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Everything posted by Schemer

  1. Taylor is really living the lyrics from Kendrick's Backseat Freestyle: Goddamn I got bitches, damn I got bitches Damn I got bitches, wifey, girlfriend and mistress Maybe Leo is getting some proper competition.
  2. Imma use spoilers if someone is still behind She was amazing on The Talking Dead. If you haven't seen it check it out.
  3. Good for you for forgetting that time at that event with Adriana and Ale. She was soooo thin then and looked quite unhealthy.
  4. I have a feeling it's for lip-sync video.
  5. "This about Elsa?" lol, no. They're just having some fun.
  6. Oh god are Karlie and Taylor the new Heidi and Seal? Are they gonna sing a duet at the next VS show?!
  7. Are there going it to be musical performers in both shows or only in show #2?
  8. Maybe one of lip-sync videos? They do those every year.
  9. Please for the love of everything sacred, someone tell me that Candice will do one of these videos too.
  10. "Because some models aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some models just want to show off their abs." I'm dying.... Some models just want to see the runway BURN!
  11. Regardless of Elsa, why are you reading DM comments?
  12. There's a bigger chance that she'll bring out Karlie.
  13. You're blowing things way out of proportion.
  14. I really don't want to be mean, but this is embarassing. Doesn't matter how gorgeus she is, this is ridiculous. I want twenty more years of Iza! I just want to find out how insane she can get. #BodyByIza
  15. I like when Elsa said: "I'm trying to be positive!"
  16. I want Iza and Taylor Swift to battle it out for the runway supremacy. I want Iza to block Taylor any chance she gets. :lol:
  17. HAHA! Brilliant. She's becoming my favourite. I'm gonna spend entire time looking for her at the runway, watching what is she going to do. :lol:
  18. SHOW studio used to upload their entire shoots on Vimeo but it looks like that is no longer the case.
  19. Something about Karlie... dunno, she just doesn't fit for VS. To me at least.
  20. When have UHQ picts ever been truly flattering? You have a point. Still, girl was probably in a rush, missed a few trees in the process.
  21. Also, Candice needs to properly shave her armpits. UHQ photos don't look flattering.
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