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Everything posted by M---

  1. M---

    I Am...

    haha yeah I guess it's pretty hard if you have to learn it as a second language. Maybe we could help you and produce crazy youtube vids for you, so you could listen to the pronunciation
  2. a leather jacket and some ice cream from McDonalds
  3. I think swimming is good. It increases your endurance and lung capacity, it doesn't burden your hinges (don't know if that's the right term) and spine and builds muscles in the back which is good for your posture. The water carries a lot of the weight that's why it's manageable for heavier people as well and the cold water helps burning calories.
  4. I personally think they're not hot. I think emo is so mainstream right now. I have friends (they are few but anyway) that really listen all that hardrock gothic stuff, that are into that crazy Japanese goth stuff as well and everything (and they are cool, because they do it with individuality, they really are alternative). I mean I like some rock music, too, but here it's just such a mass phenomenom right now. They're all like: ''Tehihihi I'm like 12 years old, I'm wearing stripe sweaters from H&M,black sweaters with pink skulls from New Yorker, I listen to Tokio Hotel and Good Charlotte and I got myself some pink strains in my hair - damn I'm so alternative. I even bought a studded belt.'' Don't get me wrong it can look good on people but here it's just a bit fake because they pulling it of without having the attitude for it. Here there is an H&M at every street corner and I just don't get how people can think they're really hardcore metal, alternative and gothic or whatever if they're buying the (pink) stuff from H&M that everybody else buys as well. I know my point of view is stereotypical and I mean if they want to dress like that they should but I think it's such an antagonism in itself... There still are people who really mean it and I think then it's cool. I think more of a rocker vibe in clothing style looks cool but for me that's not emo. Emo for me is wanting to be alternative by wearing what everybody else wears and trying to copy everybody else That's the reason why I don't like it. And I don't get how self-pity could be cool. But what i think is cool, is really being punk and gothic or whatever you like as long as you really differenciate yourself from the rest through it/ you're really expressing yourself, if you're really being unique and you're proud of it and don't give a damn about the rest. You know who came into my mind right now as a 'prominent' example for that? Jael from ANTM 8 Does anyone know her? I think she is a very cool character because she really lives her style. She rocks. This was the only real vid of her I found,sadly the best quotes aren't in it but anyway But appart from all that I think it's just a matter of preference. I'm just more into the a bit athletic kind of guys. Not too muscular but a bit.
  5. wow you're growing this thread really fast! Thanks for all the pictures! To be honest, he isn't my favourite. In some pictures he looks kind of odd I think. But he has such classical features it's amazing. He really reminds me of some statue...
  6. Thanks for all the pictures everyone! And I'm sorry I still haven't gotten around to scan the pictures I'm so busy with crappy stuff for school. But I will!
  7. Thanks for all the pictures!
  8. i voted for Jensen He's so cool (and hot ) But they have both great personalities They're so funny.
  9. Backstage (don't know which show though) more Editorials (originally from tfs) Wallpaper 'Out To Playboy' (parts of it were already posted but I think not the whole thing) Wallpaper 'Flash In Japan' I really like this one Enjoy!
  10. I will try to upload some to get everything up again. GQ Style Night 2007 with Naomi Campbell don't remember who they're from originally but they're HQ Berlin Fashion Week 2007 Jolie 'Catch Me If You Can' Editorial I'll look through my files and upload more if they haven't been repostet yet.
  11. M---

    I Am...

    fleeing from my maths homework
  12. I think everybody has certain concerns about death. And I think it doesn't matter what God or stuff you believe in as long as you have something that comforts you in times of need. I personally think God wouldn't want us to worry about death all the time. I mean I certainly don't want to die but that is mainly because I know there's still so much in store for me and a lot of people would be devastated if I did. So I'm afraid of death but not of death itself. I think when people die they find their peace and become part of everything around us. I don't think that there is hell and heaven like the Catholic church says (I'm Catholic) but there's a heaven for everybody. I don't think that we're getting judged about everything we did wrong on earth because God wouldn't have made us imperfect if he/she didn't know that we would fail somehow. I think in the end we are the ones that have to forgive ourselves because he/she already has. AndI think there is the problem because God is far more forgiving then ourselves. If we manage to forgive ourselves and say we did the best we could, we did wrong but we learned from it, we hurt people but not intentionally and we told them that we're sorry, then there's nothing to be afraid of. I don't mean that it is okay if we sin! I personally try to live my life without being mean to people or hurting them (and dieing would hurt them so that is not an option ) I just think that in the end when I die I don't have to be afraid of what's next. Have you ever heard of near-deth experiences? They say in the end they all wanted to stay dead because it was much more peacefull. And I think that is true. If we die all our concerns worries and wishes go away and what stays is true acceptance and peace. But death should find you, not the other way round though ... Okay, that was deep and it is probably very easily to be misunderstood... Because since English isn't my mother language and it isn't an easy topic it isn't that easy for me to express what I meant... Feel freee to ask if you didn't get what I mean
  13. Okay I have found some more... the Levi's Commercial a cool behind the scenes for Wormlands SS 05 shoot (it's over 8 minutes ) and here we have his accent man how I love the British for their accent... He stutters like some little schoolboy so cute and here some Editorials. I don't know where they're from and I don't remember who scanned them originally. I got them all from tfs there's many more... but the uploading takes so much time <_< I'll upload them as soon as possible.
  14. taben scanned this cover of UpStreet, credit to him @ tfs I hope I am allowed to post this here If not, I'm very sorry taben and I will remove it!
  15. Editorial from Details September 2007 Photographed by Alexei Hay and Styling by Matthew Edelstein Scanned by Dufy @ MH and credits to ptowngal @ tfs I hope these aren't reposts. (I'm sorry but I don't get how I post previews...)
  16. hi faget I just noticed that they have already been posted here thanks to glassONION (on page 3) so I won't repost them.
  17. Yeah lol.....when i saw that GORGEOUS pic i almost fell off the chair lol....he just has that come-hither look...and those abs???? OMG, can a guy be MORE perfect than Andrew???? no?? i rest my case then!!!
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