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Toni Garrn


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^ Where is the second pic from?

I don't know if I'm the only one and I don't want to complain because I'm thankful for all the contributions here, but I would really appreciate if you (and everyone) could post the sources of the pictures. It just makes it so much easier for everyone to keep track. 

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18 minutes ago, sore said:

^ Where is the second pic from?

I don't know if I'm the only one and I don't want to complain because I'm thankful for all the contributions here, but I would really appreciate if you (and everyone) could post the sources of the pictures. It just makes it so much easier for everyone to keep track. 


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6 hours ago, piotrz234 said:

They were shooting for Joe Fresh


I see my request to provide sources works very well. ;)

Where do you know that from?


I've read all these Karlie fans going crazy on instagram, does anybody know what is up with Karlie and Taylor? Aren't they friends anymore?

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^great, thank you! :)


Interview with Grazia Germany
My translation

You're flying around nonstop. Are you scared after the Paris attacks?
I've always told myself that flying is much safer than driving. My family, however, is indeed worried about me now, but I'm not flying to Syria... I spend most of my time in big cities, I live in New York, and something can happen everywhere, unfortunately. But we must not stop doing what we love to do.

Uhm, is it possible that your US accent has become stronger since we last met?
Seriously? Thats terrible! (laughs) Nobody has ever told me that, but it's true that I don't speak much German...

At the Elie Saab Dinner you were the tallest person in the room - again. How does it feel when everybody looks up to you?
I'm used to it. And it isn't always the case, most of the time there are other models, so I have somebody at eye level. (laughs) But it's true, I was a bit surprised and thought: Okaay, so now let's all take a seat, people!

The men in the room were blown away. Has a woman like you ever been brushed off?
I have! I won't say when or by whom, but a few years ago I really liked someone. But he had zero interest in me, unfortunately. 

Maybe he was gay?
No, he wasn't. 

Speaking of hoops [German pun, in German to be brushed off is 'to get a hoop / a basket]. You've been interested in basketball lately?
Yes, I've been a fan for a few months now. (laughs) But I don't play myself, there are some videos where I really try to, you would die laughing.

Did you bring your boyfriend [to Paris where she was interviewed]?
He's in Dallas, he lives there. That means a lot of traveling for me. Hamburg - NYC - Dallas, NYC - Hamburg - Dallas and so on. But we write each other a lot of messages. I'm very happy. He also knows my family already.

We looked up your GRAZIA horoscope for 2015. It said you were going to have a dedicated line to Venus and you were going to be in a relationship from June on... 
June, that late? What else?

There will be a new job offer in December. And the cosmic advise is to search for a new creative hobby that really satisfies you.
December is still long! I don't believe in horoscopes, but I guess one thing or the other is true. Something that has satisfied me this year: My charity work for Plan International. I visited the girls in Zimbabwe in August, and I want to double the amount I have already raised in order to build schools and enable fellowship programs.

Where will you be spending Christmas this year?
Always at home, in Hamburg where my grandparents live.

Not in Dallas, where your boyfriend lives?
Family always comes first. My family lives all over the place now, my parents for example in Switzerland and in Budapest. In Hamburg, my brother and I always go from one coffee party to the next, with a lot of Christmas cookies in the back of our car.

Do you still bake a lot?
Sure, but all my cookies, brownies and cupcakes are sugar free and vegan. Half of them doesn't taste good to most people - my family doesn't like them at all, because I always use kale and spinach for my cookies. 

For Christmas cookies??
Yes! It looks a bit disgusting, but tastes like banana. But everybody is like: Uhm, your muffin looks like a burger patty. (laughs)

Do you sometimes indulge in sweet sins?
Sure, I do eat my grandma's cake too. But vegan cookies aren't that low in calories either, because of all the nuts and the maple syrup.

What's your wish this Christmas? Maybe a ring...?
I never have any wishes for Christmas.

But do you like to buy gifts for others?
Absolutely! I collect ideas and gifts all year. On Christmas, I travel back home with two suitcases full of gifts. I arrive around the 18th and spend the time until Christmas eve wrapping presents. I love it!

Do you have any sports resolutions for next year?
I'll be on vacation for a week with a friend around New Year's, I have to be strict then. I have to get moving then. But it's also important for me to sleep more. Because of all the traveling I sleep very little. But in the 10 years in the industry now, I've never once taken a sleeping pill.

Looking back, what was this year like for you?
Very exciting, and a lot of things were very new to me. One of my highlights was traveling to Zimbabwe, I was almost without any mirror for three weeks and only showered four times. It was great!

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Hello people, I am become creative with this christmas card designed by me the impressive work of Hände für Kinder to support. All proceeds go to "hands for children", A short-term home for disabled children and young people and their families, in which a volunteer working team is doing a great job. Please help with through the purchase of a card!


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3 hours ago, ToniGarrnMania said:

YAY:excited: Instagram embedding in here!!!! (Sorry if this is old news to most of you)


For those who don't know how to do it, copy and paste the full web link (e.g. "https://www.instagram.com/p/_VQ3LQjT54/") and press enter, it appears after a few seconds.

I never do, because I need a photo for my community, so that the whole picture downloaded and spread.)

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