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Status Updates posted by TheBaronOfFratton

  1. Thank you for saying such nice things on my 1000th post!

  2. Thank you for that info - I don't rate Karl much as a photographer, but these were good and 'stagey'. Need more Clemence though!

  3. Thank you for the 'New Year' wish! I take it you saw the Harvey Newton-Haydon shots w/Behati (for Next) that I posted today?

  4. Thank you for the 'nod'...

  5. Thank you for the birthday wish, and for those cheeky little Candi/Behati pics!

  6. Thank you for the excellent (and very thorough) Debbie Harry posts. You remain my number 1 rock-chick here!

  7. Thank you for the support! I think it's all cleared up now... Although you never know!!!

  8. Thank you for the Susan Eldridge scans!

  9. Thank you for your comments on the Lais thread. It's nice to be appreciated!!!

  10. Thank you for your concern! But you're right - I reckon I'll get over it alright!!!

  11. Thank you for your continued support of my threads - I'm glad that you visit and look forward to your contributions...

  12. Thank you here aswell!

  13. Thank you kindly. My commission, of course(!), but made manifest by Prettyphile... Nice list there too.

  14. Thank you too! I see you've been spreading the joy!!!

  15. Thank you, 'belated' is WAY better than 'never'!!!

  16. Thank you, M'lady! How the devil are you? Any arguments I need to know about? All too quiet around here for me..!

  17. Thank you! I know, only 2 years old and typing like a demon...

  18. Thank you! I'm rather partial to it myself... Her name's Hwang Mi Hee - in case you haven't been properly introduced.

  19. Thank you. I like to think 4000 over 3 years is OK though..? I mean, some people here clock that up in as many months!?!? Oh yeah, and - ALL THRILLERS, NO FILLERS!

  20. Thanks for "noticing"!!!

  21. Thanks for being the only member to acknowledge my 'Behati blitz' of yesterday. That someone's thanked another member for a repost after all that has just annoyed me some more!

  22. Thanks for persevering with the help. I appreciate that it can be difficult to explain!!!

  23. Thanks for the brilliant Elvis and Debbie Harry posts. Much appreciated...

  24. Thanks for the bump. Nice to know somebody noticed my absence!!!

  25. Thanks for those screencaps - I certainly wouldn't want to miss out!

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