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Status Updates posted by Baby.Jude9

  1. Happy Birthday Pretty! By the way, just wonder, but, do you make all your own sets?

  2. Happy Birthday! :D Hope it's a good one! :)

  3. Nah, I'm actually good. But thank you for asking! I'll message you if I'm in need of any gifs! :D

  4. Not much. Been kinda busy lately with work and settling in and such. How's about you? :)

  5. Don't think I haven't put some serious thought into actually doing that! Though, my mother assures me that that is a poor career choice and that I should seriously consider some alternate possibilities. She just doesn't want me to have any fun. :(

  6. You're welcome! ^.^

  7. You're welcome Sunny! Hope it was a good one! :D *Kiss*

  8. Happy Birthday! :)

  9. Happy Birthday Sunny! :)

  10. Happy Birthday! :)

  11. Bitch, I will CUT you! XD

  12. Oh no you didn't! :O

  13. You have just managed to place a very suggestive picture in my head. I am scared for life. Thank you very much. <__<


  14. I know. I have sadness because of it. :( So, have you been up to anything extraordinary as of late? :)

  15. Poke. Pinch. Shank. Cut. Bitch, I will cut you!

  16. Poke. Pinch. Shank. Cut. Bitch, I will cut you!

  17. Pinch. Pinch. Poke. Stab.

  18. Yeah, I really need an electric guitar, because there are some songs that just sound wimpy on an acoustic guitar. <__< :)

  19. Well your sets are really good. Just saying. ;)

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