. The actor grabbed his usual table with a bird's-eye view of the clubgoers. DiCaprio got comfortable right away, propping up his feet on the table, while Butler seemed interested in scoping out the female clubgoers. And girls were swarming around their table for a chance to look at the guys up close.


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This is probably a repost... but i've never seen this pic before... its from 2008. Leo looks amazing though :heart::wub:


Meeting Leonardo for a - wait for it -

"Interview Proof Picture"

Yes, really. The good folks at Warner Brothers are no longer content with their stars being photographed for promotion of new movies, now they insist on dictating to the press how their stars are to be photographed. So in this instance, it involved a rather long wait at the Dorchester Hotel in Park Lane, coffees and protracted discussions on where/how/how long I would be allowed to attend the interview with the big man. The alternative was to walk away and give my client no pictures at all - a bad negotiating position to start with.

In the end I was allowed to set up lights, chose seating and shooting position, get ready, only to be allowed back into the room for the last minute - yes, that's right folks, the last minute - to shoot my interview proof picture. Warner Bros PR folks didn't want me to shoot any pictures of great Leonardo alone, it absolutely had to be with the gentleman interviewing him, or nothing. So the inevitable outcome of being in the room with Leo for less than 60 seconds is this, and yes, only this. Sad, but true...


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