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33 minutes ago, jj3 said:


"On est sali que par la merde." Je vous en laisse trouver l'auteur, sur Wikipedia surrement :D 



At least we have National Heroes, and not only National War Criminals ... 



Pléonasme. Retournez à vos chères études. :hello:


Vous avez lu la légendaire référence  Le Dictionnaire de la Langue Française le  Littré  ? Probablement pas !

 merde " terme bas et grossier "

Cela  m'étonne venant de vous  ??

Ou est passée l'élégance, la perfection, de votre langue Française ? Vous m'aviez pourtant dit que la lourdeur d'expression, la grossièreté étaient " la marque de fabrique "de la langue Alllemande !

Vous voir parler ou écrire Allemand c'est un réve ou un cauchemar ? Si sur cette question et sur beaucoup d'autres votre seule et unique référence est Wikipédia vous n'irez pas très loin.

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2 hours ago, Niels von Wittelsbach said:


Vous avez lu la légendaire référence  Le Dictionnaire de la Langue Française le  Littré  ? Probablement pas !

 merde " terme bas et grossier "

Cela  m'étonne venant de vous  ??

Ou est passée l'élégance, la perfection, de votre langue Française ? Vous m'aviez pourtant dit que la lourdeur d'expression, la grossièreté étaient " la marque de fabrique "de la langue Alllemande !

Vous voir parler ou écrire Allemand c'est un réve ou un cauchemar ? Si sur cette question et sur beaucoup d'autres votre seule et unique référence est Wikipédia vous n'irez pas très loin.


Il faut bien définir toute chose, donc oui, merde, bas et grossier, c'est une judicieuse définition :D 

Arrêtez de définir votre pensée en opposition avec celle des autres. Cela ne vous mènera nul part, à part au Littré lol 


Pour en finir, "Nous sommes vraiment exceptionnels dans tous les sens du terme", quand je dis ça, c'était assez ironique. J'ai même ajouté "lol" et comme si cela ne suffisait pas, j'ai ajouté " :p ". Si cela ne vous suffit pas à comprendre la marque de l'humour, je ne peux plus rien faire pour vous mon pauvre ami.

Comment vous prenez la mouche me laisse à penser que vous êtes quelqu'un de susceptible, avec visiblement une haute idée de vous même. 


Et puis, cessez d'étalez tout votre prétendu savoir. C'est vulgaire. Et ça ne prouve même pas votre intelligence. Sachant qu'un idiot debout ira toujours plus loin qu'un intellectuel assis, j'espère que vous comprenez où je veux en venir, désormais.

Vous ne me convaincrez pas de la grandeur culturel de l'Allemagne, c'est tout, c'est pas la mort du petit cheval, n'en faite pas tout un foin. 

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Je ne fais étalage de rien. Pour moi la connaissance est une passion.


L'un de mes mots préférés Socrate " Je sais que je ne sais rien ". Martin Heidegger " Quoi qu'il fasse l'homme est toujours un débutant ".

Epargnez moi Heidegger ?  " Ce nazi ". " La vérité pure et simple est rarement pure et jamais simple " Encore une citation je vais préparer un dictionnaire ! Oscar Wilde


Nous travaillons, j'insiste sur nous, dans un champ de recherches très complexe. Plusieurs chemins sont possibles mais aucun n'est absolument satisfaisant en ce sens qu'ils reposent sur des idées trop conventionnelles dont il est très difficile d'affirmer qu'elles ont un avenir.

 " Dans l'idéal " il faudrait conçevoir une nouvelle façon de penser la Physique comme ces Géants Aristote, Descartes, Galilée, Newton, Einstein, Heisenberg, Bohr.

C'est dire l'ampleur de la tache, d'une grande mise en question.


C'est assez agaçant, voire meme difficilement supportable, de voir de parfaits inconnus avoir l' arrogance du savoir, parler comme des maitres à penser, sur des sujets dont ils n'ont qu'une vue très superficielle. C'est semble t'il très courant sur internet ou règne " un certain désordre " ou si vous préférez " un désordre certain " !

Mais comme dit Nietzsche .... Encore un Allemand, encore une citation, Je m"engage c'est la dernière ....  " On ne peut pas passer sa vie à jouer au chasse mouches ".


Pardonnez mon insondable connerie ! Mais au fait je ne suis pas trop mauvais en Français pour quelqu'un qui ne pratique pas souvent ! 

ça y est ma vanité refait surface !

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7 hours ago, 17 Moments of Spring said:

Unverhüllt an den Toren des Traumes

streitet ein einsames Aug.

Was täglich geschieht,

genügt ihm zu wissen:

am östlichen Fenster

erscheint ihm zur Nachtzeit die schmale

Wandergestalt des Gefühls.


