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One more picture from the other day at the beach:


There were more new pics on goddessadriana.com, but now I can't find them. If somebody does, please post them. :) She looks a lot bigger than usual, and in some pics she really does look pregnant...

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I still think she looks smaller than before. Esp if you look from a front angle. The side angles for her is when her stomach protrudes the most anways, especially since she still isn't as small as normal.


Plus we all know she isn't pregnant. But if she continues to lose more of the weight she'd look the same as before. But her side angles are never her best angles for her tummy anyway and thats all we got here.


But, her butt looks nice. She doesn't have cellulite like the last time when she got out of shape last year. And Joe is in better shape since last time we saw so that makes me happy. I feel like part of the reason why she didn't keep up with as much shape was because she was with somebody who also didn't. But she is still training more and eventually she will get back.

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She does look outta shape. Tbh, I hope she skips this year's show if she really isn't serious about getting her body on point. Lots of new angels that can upstage her on the runway. She must be doing something tremendously wrong in her work out regimen, it's not that hard to work on your body, regardless of boby types.

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.... The show is 4 months from now and more than likely is her last. She should not skip it. Even if she was to start training for it now, I would say it was early. Last year she wasn't training for it until after September and he was skinny there. So I wouldn't say she should skip this year's show when it is so far away,especially with how crazy she gets to get ready for it. Her being ready for the show won't be an issue.


I think the only thing she was doing wrong was not being as serious before and her diet. She admitted to eating alot that she shouldn't (and tbh my uncle is a trainer and he told me last year when even skinny/small people have like this bump towards the bottom of the their stomach it comes from eating too much carbs and stuff) and she didn't have the muscle tone that she is atleast forming now. You see those from the front but like I said there is only one picture like that from the front. Alot of people saw her that day and didn't mention they thought she was pregnant or anything.


But I def wouldn't say she should hold out on a fashion show that looks like it may be her last just because of how she looks 4 month prior and when VS already seems to accommodate for her having a wider waist these past years ( so she wouldn't get upstaged esp when her face is what people concentrate on the most), and when she is still working out better now. She looked great in February so she can get it back and she is aware thats why she has been busting her ass more the past 3 weeks. I think she wasn't as serious as before but she is again now. Sometimes the weight gain and looking bloated just happens to models but they know when and how to recover for that.

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Nobody concentrates on her face anymore, not on the show they don't. Things have gotten to a point where she looks better in her candids than on the vsfs. The make up artists on the show have a million girls to attend to and b/c of that not all of them can look great. But you can tell Gisele would pay extra attention to her own hair and make up to make it look even better. Miranda also did the same thing to give it a look that people knew her for. Candice also seemed to have flauated her hair and make up last yesr and she looked great. Adriana just leaves on what the make up artists do without checking to see if she could adjust it. Her hair has been subpar in tue last shows and her make up is always a hit or miss. And the fact that she makes all those ridiculous faces and doesn't even bother to do a proper strut doesn't help her case.

Her body didn't look skinny last year, it just wasn't on point (no need to make excuses for her). If this year is going to be her last show, she better start getting her shit together and leave with a bang. If not, I'd be perfectly ok if she missed it

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I would say, she looks good..But she really need to work on belly part.




Agree with you. weve seen her gain weight and she looked pregnant all over or just even more out of shape in more than just one area. Like that cellulite last year and her face being way more bloated.


It really just is her tummy. Everything else looks just about right, her butt is bigger yet tighter




And this was her after just one child ^ she just does have to continue on that stomach but thats what the running and cleansing ed said they have been doing is for. We just have to wait.


Sucks though because everybody  else can catch a break after getting older and having children but her. Alot of people are impacted worse than her,permanently even,  they can get the break they deserve, Adriana gains more weight on one area or her eyebrows are arched differently, and all her creditability for her looks and stuff is lost and people trying to kick her out of VS months before she is due. I don't understand why she can't get half the slack cut as literally everybody else. 


As I said before alot of people on social media said they saw her and nobody said she looked pregnant just really pretty/gorgeous, though she does have more to work on and is, I think the angles also weren't on her side anyway. That one picture of her from the front explains why people who saw her didn't think she was pregnant.

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she doesn't look bad, and she has to be in the show!!, if is there a model who knows to be in shape before the show it's Adriana. She proved it before and theres still a lot of time. It's nothing wrong to gain some weight and relax. how long is she in that business.  She's spending some time with her familly, you don't look every day perfect, she will when the time come. i think the same its just her stomach. We are accustomed to see her in top form.


She can take this challenge and will be ready, as well the styling team will concentrate on her this time, especially if its her last show. And Eduardo said she is training every day, she is working on her belly. theres still a lot of time, i mean even Joe looks better now since we have seem them on the Yacht last month.

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When she had Sienna, she just trained 8 weeks, before the show aired. There's still 4 months to go. She has plenty of time, in my opinion :) And also, to me, she looks better! We can actually see the muscles on her belly, which means she has been working out.

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