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Jade Bahr

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Everything posted by Jade Bahr

  1. I was wondering if he would made a public statement. Thx for sharing Now I'm wondering if he's joining the crowds in the street 😄 LMAO
  2. 😅 (before someone is yelling at me it's just a joke lol)
  3. Another great look. Also love the shoes #pink dreams 'Barbie' photocall in London (July 13, 2023) Already posted but she looks so beautiful I'm dying Source Source Source
  4. @BarbieErin so if the movie bombs they can now say it's the strikes fault. Without any screenings, promos, premieres etc this might even true.
  5. Haha love it 😄
  6. @Clarence we already know the union agreed to strike well in advance should a deal not be reached. Since the deal isn't reached I think they’re doing this vote today just to make it official-official. Slightly off topic fun fact: Margots latest premiere look of Enchanted Evening Barbie from 1960 is curiously the same year that the actors and the writers were last on strike at the same time – coincidence or conspiracy? 😄
  7. ^And here it begins. Actors Strike: Global Biz Braces for Impact as ‘Gladiator 2,’ ‘Mortal Kombat 2’ Prepare to Stop Filming "This is a shapeshifting moment in Hollywood history." Source
  8. Longchamp event in London, 12/07/23 Source
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