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Stanford finally apologizes to Trump-appointed judge whose talk was ambushed by students, woke dean



The US has been taken over by monsters.


BTW, the crazy woman's name is "Tirien Steinbach".


What's the difference between the woke Steinbach and... ahem... the old Steinbach? :rolleyes:


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The Biden administration is allowing a giant oil project, on Indian land, impacting negatively the biodiversity and emitting lots of carbon. Biden broke a campaign promise.


I hate hypocrites.


Wokism is a veil that allows disingenuous cynics (aka leftists) to exert illegitimate power and control over people.

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On 3/16/2023 at 6:35 PM, Enrico_sw said:

The Biden administration is allowing a giant oil project, on Indian land, impacting negatively the biodiversity and emitting lots of carbon. Biden broke a campaign promise.



doesn't Biden's son have connections with Ukrainian energy?


I liked Biden when he dealt with COVID-19 but his foreign policy conduct with Russia and China is horrible and idiot-tier, like he is intentionally creating future economic and military conflict.  This is acceptable with 3rd world countries but not the no. 1 economic superpower and no. 2 and no. 3 military powers.

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In the first 2 days of the 3 day summit, China and Russia have furthered their alliance, in particular with tens of billions of dollars of economic deals and also the use of Chinese banking system.  


A few days ago Putin also wrote off the bad debts of 40 African countries (20 billion USD) at the Russia-Africa in a Multipolar world.


Putin also promoted 'China Peace Plan'.  China's more firmly on Russia's side and opposed to the West now.


Russia also dropped the dollar, and will now use the Chinese Yuan for international trade.


Biden's foreign policy is idiot tier.

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Putin's claims today with Russian press:

Statements by Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview with journalists

On military cooperation with Belarus:

Russia does not transfer tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus, but will deploy them and train the military.

On July 1, the construction of a storage facility for TNW in the neighboring republic will be completed.

Russia has already helped the Belarusians to modernize the aircraft for the use of tactical weapons, the Iskander complex has been transferred. Crew training will begin on April 3.

On Western arms supplies to Ukraine:

Ukraine uses up to 5 thousand shells per day, and the United States produces only 14-15 thousand per month.

The Russian arms industry will produce three times as much ammunition as the West can supply to Ukraine.

The West plans to send about 400 tanks to Ukraine, but during this time Russia will produce more than 1600.

The Russian side has something to respond to the transfer of shells with depleted uranium - there are hundreds of thousands of them at the disposal of the Russian Armed Forces.

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Bakhmut has turned into a modern day Stalingrad. 


The city is 70% in Russian hands and over the past 2-3 weeks Ukraine escalated to 105 infantry battalions (approx. 35 brigades, or approx. 44% of Ukrainian front line forces in 2/2023)  in the region alone.  They threw so many of their reserves to stop the Russian mercenaries.


The Russians also razed Vuledar/Ugledar city down into a hellscape.  Adviika is also encircled.










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On 3/27/2023 at 4:40 PM, Cult Icon said:


The only real hope is the China peace plan.  


If they succeed, they'll be on a fast track to becoming the n°1 superpower in the world. They are already everywhere in Africa, they  resolve conflicts in the Middle East...


If China becomes number 1, it will be sad, because, even if the USA has become a terrible country, full of crazies (Woke mobs, SJWs and all the other nutcases), it's still better than China. 


Well, I think... ahem... come to think of it, I'm not a 100% sure :nicole:



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On 3/28/2023 at 6:12 PM, Enrico_sw said:


If they succeed, they'll be on a fast track to becoming the n°1 superpower in the world. They are already everywhere in Africa, they  resolve conflicts in the Middle East...


If China becomes number 1, it will be sad, because, even if the USA has become a terrible country, full of crazies (Woke mobs, SJWs and all the other nutcases), it's still better than China. 






The Saudi Arabia-Iran reconciliation is a big Chinese success and move to reduce US influence in the region & replace it with China.


As a whole (not individuals or parts) China is basically stomping US into the dirt right now economically.  US deserves it TBH, for its many failures for the past 3 decades.  We are the stagnating Roman Empire.  Their manufacturing base is equal to US and EU combined and their real financial and economic wealth significantly exceeds the US. 


The only thing left is military and civilian tech, in which they are rapidly closing the gap.  Their navy is undergoing one of the fastest expansions in human history and is trying to match and then surpass the US.


The West is at a crossroads right now.  There is de-dollarization going on too.  Xinnie the Pooh is busy..


In foreign policy ours should be more like theirs- focusing on creating wealth and peace rather than starting or funding destructive wars.


What do you think of NATO and Ukraine?  This war is showing how poor excess European nato ammunition and equipment stocks really are.  US is better prepared but not relative to our 900 billion dollar/yr military budget.  Western MICs comes across as extremely inefficient.  A single ordinary 155mm artillery shell should cost many thousands of dollars to produce nor should one tank or self propelled artillery piece cost 20 million dollars.


It is remarkably short-sighted and stupid that the Biden administration is doing its best to make the war as long and destructive as possible. They seem to be in a fantasy world of their own design. Even if NATO gets its desired results- and it is failing so far- Russia will never forget...


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14 hours ago, Cult Icon said:

It is remarkably short-sighted and stupid that the Biden administration is doing its best to make the war as long and destructive as possible. They seem to be in a fantasy world of their own design. Even if NATO gets its desired results- and it is failing so far- Russia will never forget...



Can't say I agree with this. Dollar for dollar it is one of the US's best investment ever when it comes to geopolitics. It humiliates Russia; Ukraine could surrender right now and Russia will have still completely destroyed their own credibility as a military power. It kills way more Russian soldiers and destroys more Russian hardware than the US could ever imagine a third world backwater like Ukraine doing, without putting a single American life in danger. It shows US force projection to both American allies in Europe and enemies abroad. It shows China that the US is willing to sink billions to stop their rivals and defend even their most irrelevant allies, so Taiwan becomes even more of a pipe dream. It is not any help for the American taxpayer, but for American state interests it is a giant win.


My prediction for how this ends? Ukraine will return to pre-war borders and will withdraw their request to join NATO (they'll never get into NATO anyways). They can claim victory, as they'll get everything back. Russia will keep Crimea, and they can also claim victory as they'll have kept Ukraine out of NATO (which they'll say was always the point). China will sell Russia third-rate military hardware, gaining global prestige and turning Russia into a North Korea style client state. Western powers will continue to sell Ukraine a ton of defense gear.

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The entire US approach is idiotic and short-sighted.


Russia's small peacetime army (3% GDP ) has now tripled to 9% of GDP and growing to a 1.5 million man large scale warfare army with divisions by 2026.


Russia is only going to get more and militarized and militarily stronger than ever before- no matter what.


Their bloody nose in Ukraine will be forgotten years from now, and Ukrainian forces are now sustaining hundreds of thousands of human losses and their own soviet stockpile is getting expended.  


Ukrainian GDP per capita is now in the $2,000 range and their basic expenses are in the 50-40 billion a year range, financed by US/NATO.  If this war continues for a long time their human losses will exceed 1 million persons killed, crippled, and wounded.


Things are only going to get worse for the world now.  The peace that was won after the fall of the Soviet Union has fallen apart.

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