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19 minutes ago, Magical said:

You all forgot about ( shutter island and inception) I love these two movies too🤩

He was hot in Inception. #also great hair






But was he hot in SI? Ok hands down he was :p




It's probably more the question when he wasn't hot LOL

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8 minutes ago, Jade Bahr said:

He was hot in Inception. #also great hair






But was he hot in SI? Ok hands down he was :p




It's probably more the question when he wasn't hot LOL

I think the movie where he was least attractive was J. Edgar. No blue eyes and a strange haircut. That was not his best look. 

Oh that scene in shutter island was hot. That shirtless scene could have been longer if you ask me 😊

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1 minute ago, Jade Bahr said:

^Leo without a beard still looks like young Leo to me :p

But not boyish young. Looks more manly, than in Titanic 😁


4 minutes ago, Jade Bahr said:

Although I can't stand Frank who can say no to KLeo? LOL RR is one of my faves.

He is an asshole, but if judge only his looks - he looks sooo good 

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I love Romeo + Juliet and Titanic and they’re among my favorite Leo movies but I feel like whenever people talk about them today, they always manage to insult post-90’s Leo. That’s why I generally like to show appreciation for his other movies instead. 

I noticed people never insult Joaquin Phoenix who is also known for letting himself go when he’s not filming a movie and is the same age as Leo. He was also very attractive in his 20’s and 30’s yet you don’t see any viral tweets about how ugly he is today. I guess because he’s not a big enough star like Leo is?

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9 hours ago, kayyy said:

I love Romeo + Juliet and Titanic and they’re among my favorite Leo movies but I feel like whenever people talk about them today, they always manage to insult post-90’s Leo. That’s why I generally like to show appreciation for his other movies instead. 

I noticed people never insult Joaquin Phoenix who is also known for letting himself go when he’s not filming a movie and is the same age as Leo. He was also very attractive in his 20’s and 30’s yet you don’t see any viral tweets about how ugly he is today. I guess because he’s not a big enough star like Leo is?

I've read somewhere, that haters are an indicator of success. In Leo's case it makes sense, he is a Mega-star and has insane amount of haters 



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^I remember a John Mayer story where he called out a person on twitter who wrote horrible things about him and he asked if she really thought he deserved all those things she was writing about him. Her very small response "of course not" - like he was the crazy one believing her shit. I think she even apologized under pressure. Those people are just cowards hiding behind their social media accounts because they have nothing better to do in their lifes.


People here should stop making those haters bigger than they are. Just ignore those horrible people. They don't deserve any attention nor to spread their hate to places like this.


I mean you would hopefully avoid such toxic people in real life asap why is it different in the internet?


#go nic



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@Lilja K @Jade Bahr


I think I’ll just try to avoid reading anything about Leo on the internet from now on. It’s clearly not good for my mental health to constantly read comments about how ugly he is post-90’s or what a predator he is. That’s basically what I’ve been doing since Don’t Look Up came out and I’m tired of it. 

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1 hour ago, kayyy said:

@Lilja K @Jade Bahr


I think I’ll just try to avoid reading anything about Leo on the internet from now on. It’s clearly not good for my mental health to constantly read comments about how ugly he is post-90’s or what a predator he is. That’s basically what I’ve been doing since Don’t Look Up came out and I’m tired of it. 

Simple, but wise decision. Those so called "critics" on Internet aren't worth your mental health. Fight with them doesn't make sense, but you can feel bad looking at them spreading negative with impunity. I think, it's their purpose - provoke you to fight or just make you feel worse. Don't let them 🌺

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