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Status Updates posted by TheBaronOfFratton

  1. Nice to see you exploring the 'Other Females of Interest' threads. True, these Japanese girls NEED more BZ love! ;)

  2. Viste? Behati esta en Argentina!!!

  3. Thank you for the support! I think it's all cleared up now... Although you never know!!!

  4. All fine! Still enjoying sunny Europe - and Spanish wine. Not so keen on expensive exchange rate though...

  5. Nice to know people were looking out for me! Seems I've just missed your birthday too - feliz cumpleanos, amiga. Vino tinto (de la casa!!!) all round...

  6. Yeah. But it's the thought that counts! I could probably watch her skating about for a good few hours... I'd change the music though!!!

  7. I see you're still 'checking in'? Hope the army life is going well - and that you're getting to see all the updates? Suerte.

  8. Ahoy! Is this you back? Or is this you here to bitch aboot nobody writing to you and then disappearing again for a few months?!!

  9. 5 bucks?

    Where are you? - I'll need travel expenses too!!!

  10. Congratulations! Your prize is on the thread..!

  11. You're not wrong! This page (<) has it's charms too...

  12. Ja Ja - I guess so then! But "huh?" was what I thought she was going with anyway...

  13. As they say: "better late than never"! And it is appreciated...

  14. Sorry, I've been offline for a few weeks as you know - and I forgot to open it on launch. Will do tomorrow...

  15. Bless you for noticing/commenting on my new thread - maybe just you though... *sigh*

  16. Well as 9-5 as freelancing ever gets! Yes, I probably end up spending too much time with flights of BZ fancy here - I just get caught up in the moment sometimes!

  17. I see your little fantasy art has made it here too... It's "wistful" isn't it?

  18. You spoil me with Prinsloo Presents!

  19. Must have just missed you yesterday - I hope all's well? Saludos!

  20. Hello you! I do hope I don't disappoint...

  21. Nice to see you on Behati's thread again, albeit briefly. Hope you are well Captain?!

  22. Hey there, you angel you...

  23. The sport of arses - uh, I mean kings...

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