Ins Naß ihres Auges tauchst du das Schwert.


herzlichen Gluckwunsch ! .... Summa cum laude ! .... tausend Dank ! ....

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For far too long, Its been the norm, not the exception. :/

Spencer is merely reiterating reinhard heydrich's initial  position


Birds of a feather: White supremacy and Zionism

White supremacy and Zionism are two of a kind, with both modelled on ethnic exclusion. Therefore, if one opposes exclusion, and the desire for a racially or religiously 'pure' nation, one must oppose Zionism


A Confederate flag appeared in an apartment window in Manhattan’s East Village in New York City last week, and the neighbours were outraged. A few pelted it with stones, calling it a hate crime. Many said it did not belong in such a diverse city.

What few seem to have noticed is that the flag was raised right alongside an Israeli flag, sharing the same window. Clearly, the unnamed occupant understood the similar ideologies behind white supremacy and the state of Israel, which hinges on government-sanctioned Jewish supremacy. 

The New York resident displaying both flags is not alone. One image that has gone viral on social media, after being first posted on Twitter by a Chris Arnade, shows a house in a rural setting also flying a Confederate flag just above the Israeli flag.

But the reasoning behind the linking of the two symbols - white supremacy and Zionism - is far from torturous. The two are not strange bedfellows, but rather natural allies. Both represent a desire to establish and maintain a homogeneous society that posits itself as superior, more advanced, more civilised than the “others” who are, unfortunately, within its midst, a “demographic threat” to be contained through border walls and stricter immigration law. American fascism, then, is holding up a mirror to Zionism.

Richard Spencer, the de facto leader of the “alt-right” white supremacist movement in the US, lucidly articulated that argument when he answered a reporter on Israel’s Channel 2, who asked him about the chants of “blood and soil” which his followers were declaiming at the Charlottesville rally in Virginia earlier this month.

Spencer explained that, logically, Zionists should “respect” his views: “... an Israeli citizen, someone who understands your identity, who has a sense of nationhood and peoplehood, and the history and experience of the Jewish people, you should respect someone like me, who has analogous feelings about whites. You could say that I am a white Zionist – in the sense that I care about my people, I want us to have a secure homeland for us and ourselves. Just like you want a secure homeland in Israel".


This was not the first time Spencer has compared his supremacist views with Zionism. In December 2016, he argued with a rabbi that Israel does not accommodate diversity.

“You come here with a message of radical exclusion. My tradition teaches a message of radical inclusion, as embodied by Torah,” Rabbi Matt Rosenberg of Texas A&M University told Spencer, before offering: “Would you sit down and study Torah with me and learn love?” 

"Do you really want radical inclusion into the State of Israel?” Spencer replied. “Jews exist precisely because you did not assimilate to the gentiles… I respect that about you. I want my people to have that same sense of themselves.” Rosenberg was left speechless, unable to effectively rebuke Spencer.

Capitalising on this understanding of similar ideologies, a website actually sells “friendship pins” with the Confederate flag and the Israeli flag crossing over.

Anti everyone 

This is not to suggest that fascists, neo-Nazis, and white supremacists “like” Jews. There is no misinterpreting or minimising the hateful anti-Semitism of blood-curdling chants such as “Jews will not replace us.” Indeed, racists tend to dislike anyone and everyone who is not from their community, and white supremacists in particular are not only anti-Semitic, but also, obviously, anti-Black, anti-indigenous, anti-Latina, Islamophobes, homophobic and misogynist. 

The “national history” fascist rallies celebrate is one of the dispossession of the Indigenous people of this continent, alongside the enslavement of African Americans. The immigrants they would have their government deport come mostly from Latin America, as well as the Arab and Muslim world. Yes, racist whites are once again proudly proclaiming their heinous anti-Semitism. But with their embrace of Israel, they are also, indirectly, confirming that anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are completely different worldviews.

One, anti-Semitism, is a blanket, indiscriminate hatred of people simply for who they are, by accident of birth. The other, anti-Zionism, is grounded in the political conviction that a system of racial supremacy is wrong, regardless of who is engaging in it. Indeed, anti-Zionists fully understand that, with tens of thousands of churches in the US and around the globe supporting Israel, there are actually more Christian than Jewish Zionists in the world. Many of those Christian Zionists are also white supremacists.

This unfortunate moment in American history, then, should present us with the opportunity to disentangle anti-Semitism from anti-Zionism. It’s a distinction activists for Palestinian rights have long been arguing, yet one that keeps getting blurred by official remarks that criticism of Israel’s policies is a thinly disguised form of Jew hatred.

The intentional equation of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism has hampered justice for Palestine and the Palestinian people for way too long, and serves to censor criticism of Israel, but also, more importantly, seeks to shut down actual organising to put an end to Israel’s multiple violations of international law. 

