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Status Updates posted by yours_forever

  1. Sorry... the mirror thing just made me think of it :|

  2. Still good. haha. Sorry about Russia :p

  3. Sure I will do that for you :) Just pm me the pics you'd like to have drawn ;) money is not necessary... but appreciated :shifty: XD

    and I don't think there will be shipping and handling for pictures...

  4. Sure send them to me or post them on my thread. Whichever :)

  5. teeth... sounds fun. Well, you are further along with your plans than I am :p

  6. Tell me about it! I was really bored.

  7. Thank you ^-^ I love your avatar... ♥

  8. Thank you :) ♥

  9. Thank you :) and I'm glad you like them :)

  10. Thank you :) I love it :hehe: How have you been?

  11. Thank you :blush: I do what I can :p

  12. Thank you so much!!! It means a lot :)

  13. Thank you! :) I thought it was funny in the commercial. I love Gutsy Smurf :p

  14. Thank you! Merry Christmas to you and all your family as well :)

  15. Thank you!! Let her know I say hi :)

  16. Thank you!!! It's so nice to see another Chace fan!!!! <3

  17. Thank you. Hot hubby and gorgeous baby :p I'm so lucky!!

    Yes, she's a girl!! :)

    What's new with you?

  18. Thank you. I'm glad you think so. I'm sorry to hear about the bad things. Maybe you should come to America and stay on my couch. My husband just got a 50 inch TV. We can watch movies and pretend we're at a movie theatre! haha

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