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Status Updates posted by Baby.Jude9

  1. Sorry for the late reply but my evening went pretty nicely. I watched the trailer for "Nowhere Boy" about 50 times and then watched one of my all time favorite movies, "Half Baked." How has your day been? :)

  2. Umm, of course it doesn't...

  3. Geez, I've never heard of "Murder over Watermelon", bu, ok?

  4. Well, I mean, I am half Italian...

  5. Exactly. No one here pronounces the "er's" at the end of their words! So, it's not "never", it's "nevah". I don't get it?!... I'm still adjusting, as you can see.

  6. But, but, but, why? :cry:

  7. Everyone here talks with really weird New York accents. I thought it was only in movies. O_o

  8. I LOVE watermelon! :D

  9. My favorites are watermelon jolly ranchers! :D

  10. Nice. And, yes, now, I'm officially an east-coaster. :(

  11. That and the candy, right? ;)

  12. Things are pretty good by me. Adjusting to life in a new place. How are things by yourself? :)

  13. I frickin' love it! :D (Yes, I am that much of a loser. (:)

  14. D'aww. I don't know but the way you phrased that just sounded so cute. ^.^

  15. I should, shouldn't. [Thinking face] I mean how many girls do you know whith the name Jude? Eh, whatever, I'll wait til I'm older. So, you're a big Miranda Kerr fan?

  16. I have considered that, actually. But, I'm still young and have a while to think about it. It's a big decision, but it would, actually probably, be pretty good since everyone knows me as Jude and no ones actually refers to me a Jillian. :)

  17. It's ok. And don't worry, you weren't being nosey, I have explain that story to everyone at one point or another. ^.^

  18. Well, since you're so interested in the story behind me nickname, my real name is Jillain, but, due to my extreme love for the Beatles, when I was about 4 or so, my mom started calling me Jude, and the nickname just stuck. I'm not even sure if my mom remembers that she named me something other than Jude at this point! :D

  19. Ah! I've never seen that! That is so legit! :D

  20. Thank you. ^.^ And I'm doing pretty good. Yourself? :)

  21. Psh, you wish... :whistle:

  22. I knew it! (No, actually, I really didn't.) Thanks so much! :D

  23. Heya. Who is the girl in your avatar? I feel like I know who she is, I just can't think of it right now and it is bothering me so much! X|

  24. Why thank you. ;) And I have relocated to the wonderful state of New York(Not the city, because I didn't move to the city!). :)

  25. Hiya Rox! ;D

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