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Candice Swanepoel


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She twitted about her brother are a twitter now...

Nothing special about that... BUT... Some one retwitted and said that Candice is single now?!!

Is that true? When did that happen?

Hmmm... Maybe the erlier Libra twitt where a hint to us men out there? (aug 31)

Angelcandice (aug 31)

Just found this... Scary how spot on it is! http://astrology.about.com/od/astrologyand...nLibraWoman.htm

Hmmm... If it's true I have to say it sad to hear.

7-8 years are something special as they met when they where so young...


Who ever re-twitted that was mistaken or you misread. Because her Tweet said that her BROTHER was single, and she was asking ladies to show him some love. Candice never said she was single, and I'm pretty sure she's a happy bee with Hermann. Also; her Tweet on August 31st? I'd say that unless you're a Libra Woman, the hint does not apply. That Astrological reading was for her, not 'men out there', she merely shared it and stated how on point it was, given it's an accurate reading of how she relates to it. And the time she was speaking about being sad? Was because of some issue that's going on in South Africa with rhino's I believe it was, this was something she was talking about during her recent visit to her Mother Land. Before 'we assume'? We have to make sure to follow every Tweet. Not just random ones, and most definitely, not trust re-tweets, since they can be altered. :)

Proof below of her Tweet.

angelcandice Candice Swanepoel

Big hug to my amazing brother. Show him some love girls he's single. Hehehehe

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She twitted about her brother are a twitter now...

Nothing special about that... BUT... Some one retwitted and said that Candice is single now?!!

Is that true? When did that happen?

Hmmm... Maybe the erlier Libra twitt where a hint to us men out there? (aug 31)

Angelcandice (aug 31)

Just found this... Scary how spot on it is! http://astrology.about.com/od/astrologyand...nLibraWoman.htm

Hmmm... If it's true I have to say it sad to hear.

7-8 years are something special as they met when they where so young...


Who ever retwitted that was mistaken or you misread. Because her Tweat said that her BROTHER was single, and she was asking ladies to show him some love. Candice never said she was single, and I'm pretty sure she's a happy bee with Hermann. Also; her Tweat on August 31st? I'd say that unless you're a Libra Woman, the hint does not apply. That Astrological reading was for her, not 'men out there', she merely shared it and stated how on point it was, given it's an accurate reading of how she relates to it. And the time she was speaking about being sad? Was because of some issue that's going on in South Africa with rhino's I believe it was, this was something she was talking about during her recent visit to her Mother Land. Before 'we assume'? We have to make sure to follow every Tweat. Not just random ones, and most definitely, not trust re-tweats, since they can be altered. :)

Proof below of her Tweat.

angelcandice Candice Swanepoel

Big hug to my amazing brother. Show him some love girls he's single. Hehehehe

I'd say a hint for us men so we know how to approach her...

But I guess I'm wrong about the hole thing. I hope so anyway!

You as a woman would never tell a man strait up right? Just give him hints and hoping he understand what you want.

You girls never tell strait just pointing in right direction, rest is up to us to work it out! :whistle:


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As far as we can see, she is NOT single, her brother is. And girls love astrology since ever, it has nothing to do with hint. I hope they are still together and going strong cause they make one of the cutest couples, she seems to really love the life she has with him and all. So... let's not go crazy over a simple tweet.

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Victoria's Secret.

post-43249-1315852857_thumb.jpg post-43249-1315852870_thumb.jpg post-43249-1315852934_thumb.jpg

There's something I would like to say. I have been banned from another forum because they accused me of posting images without crediting them. THESE Candice photos right here were the last ones I posted. Lovemusic shared some codes with me a long time ago in order for me to get them directly from the VS website! Anyone that knows me in this forum or any other forum, KNOWS that when I re-post from other sites, I give the due credit. And since I know the people from the other forum read and post here, do know that you have WRONGFULLY accused me. Entirely absurd and annoying. <_<

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