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lol matt.. you have to admire someone who didnt love the poop, or unite with the pip whores

or in any other way whore himself to get his post count.<as i must admit i was a regular trixie after the BZ crash :blush:

but where the baron is concerned his posts are certainly quality over quantity. ive said it before, youve made more of an im pact with 100 posts than many bz'ers who have thousands of posts to their credit

and im honored to be mentioned in your pretty little blue cube speech .lolol

any time theres decadence and naughtiness and fun to be had, call on your partner in crime, ill be there

:hug: a toast... to a hundred moreposts!


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Ah, my dear Baron!

The moment I got your personal message I just had to come and congratulate you for the public to see. Just like PD said, your posts really are about quality and I'd rather read your posts than plenty of people who have nothing better to do than- Well... I'll refrain from being rude. This is about you, no? ;)

I can only hope that you'll stay and grace us with your posts and well wishes for days to come; there aren't many that care about the person behind the screen as much as the text written on it.

¡Te quiero mucho también! Gracias por incluirme en tus palabras, es un verdadero honor.


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