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Everything posted by Schemer

  1. Come on people, she's tall, blond and dating Leo. She's 100% in. Easily.
  2. Hm...some of those names really need to be dropped to usher in Martha. Behati, Lindsay (LOL is she still even modeling) and Karlie are completely expendable IMO. Karlie is safe because of her high profile career, Behati is OK plus she has a famous husband which goes well with VS and Lindsay is just ... meh these days. Who knows, maybe we're really witnessing the last days at VS for Ale and Adri. Anyways, Martha deserves to be bumped up. And so is some model of color (have no idea which one).
  3. Who are Angels then? Adri, Ale, Candy, Karlie...and that's it? Am I forgetting someone?
  4. Isn't she officially an Angel? That means she's automatically in, right?
  5. Whoa, who's the dude!? :persuazn:
  6. It's kinda funny that Selena Gomez, Cara Delevigne and Kim K (LOL!) are honouring the great Tarantino.
  7. Was she at least allowed to sit next to him?
  8. I might be wrong but is that Jason Sudeikis? You're wrong.
  9. Are adriana, doutzen, karlie no longer models in VS. No way can you say she is number 1 in terms in work without considering them. No way. What's to consider? Candice clearly has more photos than them. It's pure matter of numbers. Doutzen was out for most of the year, Karlie shoots for them sporadic and Adri only recently got more work with them this year. Only one close to Candy this year is Lily and after her probably Martha Hunt. When I wrote "#1 model" I meant the work that was done for VS. Candy is clearly their main model ATM. Others don't seem to get that so they started talking about outside VS contracts, which is irrelevant. I was talking that Candice has the best shot of surpassing Adri-Heidi 3 FB record.
  10. Sure, but back then you didn't have the impact of social media like you have today, so you can't really compare them I guess. But I don't see how Candice potentially wearing FB more than Adri one day is "deluted". She's still so young and probably their #1 model (in terms of work) at this time.
  11. Implying that nepotism and favouritism didn't already exist in fashion industry. :morning: I want her to make it just so VS purists can get totally pissed off.
  12. Don't be deluded Their careers are very different. Adriana didn't even need to be pushed half as much as Candice did to get to where she is today in terms of popularity. Talk about being deluded. VS makes the brand out of all their top girls. Adriana is of no exception.
  13. Candice will one day break all those records.
  14. It's called knees. Anyways, if it ends up being their last show it will really be a bitter-sweet moment. Ale I can kinda understand but Adri doesn't seem to be slowing down any time soon. Maybe VS just want to shake things up in the lineup? Maybe A&A have become too expensive and VS want someone else for less money?
  15. Do you think that maybe both of them are leaving VS so they're giving them proper send-offs?
  16. I doubt that she had to do the casting. She'll just show up for fittings.
  17. I think her money will always come from fashion world but movie roles will probably help expand her brand. The bigger name she makes for herself in the media the bigger contracts she'll get from companies.
  18. It's possible that there are two (or several more) fantasy bras. VS have watered down everything about them. Being Angel isn't what it used to be (they're handing out those contracts left and right) so multiple fantasy bras wouldn't be a surprise to me.
  19. So, she basically went as a hooker.
  20. Luckily, she's not an egomaniac.
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