Thus we see that the legislative efforts to criminalise BDS, the global campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions on Israel until it respects the human rights of the Palestinian people, are presented as measures to stem anti-Semitism. 

If we are to gain anything from this critical moment, we absolutely must seize the opportunity offered us by white supremacists to foreground the similarities between fascism and Zionism. It is incumbent upon us to point out that anti-Semitism is rampant within neo-Nazi, “alt-right” and fascist communities, even as they celebrate Israel, precisely because it is a model of ethnic exclusion, while anti-Zionist organisers are engaged in broad anti-racist organizing, as we ally with African-Americans, Indigenous people, immigrants, and the hundreds of thousands of Jews who are also critical of Israel.

The anti-fascist moment in the US is also a moment for Zionists to reconsider their support for any state that is founded on ethnic cleansing and exclusionary practices. Yes, white supremacy and Zionism are birds of a feather, whose flags can and do fly together. Therefore, if one opposes exclusion, the aspiration to a racially or ethnically or religiously “pure” nation, one must oppose Zionism. 

Americans are speaking of a “moment of revelation,” one in which the historical undercurrent of white supremacy is surfacing again, because it is sanctioned by the present administration. Such a “moment” of revelation has been happening for many years in Israel, whose government is embracing ever more discriminatory measures, leading the UN to name the law of the land for what it is: apartheid, a crime against humanity. It is imperative to expose and denounce both. 


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^^ cool!






L’Oréal Paris U.K. Fires Transgender Model Munroe Bergorf Over Her Anti-Racist Comments

Nearly three weeks ago, in the wake of the racism-fueled violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, Bergdorf posted the following statement on her private Facebook page. The post was later deleted by Facebook, having been reported by multiple users.

“Honestly I don’t have energy to talk about the racial violence of white people any more. Yes all white people. Because most of y’all don’t even realize or refuse to acknowledge that your existence, privilege and success as a race is built on the backs, blood and death of people of color. Your entire existence is drenched in racism. From micro-aggressions to terrorism, you guys built the blueprint for this s***. Come see me when you realize that racism isn’t learned, it’s inherited and consciously or unconsciously passed down through privilege. Once white people begin to admit that their race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on Earth…then we can talk.”



Stupid bitch.



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^ Well in the street today nothing, i was just out of an U market, and the place was empty, and i was there ... "Sale Français" ... "Si j'étais si blanc j'irais à la plage" etc ...

And the second time at the Post office, it was in the queue, à base de tutoiements etc ... 

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On 27/08/2017 at 11:31 PM, 17 Moments of Spring said:

Unverhüllt an den Toren des Traumes

streitet ein einsames Aug.

Was täglich geschieht,

genügt ihm zu wissen:

am östlichen Fenster

erscheint ihm zur Nachtzeit die schmale

Wandergestalt des Gefühls.


Ins Naß ihres Auges tauchst du das Schwert.


 "  Wo, wo leuchten sie denn, die fernhintreffenden Spruche ?

    Delphi schlummert und wo tonet das grosse Geschick ?   "





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A very funny misinterpretation, " huge misunderstanding "....The " problem " doesn't arise .... Translation from French Wikipedia :


" The French Cultural Exception is an expression used to characterize certain current or past specificities of France in relation to other European countries or even the world in the cultural sector ".


" current cultural specificities of France "   What does that mean  ?

" even the World  "    Congratulation to France .... Vous etes admirable ! ....


On this " Wonder of Nature " Mario Vargas Llosa Nobel Prize of Literature :


" The threat to Flaubert and Debussy does not come from the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park but from the group of little demagogues and chauvinists who speak of French culture as it were a mummy that can not be removed from its room because exposure to fresh air would cause it to disintegrate ".

The group = le ramassis


According to JP Feldman the cultural exception is  " the symptom of a society that curls up on itself "


Ich habe noch nie den Ausdruck " die deutsche kulturelle Ausnahme " gehort.

Bizarre .... Comme c'est bizarre ....

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^ the 2nd sentence of french wikipedia explains the concept as I did ;)

There are more serious sources than wikipedia like the Financial times: " A fuss has broken out again about France’s exception culturelle – the subsidies, quotas and tax breaks that support French films, television and music"



2 hours ago, Neils von Zeppelin said:

According to JP Feldman the cultural exception is  " the symptom of a society that curls up on itself "


He's a promoter of economical liberalism. Cultural exception sets customs barriers. A person who is ultraliberal can't like it. All of this debate is economical, because, as I said, it's all about the money :/


2 hours ago, Neils von Zeppelin said:

Ich habe noch nie den Ausdruck " die deutsche kulturelle Ausnahme " gehort.


Doch, es heißt "Kulturelle Ausnahme":


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