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I still think she looked good, esp during fireworks, But I miss adriana not smiling on the runway lol.


Like she doesn't even not do that anymore. I think only when she opens the show is when she takes things a little bit more seriously.


Its just really time for her to go. Not even the looks is the things but her attitude towards it has def changed.


I hate to say it but I agree. Especially if you compare this to her presence on the VSFS in 2005 the difference is stark. 

Now I know I can't expect her to look like she did ten years ago, but her runway walk was so solid back then and the HQ pictures

looked great from every angle. Right now she looks like she's in between expressions/poses all the time. Like the photographer snapped either too early or too late, if you get what I mean. She's still gorgeous, but she seems to have lost interest (and who can blame her). 


That said, I think if she would fire her stylist, makeup artist and hairdresser and got people who actually know what they're doing, she'd look sooo much better. She trains her ass off every year and they somehow manage to make her look pale, make her hair look flat and sorta frizzy and her makeup just dull. Hell, I could do better. And I'd do it for free. Like, put her in a tanning booth, give her a subtle smokey eye and put some proper curls in her hair. She's still got it.


I mean, look at this picture:



And then look at the picture in your avatar.



There's got to be ten years between when those pictures were taken, but it could have been a few weeks. That's on point makeup. That's what they should be putting on her. I don't get how they manage to keep dropping the ball.


Last year they completely messed up her face by overarching her eyebrows. Like who the F even thought that was a good idea. 

And this year....well. I mean, she doesn't look bad. But for something they spend an entire year prepping for, they could have done SO much better. 

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I still think she looked good, esp during fireworks, But I miss adriana not smiling on the runway lol.


Like she doesn't even not do that anymore. I think only when she opens the show is when she takes things a little bit more seriously.


Its just really time for her to go. Not even the looks is the things but her attitude towards it has def changed.


I hate to say it but I agree. Especially if you compare this to her presence on the VSFS in 2005 the difference is stark. 

Now I know I can't expect her to look like she did ten years ago, but her runway walk was so solid back then and the HQ pictures

looked great from every angle. Right now she looks like she's in between expressions/poses all the time. Like the photographer snapped either too early or too late, if you get what I mean. She's still gorgeous, but she seems to have lost interest (and who can blame her). 


That said, I think if she would fire her stylist, makeup artist and hairdresser and got people who actually know what they're doing, she'd look sooo much better. She trains her ass off every year and they somehow manage to make her look pale, make her hair look flat and sorta frizzy and her makeup just dull. Hell, I could do better. And I'd do it for free. Like, put her in a tanning booth, give her a subtle smokey eye and put some proper curls in her hair. She's still got it.


I mean, look at this picture:



And then look at the picture in your avatar.



There's got to be ten years between when those pictures were taken, but it could have been a few weeks. That's on point makeup. That's what they should be putting on her. I don't get how they manage to keep dropping the ball.


Last year they completely messed up her face by overarching her eyebrows. Like who the F even thought that was a good idea. 

And this year....well. I mean, she doesn't look bad. But for something they spend an entire year prepping for, they could have done SO much better. 



Yeah I agree. The changes VS does for the makeup team and hair look don't always suit adriana the best. And as somebody mentioned befor adriana doesn't revamp or check herself it seems. I think 1. because she can't. because she gets some of the most media attention. 2. She has been walking so many years she probably trust them by now which she clearly can't. 3. Adriana as we have seen isn't that vain of a person. some of those models who clearly always make sure they are revamp don't get interviewed as much and are vain people and clearly by their instagram and the way they act they want to look 100% perfect and care so much.  like Adriana ain't like that at all these so.. she ain't gonna stress over it. So that + trust, she doesn't check herself that much.


But yeah, I don't blame her losing the positive attitude towards Vs but I am glad she is. And I think the fact that she hasn't shot for VS swim nor has she shot for the holidays lets you know she is leaving.

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True true and to be fair to her, in the past she really could trust others to do the makeup, etc. for her, so it's not surprising she kept that mindset. And one of the reasons I like her so much is because she's not obsessed with herself like so many others are. For some of these girls, posing for Instagram is almost a fulltime job. Adriana makes snaps of herself when she's in the gym and her skin is ruddy from the workout and makeup free. I know it annoys a lot of people but someone who has been branded as the most beautiful woman for years and years and who makes her living through the way she looks, you'd expect them to have an ego the size of jupiter. And Adriana doesn't. She's humble and carefree and unfortunately she's got to pay for it because some people can't do their damn jobs properly. She shouldn't have to be good at makeup. That's where makeup artists are for. 


Anyway I'm gonna stop ranting, but yes, I was pretty underwhelmed with the VSFS this year.


*EDIT I also have a theory on why she wasn't so energetic this year: A huge dam in Brazil broke this month, resulting in massive floods that could have consequences for years to come: tumblr_inline_nxv5q7BnwX1r49f15_540.gif


Could be that her head wasn't in the game because of that. 

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Exactly on everything you said on IG.. even I a annoyed sometimes but then I remember the kind of people on there. My friend felt the need to delete hers and start over and make it private because of pervs and stuff. While adriana posting majority of the same pics is annoying so are the people who want her to subjectify herself so much. Just a little TBT every now and then wouldn't hurt neither. But I think it is good her ego isn't big but she also don't feel the need for people to stroke her ego. Thats the thing about vain models that get to me they truly don't have any substance even as far as themselves are concerned. They want to be known and seen as perfect and as decoration to people and then its like for what? Because they still don't have gain the guts to show themselves in a state that adriana does. Like if you gonna add on to the subjectivity of yourself SO much atleast let it truly do something for you. Hell, adriana's career is still moving better than some of those models like that and having a social media like they do is supposed to help them also. Lol being that vain really not even doing anything but giving you followers and likes.


Atleast we know it doesn't do shit for adriana thats why her ego still isn't big after all these years lol. And she knows that, so responds accordingly to it.


ohh maybe.

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