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Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2014 (GENERAL DISCUSSION)


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Can't people just accept the fact that two women can be this close? Women can be friends with each others you know? LOL I'd totally give my best friend her own room in my appartment if I was rich and I had a big home like Taylor probably has.

Anyway... Everything about Ariana is disturbing not to mention the fact that I can't understand a word of what she's saying while singing. And this DOES NOT come from the fact that English isn't my mother language.


I don't know her very well, what other than her voice disturbs you?


The fact that she looks like a fifteen years old girl and try to act like a bombshell. Ew. And I can't stand her hair LOL Sorry Ariana's fans.

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Can't people just accept the fact that two women can be this close? Women can be friends with each others you know? LOL I'd totally give my best friend her own room in my appartment if I was rich and I had a big home like Taylor probably has.

Anyway... Everything about Ariana is disturbing not to mention the fact that I can't understand a word of what she's saying while singing. And this DOES NOT come from the fact that English isn't my mother language.


I don't know her very well, what other than her voice disturbs you?




#Hookerboots #Adolescenthairstyle 


Everything about Ariana screams youth. I guess it's why her team's trying to sexualise her image with songs like "Love Me Harder". She'll likely be performing for Pink, right?

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Can't people just accept the fact that two women can be this close? Women can be friends with each others you know? LOL I'd totally give my best friend her own room in my appartment if I was rich and I had a big home like Taylor probably has.

Anyway... Everything about Ariana is disturbing not to mention the fact that I can't understand a word of what she's saying while singing. And this DOES NOT come from the fact that English isn't my mother language.


I don't know her very well, what other than her voice disturbs you?


The fact that she looks like a fifteen years old girl and try to act like a bombshell. Ew. And I can't stand her hair LOL Sorry Ariana's fans.


That has been the playbook for teenaged pop stars since even before Britney and Christina.

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I never saw Britney or Christina like teenagers they just had the appeal of women to me, instead with Ariana I get creepy vibes, I'm really uncorfortable whatching her performing. Whether is her fault or her team's I think they're doing something wrong. She looks just so fake.


Yeah seeing as tho she's the youngest performer if I'm not mistaken?

Uhm... maybe Bieber was younger than her when he performed at the VSFS?

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I think VS should start picking the artist not because their fame, but because their music match for the segments.... something that's never gonna happen #soñaresgratis 

I totally agree. I mean I guess Hozier has that one popular song or whatever, but for the VS fashion show? And with this year's themes? IDK maybe they'll prove me wrong (butidoubtit)


And I actually quite like Ariana's songs, I think she's talented but has no stage presence and also also can't enunciate for shit. If she stands there and just sings she sounds great but other than that I'm not fully convinced


Actually his song is really great and I think it could work I'm really excited for him and I didn't know him before either :D

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I never saw Britney or Christina like teenagers they just had the appeal of women to me, instead with Ariana I get creepy vibes, I'm really uncorfortable whatching her performing. Whether is her fault or her team's I think they're doing something wrong. She looks just so fake.


Yeah seeing as tho she's the youngest performer if I'm not mistaken?

Uhm... maybe Bieber was younger than her when he performed at the VSFS?


I'm the same age as Britney so I was in HS when she got her break. Her sexualizing was definitely a theme at the time, same with Christina.

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I never saw Britney or Christina like teenagers they just had the appeal of women to me, instead with Ariana I get creepy vibes, I'm really uncorfortable whatching her performing. Whether is her fault or her team's I think they're doing something wrong. She looks just so fake.


Yeah seeing as tho she's the youngest performer if I'm not mistaken?

Uhm... maybe Bieber was younger than her when he performed at the VSFS?


I'm the same age as Britney so I was in HS when she got her break. Her sexualizing was definitely a theme at the time, same with Christina.


I'm not saying they weren't "selling sex", I'm saying they fit the part they wanted them to have. I don't feel like it's like this with Ariana, that's all.

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Fair enough, but from my perspective, there isn't that much of a difference between the kind of image Ariana is portraying now and Britney was portraying in the late 90s.

Yes, I get what you're saying and I have to agree with you :hehe:



In any case, this isn't limited to pop stars. As you are a woman yourself, I probably don't have to tell you that young women are sexualized by the media all over the world. Hence why so many female high-schoolers are subjected to crap like street harassment even though they are minors.

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I quite like this bit from Tina Fey's book about this very subject.


When I was writing the movie Mean Girls—which hopefully is playing on TBS right now!—I went to a workshop taught by Rosalind Wiseman as part of my research. Rosalind wrote the nonfiction book Queen Bees and Wannabes that Mean Girls was based on, and she conducted a lot of self-esteem and bullying workshops with women and girls around the country. She did this particular exercise in a hotel ballroom in Washington, D.C. with about two hundred grown women, asking them to write down the moment they first “knew they were a woman.” Meaning, “When did you first feel like a grown woman and not a girl?” We wrote down our answers and shared them, first in pairs, then in larger groups. The group of women was racially and economically diverse, but the answers had a very similar theme. Almost everyone first realized they were becoming a grown woman when some dude did something nasty to them. “I was walking home from ballet and a guy in a car yelled, ‘Lick me!’” “I was babysitting my younger cousins when a guy drove by and yelled, ‘Nice ass.’” There were pretty much zero examples like “I first knew I was a woman when my mother and father took me out to dinner to celebrate my success on the debate team.” It was mostly men yelling shit from cars. Are they a patrol sent out to let girls know they’ve crossed into puberty? If so, it’s working.

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