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Jade Bahr

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Everything posted by Jade Bahr

  1. I'm already crying 😭 Quentin Tarantino Wants Bruce Willis to Cameo in ‘The Movie Critic’ Last year, Bruce Willis was diagnosed with Dementia. He ensuingly announced his retirement from acting. How bad had his condition progressed? The fact that the statement was coming directly from his family and not him making it, even in writing, made it seem like his state of mind was not in good shape. His family also kept referencing him in the past tense. However, sources are now saying that Quentin Tarantino wants Willis for a “cameo role” in his 10th and final film, “The Movie Critic”: Quentin hasn’t approached Bruce’s family yet – and will completely bow to their wishes if they say he’s too sick. If that’s the case, he aims to try to work a brief clip from one of Bruce’s many previous movies into the film. It does sound like a wonderful tribute is coming from director to actor. The pair previously worked together on “Pulp Fiction” and have stayed in touch over the years. Willis had been originally diagnosed Aphasia, a language disorder caused by damage in a specific area of the brain that controls language expression and comprehension. Willis, who is just 68, has had a significant impact in American movies, especially in the action genre. The essential Bruce Willis films will always be “Die Hard,” “Pulp Fiction,” “The Sixth Sense,” “Unbreakable,” “12 Monkeys,” and “The Fifth Element.”
  2. Especially when it comes to smashing box office hits or the so called movies billion dollar club. There is only ONE incredible successful movie that centers a womans journey (literally) and that's TITANIC. It's also the only movie tellin 12 years old me a story doesn't have to end with "they lived happily ever after" and the heroine not only can save herself but has a fulfilled, self chosen life without dashing young Leo but that's another story. And this movie isn't written nor directed by a woman, so it's only half counting.
  3. KOTFM being number 1 The 16 Must-See Fall Movies 1) Killers of the Flower Moon (Martin Scorsese) — October 6 Although I have already seen Scorsese’s staggering epic about the 1920s Osage Nation murders, I cannot fail to include it. This is the movie event of the year. ‘Killers’ holds and fascinates you in step-by-step fashion, and it radiates profound moral grief and heartache — it’s three hours of scheming and murder, and the runtime just flies by. What Scorsese has created is a real and lived in world and absolute fire-in-your-belly cinema. It’s also very measured and matter of fact in its clinical execution. This is Scorsese’s very steady, methodical depiction of morally toxic people. DiCaprio, De Niro and Gladstone all deserve awards love this season. Friendly reminder so far it has a better score than Oppenheimer (of course with less reviews but still) 😋
  4. Damn way too young to die. RIP 💔
  5. The only one gettin frenzy about a movie HE DIDN'T EVEN WATCH, a movie you're not the main audience for, was yourself but whatever you pleases lol But good that BARBIE makes you think and reflect your environment. I'm trying to picture how strong your reaction would be if you actually watched it. However, mission accomplished ✔️ May the pink force be with you.
  6. (yeah well I watched at least half of it. Those reactions are almost more entertaining than the movie itself lol)
  7. So you haven't even seen the movie 😄
  8. Again did you even watch the movie? You never answered this question.
  9. It's just a movie. Chill a bit lol Watch something you like. Don't come in a thread full of fans who're celebrating the success of a female director with a female voice making women feel seen while watching the movie. You and your male outraged followers want to take a fun female sight of view personal? Be my guest but that's an argument you can't win. At least not in this place lol
  10. 💯 @Enrico_sw My bet you haven't even watched the movie.
  11. LMAO BARBIE (2023) + living in Youtubers' heads rent free Source
  12. Probably my favorite scene 😍😭💖 Source
  13. R A N G E: the spectrum of roles an actor can believably portray. Source
  14. B.O. Totals: ‘Barbie’ $93 Million “Barbie” made $93 million this weekend, A mere 43% drop from the previous weekend, bringing its total to $351 million in just two weeks. That’s the biggest second weekend in Warner Bros’ history. It also passed the $750 million mark worldwide.
  15. The last thing I felt (before, during or after) BARBIE was hate. I had actually lots of fun while watching it and recognized myself in many things particular as a woman, yes. But Barbie isn't flawless she's actually miles away from being perfect (in both worlds, real and Barbieland) but that's the whole point of the movie. No one is perfect and even more important no one has to be. For me the movie is about solidarity, understanding, commitment for others and yourself, acceptance for others and yourself, equal rights - not only womens but mens too (or Kens lol) and learning not only from mistakes but each other to make it different/better in the future.
  16. ^Liv Tyler is great. Love her 🥰 I don't really know Claire Willett to be honest just thought the comments I posted were on point lol
  17. ^more of Leo and Natasha (one of the "blonde bombshells" LOL)
  18. Not that I had any hopes but damn this movie was bad
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