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Everything posted by M---

  1. M---

    Thanks! Some old friend of my Dad lives somewhere near NYC... so maybe one day I get to see the city. Well I live in a smaller town - there's like 20,000 citizens so no comparision to NYC. Stuttgart is bigger. It takes me 20mintues with the train to get into the city so I'm there like a few times every month since there are way more shops and stuff than here of course. In my free time

  2. :DDD

    No problem! I can understand the post thing - keep up the good work!

    California, eh? I'm still California dreamin'...

    I'm from the south of Germany, near Stuttgart. My name is Michael bye the way.

    And I like you =D Would be great if we became good friends. Do you have msn or something?

  3. M---

    I Am...

    having a break
  4. hi Sam12 since I had no idea what kind of avatar style you like I just tried this one. If you like it I can try to do a sig tomorrow if you don't well that's okay as well. If you want a sig I would like to know whether you want any lyrics on it, light colours or something... I'm glad you liked these pictures so much! The one I used for my signature is from that session as well but it didn't make it into the printed ed therefore I haven't posted it (I don't have it in that high resolution).
  5. I wrote the class test about it today so it's done XD I so need to work on my abs >____> and my shoulders and arms lol

    Swimming is good for the heart I think

  6. M---

    oh and I'd like to know a little about New York :D Never been to the US. And I live in a smaller town so I imagine it pretty cool to live in NYC

  7. M---


    Love your sig and ava - Karolina is hot :D And thanks for all the posting in Wills thread.

    Could I add you to my friends?

  8. hi how are you?

    I was wondering since you posted that you have friends that are gay... how is that working out? Because I think some of my friends won't handle it that well which kind of worries me. And I see you're from Texas. Nice! Must be pretty warm :D I've never been to the US but I hope I'll be able to go there soon.

  9. I only judge from the pictures because with most of them I have no idea what they wear normally. Ana BB's style looks clean and elegant. But Iek's is playfull and fun and to me looks like she's just throwing everything together depending on her mood. I like that and I like the funny glasses in the 4th pic. So Ana 1x and Iek 2x
  10. Thank you thank you thank you! Well I don't care about reposts. Doesn't harm to see him twice! I just saw that he is in the new German GQ Style in an Anson's ad. I'm still not thorugh the whole issue so let's hope he is in it with even more pictures... And now I want to post one editorial I really like. It isn't called white heat for no reason I just love the setting, light and colours. ---- 'White Heat' editorial from Loaded Fashion it is L-O-V-E I hope you like it It has something slightly strange about it but I really like the pictures 3 (cute),4,7,8,9,10,15 & 17. Which means practically all...
  11. this ad is W-O-W! So looks like summer... Thank you CooperIShot and raquelsanders: Cute smile in your avatar!
  12. M---

    Now Playing

    Chris Isaak - Wicked Game
  13. M---

    DID U KNOW?!?

    no, didn't know that Did you know that Tom Ford wants to have a baby?
  14. M---

    I Am...

    glad I'm done with German. Had a 4hour class test today
  15. like the colours and the motive of course 10
  16. if you're nice I might let you win
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