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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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thanks for the new pics, sick! omg, Leo looks so cute in this Lakers pics, I retreat what I said before he still have a baby face when he shave his beard, soooooooooooooooooooooo cute, he seems so innocent, he still have that juvenile look, so sweet! But just to make it clear, he looks lovely like this but I think he looks hotter with beard, he looks more mainly and sexy!

And thanks fashiondream for the this pic of Leo with another fan, he seems so adorable with his fans and this is great!

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Leo sighting of him eating at Night and Market... probably some time this week

NIGHT + MARKET: "Leonardo DiCaprio walked in, solo. He was totally dressed down in jeans with a baseball cap slung low over his face. He ate a few dishes, although I couldn’t make out what they were, and was on his cell phone almost the whole time." [starWatch Inbox]


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this is great that Hoover (or J. Edgar?) shooting starts today, I hope we can see a lot pics like we saw when he was shooting Inception.

Yeah they changed the name of the movie to "J Edgar" I also hope we can get some pics! Also Clint Eastwood is known to have a fast production movie and filming, so I would expect Leo to be done filming by mid-march! And hopefully it will be released late this year! :clap:

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Inception' bags WGA award

The films Inception and The Social Network won top awards Saturday from the Writers Guild of America, a major Hollywood labour union.

The winners of the 2011 Writers Guild Awards for outstanding achievement in writing for screen, television, radio, news, promotional, videogame, and new media were announced at simultaneous ceremonies in Los Angeles and in New York City.

Inception, a science fiction thriller, stars Leonardo DiCaprio, who plays Dom Cobb, a corporate espionage thief. The movie, whose script was written by Christopher Nolan, won the best original screenplay award.

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Baz should have a desicion very soon on weather he is doing The Great Gatsby, Baz said he would announce a desicion by the end of this week. I really hope he still does it, because I am really looking forward to seeing Leo in The Great Gatsby!

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yes, kat! I would became very disappointed if Baz give up on Gatsby because I'am so excited about Leo playing this role, it's such a long time he doesn't make a romantic movie, more light than his usual roles as you tell me one time Kat! And to work with Tobey again, and also I remember how excited Carey Mulligan became when she knew she would play Daisy in Gatsby, I remember that she cried when she knew, would be so sad for her if Baz don't make this movie anymore, not just for her, but for all the cast and all the people that are already expecting for this, like me! :no: :cry2: :cry:


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