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Status Updates posted by Baby.Jude9

  1. Happy Birthday! :)

  2. 5 stars for a great taste in models AND in music! :D

  3. Been here for about a week and a half, and, so far, it's going pretty well. I even managed to get myself a summer job. :)

  4. Very, very true. :)

  5. Tell me when you're finished. P.S. I totally dig the picture on your page! :D

  6. Not exactly, but, to retaliate what you just said to me, to you have the stats to prove your theory as a statement?

  7. Fine, then perhaps this would be more appropriate for the situation: http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/9481/907133163.jpg

  8. Well, the one in the parallel universe is newer. But I still prefer the one in the 4th dimension anyway. I got there on weekends. :D

  9. You must have forgotten that I just so happen to have a summer home in that alternate universe!

  10. More like: Limer - 0, Jude - 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000... Wallow in it!

  11. Yeah, yeah, yeah...

  12. I still win just for being so BAMF. ;)

  13. Well, I think it's pretty obvious that I will win...

  14. In tha case, I'm a cyborg. :ninja:

  15. I am allowed to use Captain Falcon as my weapon?

  16. Pick your weapon first, my friend. ;)

  17. Any time, buddy. I'll be here. ;D

  18. U.S.A. > *whistle*

  19. Not particuarly one for doing it, but, I mean, I'm an obsessive Beatles fan, so you learn to love all that psychadelic, pot head stuff. :)

  20. Adjusting to life on a new side of the country. Everyone sounds really weird here. :/

  21. Aww. That doesn't sound like much fun. :( Anyway, just to warn you, Half Baked is a total stoner movie. :)

  22. Oh, hey. How you been? :)

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