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Status Updates posted by buhlack7

  1. ps!

    gurl!!! since your going to that festival with kanye... do you know who billy crawford is? i heard he's big in europe or something!

  2. PS

    and i'll take you up on that BZ party! hahahah! don't be surprised when one day you see a whole ton of drunk people passed out by the pool when you come home! hahha!

  3. so last night i just heard the airborne toxic event for Role Models. I was so sick to my stomach!!!

  4. short people's modeling agency!!! here we come!!! hahahha!

  5. hahahahaha! i don't like fights... but if i have to... i have to! my retard friends always hide behind me in those kinds of situations! hahaha!

    oh thats good! living with a packed house would make it bearable with close friends!

  6. hahaha! for sure!!! as long as they are mint milanos! hahaha!

    oh nothing... well my parents are going out of town so i have the apartment all to myself so im planning a little get together!

    how about you???

  7. omg!!! are those the Von Trapts 20 years later!!!

  8. gurlfriend!!!

    can you give me a list of all the redheaded female models that you know

  9. oooo! jam! i've never actually had a home made one! i always buy them at the store for PB&J! hahaha!

    well i'm going with a random group from school and i don't even know who that random group will be! but that would make it more fun!

    well you go enjoy you 'flat' your tv and your jelly!

  10. aww! that sucks!!!

    well im planning to see MGMT, Beck, and Spoon at the bowl... if the tix aren't sold out.

    Also detour festival... but that isn't until october! its a great line up!

    and i also want to see Yelle and CSS!!! ...if the tix arent sold out!!!

  11. and i am always always always woking weekends! hopefully i get kidnapped afterwork to go see Babymama! hahah!

    and YES!!!! raquel's pictures were AMAZING!

  12. yup yup!!!! the rose bowl!!!!

    i've given up tailgating UCLA! them trojans are just too good!

  13. :hug: i am yours forever!!!!!

  14. NAH! I semi-drunk in a studio!

    it was a crapper fight!

  15. oooooo!!! thanks gurl! gots to checks thats outs!!!!!!

  16. hahahhaha! i'm all for raGuel! hahaha! but the concept of having a bf just for having it is really messed up for me! hahaha! but OMG! i would die if someone made me a closet and filled it with AMAZING designer pieces! but yeah! i can imagine an aiden! no crazy fuzz like big!

  17. ok so i just saw this indie flick called The Black Balloon! i highly recommend it! ...if you can find a showing near you. :(

  18. hahah! yeah! that gay guy was just a little bitch and we had to give it to him! hahah! but my ghetto friend did most of the work! hahahaha! and yeah i can surf! but im NOT the best! haahah! well my board is used and old and cheap! hahaha! i'll take a picture... yet again! hahha!

  19. no im not turning into a groupie!!! ...i hope! hahahahahahah! oh man! imagine you babysitting drunk! hahahaahahaha!

    and you know me!!! i'm from margaritaville! hahahaha! dude! those guys are sharks claiming stakes! hahaha!

  20. hahaha! yeah no prob!

    well my whole interest section is filled with 'some' of the bands i like! hahaha!

    its mostly independent music.

    dirty-electro... folk... garage... you name it!

  21. IRENE!!!!!!!!!! i just realized theres a Q street a few blocks down where i live!!! CRAZY!!!!

  22. yeah! i've never met a hipster from there... but i met a bartender who lived there and she was just REALLY annoyed with the wannabe kids! hahahah! and i can imagine why! i hate wannabe hipster kids! eughhh!!!

    but yeah... i love aggy and all, but she does get annoying! hahahha!

  23. gurlie! you better be quiet when you come in! hahaha! and don't be TOO sick! gah! i'm never worried when i come home late... but its the morning that i hate because i get bitched at by my dad! hahahaha!

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