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Status Updates posted by Prettyphile

  1. Happy New Years!

  2. Happy New Years!

  3. Happy Sunday! yeah we need to come up with a name for them. *cackles*

  4. Happy Thanksgiving right back atcha :)

  5. Happy Years! Keeping fingers crossed 2011 will be an even better year for you and your family then 2010!

  6. Have you ever had one of the days where it didn't matter how much you had to drink you were still thirsty? I've had like 2 gallons of water and 2 large cups of OJ and I'm still dying of thirst :(

  7. Have you started raiding yet? I've tried all the melee class and I'm also better suited for Healing/Range too lol. Pheno shockingly enough doesn't play anything but Tanks o.O

  8. Hello sweets /waves

  9. Her name is Lana Zakocela :)

  10. Here's your comment bitch!! -- or rather quote. stfu it works....

    Anna: Why don't you just kill us?

    Peter: [smiling] You shouldn't forget the importance of entertainment.

  11. Hey dahlin, how ya been?

  12. Hey dahlin, long time no talk. How ya been? Thank you for the birthday wishes :) We gotta catch up soon!

  13. Hey hun, how ya been. I'm gonna give you a call sometime soon. I got a new phone # so I'll send it to you.

  14. Hey hun! I've been ok, super busy though. What's been going on with you?

  15. Hey Lu! Random question of the day. Why is it so bloody hot?! Normally the heat doesn't bother me but this year it's different. I don't want to deal with it... Too much heat in such a short period of time with little relief in sight :(

  16. Hey sweetie, how ya been?

  17. Hey sweetie, thanks again for the Maran update! It's awesome to meet someone who's as big of a fan of her as I am! :)

  18. Hey thanks for the comment :) What kind of music are you into?

  19. Hey there dahlin, long time no speak. How have you been?

  20. Hey Uncle Mike! How have you been? We haven't seen you around BZ in awhile :(

  21. Hey woman, how ya been?

  22. Hey, where ya from?

  23. Hi Menu!! *hugs* Whatcha been up to?


    How do you do?

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